Eric's POV
I was close to falling asleep while I on my break with my hat tipped down covering my eyes when my phone started to ring. I fell out of my chair groaning as I heard the man in the cell chuckle lowly making me glare his way before getting up. I answered without looking at the caller I.D. but who else would call me at work than Sammie?
"Son it better be important, what am I talking about it must be because you never call me at work unless it's a emergency." I said sitting in my seat.
"Ummm this is Oliver, come quick." he whispered and I jumped out of my seat.
"Wait what's wrong?" I asked.
"I-I gotta go." he said and hung up before I could say no more.
I sighed and grabbed my keys and opened the door to head out. I stopped and walked backwards to glare at the man in the cell. He smiled innocently as I pulled out my phone.
"Yeah, Chap come in for a bit and watch this dude." I said glancing at the man grumbling. "I don't trust him." I said and the man flipped me off.
"Okay I'm at the McDonald's next to it anyway so I'll be there soon." he said.
"Cool." I said and hung up before glaring at the man. "You wouldn't be in there if you weren't driving past stop signs. Well I gotta go so be good before another takes my place." I said before leaving and ran to my car.
I put my key in and put my seatbelt on then began driving. That's when it hit me that I had no idea where Oliver even was. I called back waiting and hoping he would answer but of course he didn't which made me worry more. I tried my chances and stepped on the gas pedal. I headed my way to his university. I swiped a card, yes I owned a card to get into the university sadly owned nothing to Oliver's room. Right when I was about to knock on the door it was opened and I was tugged in. My eyes widen then narrowed.
"I thought this was an emergency." I said and the door was closed behind me making me turn to see Wyatt. I turned back ahead then gulped as Oliver was smirking down at me. What the hell did I get myself into?
"Never said it was." Oliver said snapping a rope you know the way parents did with a belt when your ass was gonna get Just me?
"Umm Oli-" I started to say but I was sat in a seat and before I knew it my eyes were covered with a blindfold.
"I have no idea what is going on here but if this is a kidnapping then you got me good." I said as my breath hitched.
"Oliver are you sure we should do this....?" Wyatt asked and Oliver shushed him before I felt I was being moved slightly.
"God what do you eat?" Oliver said making me smirk.
"All muscle." I said and heard him scoff.
"All fat." Oliver said and I heard the door perhaps open?
"Well that's just rude." I said huffing.
Why am I so calm in this situation? Well I've been through this many times before and plus he's a kid, this won't go so far. And lastly but not least I don't really know his intentions.
"Sorry bodyguard but I just don't want another guy following me around." I heard Oliver say making me furrow my eyebrows.
"Your not the first and probably won't be the last." I heard him say before I could see again and the first thing I saw was his gray eyes. My breath hitched and relaxed my hands so they could cut the rope but Oliver stopped Wyatt.
"Don't come back....okay?" he said and I nodded slowly watching them both closely.
As soon as Wyatt cut off the rope I picked up Oliver making him squeal which made me smirk as he hit my back while Wyatt ran after me. I walked down this dark place...I wasn't so sure of where we were.
"Eric put me down!" he yelled slamming his fists against my back one last time before panting.
"Oh, so you do know my name." I said and put him down as he huffed while straightening his shirt.
"Why of course I do." he said as Wyatt was once again by his side.
"You never used it." I said glancing around to try to make some familiar surroundings or objects around me.
Oliver sighed and lights filled the room. I looked around and it was the gym in the university. I glanced back at Oliver and he rubbed his arm.
"I can pay you double the amount that your getting paid just leave-" he started.
"Sounds tempting but why are you trying to get rid of me?" I asked and he looked down as Wyatt rubbed his back frowning.
"His dad was a bodyguard and died protecting him and his mother." Wyatt said making me frown and turn to Oliver who glared at him.
"I don't want any weight on me, if you die because you were protecting me....I'd feel terrible." Oliver said.
"That's my duty, my life could easily be in danger any day." I said and Oliver shook his head.
"I get that but I just can't handle the thought of a life being lost because of me." Oliver said and tugged Wyatt along. "Please respect that....don't come back." he said before leaving me alone in the gym.
"So.... you got fired?" Lenny asked and I nodded before he started laughing at me making me growl.
"You barely had that job for a week. Guess kids don't like you either." he said shrugging while smirking as he sipped his tea.
"I thought it was my job to laugh at your pain and failure not the other way around." I chuckled softly and he chuckled also.
"Well now the tables have been turned." he said before standing up and stretched with the blanket over his shoulders falling off slightly. "You better get home, I'm gonna head to bed with Van." he said after sipping his tea a bit more then stretched.
I nodded standing up and took my leave after saying good night. The drive home was quiet like usual and when I got home I dreaded it. I knew either my boss knew that I was fired or didn't know so I would have to tell him. Which is worse? Maybe him not knowing at all is a bit worse and me having to tell him than him already knowing. I groaned as I closed the door behind me then locked it. I walked into my room sighing and held my head.
"What's wrong dad?" I looked up and Sammie was frowning at me. His tired eyes and his bed hair told it all. He must have just woke up....pft nah probably way off on that one.
I smirked leaning back a bit. "Did I disturb your-" I began as he glared huffing with pink cheeks.
"Vincent isn't even here." he said and sat next to me on the bed then I sighed.
"I kinda got fired as a bodyguard." I said and Sammie gasped then glared.
"Do I need to kick some ass?" he asked and I chuckled.
"No I could handle that on my own son." I said looking down and he frowned but nodded.
"Why don't you try again? My old man doesn't give up." he said and I glared.
"And what old man are you talking about?" I asked putting him in a headlock as he giggled but groaned.
"Daaad." he whined and I chuckled before letting him go. He laid on the bed and gave me that crooked smile of his making me smile softly then I frowned making him furrow his eyebrows.
Oliver doesn't have his dad...Sammie didn't have me for a long time. I stood up making Sammie sit up.
"Is something wrong?" he asked as I grabbed my keys.
"No I'll be right back go get some sleep." I said and he nodded before I left out the door.
I locked it and then headed to my car. I made my way over to the flower store and then to a cemetery that I was very familiar to. I wasn't at all surprised to see Oliver's car there and him by a gravestone.
"Oliver." I said and heard him sniffle before he turned around then his eyes widen as he wiped his eyes quickly.
"What are you doing here?" he asked in almost in a whisper like if he tried to speak loud his voice would crack and he'd start crying again.
What am I doing here.
"I kind of knew your father not knew him enough but the name Mark Ryan rings a bell." I said and he nodded slowly then glanced down at the bouquet of all kinds of mixed flowers together.
"Oh um here you go didn't know what to get." I said honestly and he laughed softly taking them then looked up at me smiling.
"Thank you." he said softly.
"Your welcome." I said and he turned his back towards me before laying the flowers down on his father's grave.
"Happy Anniversary dad...sorry mom couldn't make it.....again." Oliver said and I stood there quietly not wanting to disturb him then he turned to me and grabbed my arm pulling me over making me raise a eyebrow. "This is Eric, he's a bodyguard just like you were...." he said and I waved. "Well gotta go ya." he said smiling at the end before turning away and walking down the stoned stairs.
I guess we're not supposed to walk on the grass....oops. I followed behind him down the stairs about to say a farewell and head back home.
"See you tomorrow bodyguard." he said and I turned to already see him in his car driving off. I chuckled leaning against my car feeling a smile tug at my lips.