"What smile?" I asked back, not that I don't smile or anything but I didn't really get his question.
"That little smile that was dancing on your lips a while ago when you spaced out."
"Oh, well I remembered my boyfriend and how we first met," I replied feeling my cheeks turn slightly red.
He only responded with a nod before asking "so who's the lucky guy ?"
He called Luke lucky for having me, that was nice of him. I mean it did raise the confidence inside me. "His name is Luke." I replied proudly. I loved Luke's name, it was pretty adorable.
"Since when have you guys been together?"
"Hmmm, about 3 to 4 years," I answered fiddling with my fingers.
His expression changed and he looked very impressed at what I said.
And this was the first topic we talked about before it lead us to a long long conversation.
2 hours later.
I slid my bag across my shoulder before following Brody to the door. He opened the door for me gently when I stood before the door.
I guess it's time to say goodbye to this kind, handsome human. Here comes the moment where we part ways, here comes the moment where - "so what's your address? I'll give you a ride back home," he questioned his voice reminding me of reality and how cruel life can be. That was the moment where I become lost again, where I become a little homeless, lonely girl. It all came down crashing me at once, the truth felt like ice against my body.
"Thanks but no need for a ride." I responded quickly hoping that my voice wouldn't sound shaky.
"I didn't give you an option to decline me I just asked for your address," he smiled at me brightly.
The wall I've been building for hours toppled down in an instant by one smile, his smile . My throat started burning, my sight blurred with tears, and my lips started trembling. "I-I -" I couldn't complete my sentence before feeling bricks falling on my shoulders making me unsteady. My knees felt week before a lake of tears escaped my eyes. No, no! Stop crying, stop! My mind yelled. But it was too late since I was already breaking down.
"Suzen! What's it? Was it something I said ? Suzen! Suze..." I heard Brody call but his voice seemed so far and I couldn't keep up with him. "Dizziness "that's what I felt before fainting on the floor.
I extended my hand for dad to take but he couldn't reach it. "Dad!! No!! Don't leave me!! Don't go!! " I yelled as my dad gave me his last smile before letting go of the branch he was holding. I saw him fall down that cliff into a deep deep hole.
"NO!! No!! DAD!!" I opened my eyes and my body jolted upright on its own. My hearted was beating harshly against my chest as I buried my face in the pillow with tears streaming down my face. It was a nightmare. One of the nightmares I get about dad and mom almost everyday.
Within a matter of seconds somebody was removing away the pillow I was holding slowly. I watched his face showing as the pillow uncovered my sight. He held my face in the palm of his hand and wiped away my tears. I sniffed as I recognized his mesmerizing brown eyes. "Does anything hurt you?" Brody asked his voice full of worry.
"No, nothing physically." I replied my voice barely above whisper.
His hand left my face before he spoke again "what happened to your dad ? You were calling out for him all night long."
"All night long? Wait, does that mean..." I trailed off as he continued "yes. You're still in my apartment. You passed out yesterday."
He suddenly attached his forehead to mine making our lips merely any centimeters apart. "What the hell?" I gasped pushing him away from me. He stood up and started walking toward the door seemingly ignoring my reaction "you're temperature has cooled down a bit since yesterday,but you've got a lot of medicines to take so you better join me for breakfast. I'll be waiting," he said as he walked out closing the door afterwards.
I stayed motionless on the bed. What happened? Why was he taking care of me? Shouldn't he just have asked me to leave? And why should I have taken a medicine? I was not ill. I tried to postpone all my questions for later on to think about, since I should probably not make him wait for me any longer.
I rolled out of bed feeling a slight pain in my head which I tried to brush off by taking a quick shower.
I walked into the kitchen quietly when the next thing I saw was pancake, all types of jam, orange juice, bread, cheese, honey and my favorite off them all chocolate. Brody immediately hung off with the person he was talking to as his eyes landed on me. I didn't know how to react, I mean a few minutes ago I yelled at him and now I'm supposed to have breakfast with him.
He beamed me a smile, a comforting one, before he began speaking "good morning Suzen, have a seat." I obediently took a seat at the right side of the table. He began eating while I just sat there looking at him. He stopped once he realized that I hadn't touched any of the food.
"Seriously! I didn't make all this food for me to finish it alone! " he said that and I took that as signal to start eating.
After I was done eating I smiled at the table in front me. And decided to explain what I had on my mind "you see this the first time somebody had ever made me breakfast," He gave me the "go on" look.
"Back at what to used to be my house I was the one to always make breakfast, lunch and dinner and half of the time I wasn't allowed to eat from it." I completed. I didn't know why was I telling him that but if it eases the pain I shall tell him everything. That of course if he asked me to.
When I looked over at Brody, confusion was splayed lucidly across his face.
"I left my house yesterday for what will probably be a long amount of time and I was about to head to my boyfriend's house since he's the only one I have now." I explained.
"The only one?" He questioned in concern.
"Yeah," I shrugged.
"Well, we're the same then expect for the fact that I don't have anybody at all," he said. I was shocked. Nobody at all! He must've been so lonely then. I really didn't know what to say. It was really sad to know that there a lot of people who are left alone in this big big world.
"You have God with you." I said spilling out the truth everybody knew.
He gave me a small smile before my sight blurred again but not by tears but with clouds. Pain was spreading in my head again but more powerful than the first time. I closed my eyes in order to regain my conscious but it went the opposite way because my body just shut down away from the world.