Eric's POV He turned slowly thinking no one would notice, no that no cops were noticing. I smirked amused and I drove behind him slowly. I could hear his groaning now as he pulled to a stop by the curb. I parked behind him and got out of my car then walked over to his window. He looked ahead probably cursing to himself. I knocked on his window lightly and he glanced more like glared at me as he rolled down his window. I tipped up my hat.
"Good evening." I said smiling brightly as he groaned.
"Hi Officer." he grumbled.
"You weren't supposed to turn, which I'm sure you knew." I said.
"Give me a break." he said groaning and rolled his eyes.
"Sorry, my job is to make sure people follow the laws." I said while writing him a ticket.
"You mean your job is to make others lives miserable." he said rolling his eyes with a smirk and I smiled innocently.
"That too." I said tearing the ticket out of my pad then handed it to him and he snatched it. "Have a good day." I said smiling brightly then headed back to my car.
I got in and put my seatbelt on even though it annoyed me then drove a bit away from him but where I could see him. He threw the ticket out the window then rolled it back up. Tsk Tsk Tsk, littering. I drove behind him and he stopped again. I got out smirking.
"Littering." I said shaking my head smirking and he glared.
"Look, I have somewhere to be and don't have time for this." he said as I wrote another ticket.
"I bet you do, but sadly you threw the first ticket I wrote you so now you get another ticket." I said.
"I don't have-" he started to say but smirked then drove off.
"Oh I see we have a runner." I said glaring and got in my car before driving after him. I drove quickly in front of him making him pull to a stop then I got out my car and boot his car.
"You fucking boot my car! And could of fucked up my car!" he yelled getting out of his then went to swing at me but I moved quickly and grabbed his fist then twisted his arm.
"On second thought." I said pushing him face down against his car. "Why don't you come with me?"
I sipped my cup of hot chocolate at my desk smirking as the guy glared at me in the cell. I smiled innocently.
"Problem?" I ask and he growls as a boy comes in then glanced at the guy in the cell.
"Ugh Ryder, again?" the boy said groaning then sighed and turned to me. "I'm so sorry about him." he said paying for the guy's bail.
"No problem I've been kinda bored lately." I said grinning then got up with my keys and walked up to the cell smirking. "Looks like someone came to save you." I said unlocking the cell as he cursed at me under his breath.
"Thanks Oliver." the guy said wrapping his arm over Oliver's shoulder grinning as Oliver glared at him.
"You so owe me." he said pulling away and crossed his arms pouting. "That was my lunch money." he said grumbling.
"Yeah yeah." Ryder said waving his hand dismissing him.
"Oi;" I said when they we're about to walk out the door. "You, stay out of trouble." I said pointing at Ryder with my pen.
"Yeah yeah okay officer." he said and I stopped him again.
"I mean it, I was being nice. I won't be nice next time I see you in trouble." I said and he huffed pushing the door open walking past Oliver.
"Sorry about him again." Oliver said glaring at him from outside and I waved it off.
"No need to apologize for him, he's young. Young people wanna have fun, so you don't get into any trouble either ya hear?" I said and he huffed nodding before leaving.
I glanced at the clock before groaning. And my day is still not over.
"Lenny I'm so glad to be out of work." I said grinning as he tried getting Nhemo to put his shirt on.
"Yes Yes I know Eric." Lenny said finally putting the shirt on Nhemo who pouted.
"What's up with you?" I asked and he fake smiled.
"Nothing." he said then started to head out the room and I followed him.
"Lenny did Van hurt your feelings about not moving in with you again?" I asked and he grumbled stopping at the stairs.
"No...but thanks for reminding me about that." he said.
"Oops." I said and he glared at me.
"Look, Van doesn't have to live with me. I'm just glad we're married." he said as Nhemo ran around the house.
"Well why don't you move in with him?" I asked.
"No, this house." he said and I rolled my eyes.
"Your dramatic, anyway then what is wrong?" I asked as he started going down the stairs.
"Nothing." he said again and I followed him down the stairs.
"Well fine, I guess I'm bothering you" I said huffing and opened the front door.
"You didn't." I heard him say before I left.
I started walking past his mailbox but realized it had mail in it. I opened it to find lot's of letters. Most of them were from the same place but I could tell all of them were in the same handwriting.
"Hey Lenny?" I said coming into his house and he glared at me from the kitchen as I walked in there.
"I thought I locked the door." he grumbled.
"Well ya didn't." I said and dropped all the letters on the table making his eyes widen. "I think you've been avoiding your mail." I said and he glanced at me in horror.
He scanned the letters covering the table and bit his lip. I picked one up and was about to rip it open.
"Do-Don't open it." he said with his lip quivering and I raised my eyebrow.