Eric's POV
"I thought this was supposed to be a talk." I said as Megan sipped her glass of wine slowly, surprisingly her red lipstick didn't stain the glass.
"A talk over dinner." she said after placing the glass down and I rolled my eyes leaning over on my elbows.
"Megan I'm not falling for it, what do you really want?" I asked and she laughed.
"Oh dear, silly me you've known me for years so you assume you know everything. Eric darling I'm simply here to talk about our son." she said and I slanted my eyes.
"Then why are you dressed so fancy." I said and she smirked leaning over which showed her cleavage.
"Eric I know you still love me." she said and I stared at her opening my mouth.
"Sorry I'm laaate!" Oliver said rushing over knocking waiters down with food and glasses. "Oops sorry." he said helping some of them up then rushed over here making Megan and I blink.
"Who's this?" she asked glancing at me as Oliver squeezed in next to me and I scooted over making room for him.
"Oliver." he answered for himself.
"Is this another son of yours?" Megan asked glaring and making Oliver and I blink then look at each other before laughing.
"Him? My dad?" Oliver said laughing.
"Me having another kid? Pft I learned after you not to go that far with women again plus Sammie is all I need." I said laughing and she glared.
"Eric this dinner is suppose to be for two." she said.
"Oh don't worry I'll just order water for myself." Oliver said rolling his eyes then waved his hand in the air. "Can I get some water over heeeerreeee!" he said and I chuckled making Megan glare more.
"Listen little boy, go home." she said and Oliver glanced at her blinking then looked at me.
"Is that thing talking to me?" he asked and she gasped while I bit my lip to keep from laughing.
"Eric!" she yelled getting my attention.
"Look, if he wants to see you that is his choice." I said shrugging and was about to get up but Megan and Oliver pulled me down.
"Hey I want food, it's the least you can do making me come here." Oliver whispered to me and I rolled my eyes at him as Megan spoke.
"We're not done here." she said.
"Oooh bread." Oliver said taking her bread making her huff.
"And why is he here?!" she yelled pointing at him as he stuffed the bread in his mouth making me chuckle.
"Um well you see Oliver is my um..." I said glancing at him and his eyes widen. "Date...we're dating." I said and they both blinked then he looked down blushing while swallowing.
"Guilty as charged." he said raising his hand up slightly mumbling as Megan blinked more than laughed.
"Impossible." she said and I smirked.
"Oh yeah?" I said then turned to Oliver who had his eyes wide and he shook his head slightly. I stared at him intensely begging him and he sighed glancing at her as she waited glaring at him then he looked back at me nodding with tinted pink cheeks.
I took a deep breath cupping his cheek and he blushed blinking then I leaned in slowly. His breath hitched but he leaned in also blushing more and closed his eyes.
"Stop it!" she yelled throwing a knife making us jump apart as it stuck right in the middle of us in the seat. Oliver and I blinked then Oliver gripped his shirt looking at her.
"What the hell you crazy bitch." he said and I blinked in shock as she did the same then growled standing up.
"I will call you later." she said glaring at me as well before walking out the place as people blinked our way then hers.
"The women you date." Oliver said rolling his eyes and took my glass of sprite drinking it then waved his hand in the air. "Heeeeey waiter my water never came!" he yelled and I blinked then shook my head.
"Thank you for the Taco Bell." Oliver said as we sat on his bed and I was chewing.
"No problemo." I said and he made a face turning up his nose.
"Chew and swallow your darn burrito before talking." he said unwrapping his soft taco and I swallowed laughing.
"Sorry mister I care about manners, I didn't mean to talk with my mouth full." I said but he only rolled his eyes before taking a bite out of his taco.
I bit into my burrito and I glanced at Oliver who chewed slowly humming happily. I shook my head smiling. I sometimes forget Oliver has a rich family and isn't use to eating fast food, mostly home cooked meals. Which is actually pretty healthy but I guess maybe their home cooked meals aren't the most delicious.
"Hey Eric." he said and I glanced up at him swallowing.
"Hm?" I said before biting the last piece of my burrito.
"Umm...what happened between you and her?" he asked and I raised a eyebrow chewing then swallowed.
"Why so curious about my life all of a sudden?" I asked laughing and he looked down.
"Sorry." he said and bit into his taco.
"I didn't say that was a bad thing I'll answer." I said leaning against the headboard.
"She started acting crazy but I still loved her and sticked by her side until she dumped me." I said shrugging and he chewed quietly then replied after swallowing.
"Were you married?" he asked and I shook my head.
"Engaged." I said and he nodded slowly.
"Still have the ring?" he asked and I chuckled softly.
"No..I sold it a long time ago." I said and he hummed.
"So Oliver, any ladies?" I asked right when he bit into his taco and he blushed then began coughing.
"Excuse me?" he tried to say sounding offended but his voice squeaked slightly making me chuckle.
"Into guys?" I asked and he coughed again then threw a pillow at me with his face a dark shade of pink.
"Stop asking about that part of my life!" he said and huffed making me laugh.
"It's only fair since you asked me." I said and he grumbled.
"True." he mumbled then sighed. "I've been a single potato since forever and I just never really liked I'm gay I guess." he shrugged like it was no big deal but his face was red as he ate his taco.
"Hmm." I said and went through the bag for my other burrito.
"What about you?" he asked and I looked up but he was looking down where his face covered his face as he took another bite then I looked back in the bag for my burrito.
"I don't know." I said slightly shocking myself and got out my burrito as he looked up at me tilting his head.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I never tried anything with a guy." I said laughing and he blushed.
"Oh...well you don't always have to to know." he said and I nodded unwrapping my burrito.
"Bananas or tacos?" he asked looking at me with a straight face and I blinked.
"Ummm I like both." I said and he smirked.
"You're bisexual then." he said and I threw a pillow at him.
"Ha ha ha, that's not how it works kid." I said about to bite into my burrito but realized the light was being blocked and I looked up to find Oliver leaning over me.
"I'm not a kid."