Homeless, lost, and hungry. Could life be any worse?
Oh no!! I took my words back!! Please no! Please!!
"Too late Suzen, you've said the magical words already," something inside me spoke.
A few raindrops fell from the sky before the heavy rainstorm followed. I dashed to the nearest store I saw to take a shelter. Once I was protected from that heavy rain, I looked at my reflection in the store mirror walls. And guess what?! I looked horrible. My hair was ruined, it was soaking wet and my clothes were all soggy not to mention how my t-shirt became a bit transparent.
I leaned my back on the wall and crossed my arms "ugh. I never thought things will end up like that," I murmured to myself before releasing a loud sigh I haven't realized I've been keeping in for so long.
I scanned the avenue for any sign of a human being but found non. Regardless of the huge number of stores, and how early it was all the stores were closed. I guessed people in this neighborhood liked to sleep early.
Anyway, I totally dislike empty streets, they give me goosebumps and creep me out. They're just the perfect place for kidnapping.
I turned my gaze toward my legs which were trembling by now, due to how cold I felt. Beside that, shivers suddenly started running through my spine as I found the color of my finger nails becoming blue.
I turned on my watch before my phone screen appeared on my arm. I started searching for Luke's number. Luke was the only person I can rely on since I've got no one by my side. "Luke my happiness" I pressed his name and my watch went ringing.
I waited and waited for him to answer but he didn't. I pressed his name again and waited to hear his voice. Come on Luke, please answer!
But in the end the only thing I heard was beep, beep.
As I scrolled down, my eyes caught sight of my friends' names "Aria 13Nov and Scarlett 27Sep", I was about to press on there names before the memory of them traveling to a another city at the beginning of the summer hit me.
I'm sure they're enjoying their time together now, I thought to myself remembering their beautiful, beaming smiles. They were my best best friends. We were like sisters, we did everything together and had the same thoughts and ideas. We were almost inseparable. Even Luke got jealous of how strong our relationship was. But that ugly witch (my stepmother ) separated us, if she just allowed me to go with them then non of this could've happened. I wouldn't have ended up so lonely here.
A warning popped up in my watch screen "you're temperature is decreasing, please warm up yourself in order not to catch cold."
I rubbed my hands together for friction, to warm myself a bit but then I heard some footsteps, very quick ones. They were getting closer and closer until I saw a big, black frame in front of me. I turned on the light mode using my watch and pointed it at the frame.
The big frame tuned to be a man, a very charming one. He was panting hardly trying to catch his breath. One second passed, then another and another before the man slowly raised his head and looked at me. He had mesmerizing, chocolate, brown eyes, wild looking brown hair, perfect jawline, muscular body and light, golden skin. Oh dear! He was hot!
I tried to think of something to say to him but I had absolutely nothing on my mind, I mean what can I say in such a situation?! Hi, are you lost too? Or wow, what's your name? Let's be friends since I'm lonely. That would be so stupid.
And as if he had read my thoughts he spoke with a light smile "so, I'm not the only one lost here."
I gave off a slight laugh "no. You're not," I pause. "But how did you end up here?"
He scratched the back of his head "umm, actually, it might be a little silly. No, maybe too silly of me but I - I forgot where I parked my car," he spoke in humorous way trying to hide his embarrassment. It was pretty funny knowing that such a wild looking guy would actually forget something as important as his car.
I giggled a little before asking more like recommending "Oh, okay! But why didn't you use your watch to just call it?"
He shrugged before responding, "Well, the funnier thing is my watch battery died." This time it wasn't funny. In fact not funny at all. In my planet our watches are very important to us, we don't just use them to know the time or the date, because in addition to that, they contain all our information including our phone numbers, our birthday date, how many times we got sick, things we're allergic to, our parents names, our personal codes, and many many other important stuff.
I looked at him my eyes wide in disbelief before searching through my bag for my charger. I always keep my charger with me for emergencies. "Here. Use my charger," I said while I gestured for him to take mine.
He took it shyly before connecting his watch with the charger. A few minutes passed as we stood together in awkward silence waiting for his watch to charge.
