I woke up to what seemed to me like the next day since the clock showed 8:03am. I found myself in the same bed that I had slept in yesterday. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen hoping to find Brody but failed since he wasn't there.
I was about to walk out and go back to sleep when a voice memory spoke. "Good morning Suzen, I've headed to work since you know, I can't be absent on my first day," Brody gave a little short chuckle which made me smile as well before completing "anyway I made you breakfast as you see, so eat well coz I don't want you to faint again. Oh and by the way don't do anything that takes using energy, okay? See you at 6 pm." And with that the memory went off. I felt so happy that he left me a message and quickly sat down to eat breakfast.
Several hours passed as I lazily walked around the apartment, watched tv, and played video games. And suddenly I felt a crazy idea sprang in my head. I jogged to the empty room next to mine before resizing my room furniture into their normal size. I arranged everything in the room before opening my closet and putting on some new clothes.
Running toward the elevator of the building, I took it and was in the parking area in seconds. I saw 4 cars in different colors and brands before my eyes landed on Brody's orange motorcycle . I didn't know why he bought a motorcycle and a car , I mean why would you use a motorcycle when you have the coolest car ever?! Away from that I jumped on the motorcycle, put on the safety helmet, inserted the key, started the ignition and WHOOSH! I was out of place!!
Once I reached Luke's house the guards opened the huge golden gate letting me inside. I parked the motorcycle in the parking lot which was as big as what used to be my house. Running toward the second main door I inserted the spare key Luke gave me two years ago. I entered and shut the door behind me slowly. I looked at the beautiful living room we decorated together and the mini bar attached to it. I walked until I reached his room.
"Luke! Luke! Where are you?" I called out.
And with in a matter of seconds he showed up from his dressing room shirtless with his superman pajama pants on.
"Suzen? Honey! I can't believe it! You're here!!" He grinned before engulfing me in a big warm hug which I took happily. When we pulled away I grinned back at him "yes, I'm here!!" I exclaimed not able to contain my happiness.
And without wasting anymore time his lips were brushed against mine kissing me passionately. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and fireworks exploded in my mind, in addition to that my cheeks burned with red color as my temperature raised.
As we pulled away to take our breath Luke cupped my face and whispered "you're so damn cute when you blush."
I blushed even more before whispering back "I missed you so much."
"Believe me babe I missed you much much more" he said as his blue eyes bore into mine.
He then left me to change into his causal clothes. As I sat in the living room I remembered the sweet memories we had together. The sweet things he always told me and the many times he gave me power to move on. Before even getting deeper in my thoughts he stood in front of me all dressed up neatly. My eyes travelled up to meet his beautiful baby blue eyes. He was wearing a black, leather jacket with a plain, white t-shirt underneath it along with black jeans. His hair was combed to its usual amazing style and his celebrity like smile was drawn on his face to make him the hottest, most handsome human alive. Oh God! If I start telling you how handsome he is and how beautiful his soul is I won't be done till tomorrow.
"Don't you ever get tired of checking me out every time you see me?" He questioned, a smirk plastered on his face.
"The same goes to you too," I smirked back making him blush slightly. He sat next to me before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and placing a little kiss on the top of my hair whispering "you're a masterpiece sweetheart, I can never get tired of watching you."