After his watch was fully charged he unplugged it from the charger and returned the charger back to me with a "thanks, you're a life saver." and a smile afterwards .
He called his car and it came a few minutes later. In front of me stood a black 2031 Lamborghini, the fastest car in the whole universe. The car had red-orange fire flames drawn at each side matching the red color of the tires. His car was Luke's car twin except that Luke's was electric blue. I guess they both had the same taste in cars.
The guy immediately walked around the hood to get to the driver's seat, he opened his door, got in as I saw the door closing after him, and started the car. Hearing the car roar with life that's when that lonely feeling came rushing back to me. When that guy drives out of this place I'll be left here alone and I really really didn't want that to happen.
I closed my eyes inhaling some fresh air before opening them again once I heard someone call out for me. The passenger side window was rolled down and the guy was leaning forward, his left hand on the steering wheel and the other one on the passenger seat carrying his weight as he spoke "drink coffee with me?"
I looked at him dumbfounded before he completed "as a thanks." I smiled at him before responding with an "okay," and climbing into the seat.
After I shut my door, buckled my seatbelt, the guy drove out of that place.
"I know it's a bit late but...My name is Brody 7Mar." He stated breaking the silence that had formed between us a few seconds ago.
"Pleased to meet you Brody, I'm Suzen 21Jan." I acknowledged.
" Suzen. What a nice name," he mumbled to himself or that's what I heard.
And yeah, it only took us 5 minutes to reach his apartment.
Once inside his apartment, I smelled a beautiful scent which I guess came from the plants he had planted. Sweet Alyssum, Four o'clocks, Gardenia they were all placed uniquely in every corner. Yet with all these flowers everything seemed so simple, and quiet. Silver, black, white these were the colors that occupied most of the house. For example: the sofas, tables and the TV were all in black. The carpet, doors, hangings were all in white. And the walls were in silver aside from the kitchen which was all in silver starting from the fridge to the dinning table.
As my eyes roamed around Brody's apartment I saw a picture, a colorful picture. I stood up in order to take a closer look of it but the sudden appearance of Brody got me back sitting. He wrapped a towel around me before speaking his voice full of worry "you're shaking so hard, wanna go take a shower and dry your wet clothes?"
I looked down at my body. It was all bluish tending and it was quivering hardly, it was the first time I've seen it like that. It happened many times before but not as bad as it seemed this time. I looked back at Brody's chocolate eyes who were already locked at mine. "Y-Yes, pl-lease." I shivered.
After having a hot shower, I washed and dried my clothes in the washing machine before putting them on again.
I reentered what I called the living room before Brody followed.
"So how did you end up in that place?" He questioned putting the mugs on the table that was placed in front of me.
It took me a moment to gather the words spinning in my head and put them into a proper sentence. "Well I was wandering around and I didn't realize where was I going until I got there" I responded.
He nodded at me before taking a sip from his coffee. I held my mug between my hands before asking "What about you? Did you have something to do there ?" The warmth of the coffee began spreading through my body once it's sweet taste went down my digestive system. This man sure knows to make the most luscious coffee ever!
"I had some work there that I had to finish," he answered back.
"Okay," I mumbled lowly. We sat there drinking our coffee in silence for a few minutes.
When he didn't say anything I thought maybe he wasn't that much of a talking person or may be he just wasn't interested in talking to me. I mean we're strangers to each other, why would he be interested in the first place?! I remembered the first time Luke talked to me, he was the most popular boy at school, well of course he was, he's the president's son. He walked up to me with a smirk on his face and a small dotted box in his hand. "Happy birthday!!" He exclaimed before pressing his sweet lips on mine instantly. The only react I gave when he pulled off was my jaw dropping and a sentence questioning him using my most annoyed tone "who the hell do you think you are?" . He chuckled before taking my hand and placing that small box in it saying "your future boyfriend honey. Whom else would I be?! " I then started arguing with him and he just spoke back to me with his most calm, fluent flirting language.
"So what's the reason behind that warm smile of yours?" I heard Brody casually ask pulling me away from my precious world.