Eric's POV
You can either throw your badge down for your pride or wear a smile every time and keep your true feelings inside. Which will you do? Throw down your hat? Your badge? For your pride? For your opinion? For your feelings?
"I fucking swear if anyone laid a finger on him you all are gonna be dealing with me." I hissed as all the teenagers looked at me frighten.
Some stood far from me with their back against the walls. I pretty much had a clear path straight to the bathroom. Which meant...Oliver was probably in there. But a guy soon got in my way. He was smirking with his chest puffed out. I raised an eyebrow. My sarcasm usually came right out as easy as breathing but right now I wanted to punch him.
"Move." I simply said.
"Or what?" he asked smirking more making my eye twitched and before I knew it I swung.
"Eric!" Oliver ran to me crying and I soon put my arm down then looked down at him.
I never seen Oliver like this before. I held him close frowning as he buried his face in my chest gripping my shirt. The boy glared at him and I caught it before he looked away. So he must of been the guy who did it.
"I'll fucking kill you." I growled and he looked at me in shock with his eyebrows raised then smirked.
"Is that a threat...officer?" he said playing with my badge and Oliver stiffened as I glared at him.
"Damn right it is." I said pulling Oliver behind me and he gripped the back of my shirt. "I'm a cop and I'll kick your ass if you touch him again." I growled stepping in front of the guy only for him smirk.
"You really wanna lose your badge?" he asked playing with my badge again then tugged it slightly before letting go. "Then come at me." he said rolling up his sleeves before putting his arms out.
And....I did.
"Sounds like you should be in jail yourself." my boss said throwing a file at my desk...well might not be my desk anymore.
"I swear he touched him." I sighed looking down.
"Did he go to court? No, and why is that?" he asked walking around me.
"So I wouldn't get in trouble too." I grumbled.
But it didn't make sense. Yeah, I fought the kid but why should I go to jail I didn't hurt him too bad. He gave me a black eye so I bust his lip, much have twisted his arm, and gave him two black eyes. Sounds about fair and even steven to me.
"That's right." he said leaning over the desk. "Lucky you, since I do kinda believe you." he said.
Kinda? Psh, whatever.
"You won't get your badge taken away but don't let it happen again." he said glaring and I sighed nodding as I stood up when he begin to head for the door.
"Urr..sir." I said and he stopped walking but didn't turn to face me.
"Yes Parker." he said and I sighed.
"Did I lose my job as his bodyguard?" I asked biting my lip.
"Ask his mother." he said before leaving the room and shut the door behind him kinda hard making me flinch at the noise.
I sighed softly getting my phone out. I looked through my contacts for Oliver's mother's number. I closed my eyes as I pressed it and called.
"Hey...? Mrs.Ryan?" I said and heard a scoff on the other end.
"Mrs.Prince." she said and I rolled my eyes.
"Right, sorry." I said.
"You have a lot to be sorry about young man." she huffed and I looked down.
"Your right...I'm sorry ma'am." I said squeezing my eyes shut.
"Your lucky the boy didn't do too much harm to my son or I would be taking you to court." she said and I sighed but my ears perked up when I heard a familiar voice.
"Mooom! The mailman is here!" the voice sounded lol it belonged to Oliver...I guess he's okay.
"Okay darling." she said in a sweet voice. "You mister better be lucky my son wants you as his bodyguard, now I must go." she said to me before hanging up and I huffed.
"Rude." I grumbled putting my phone up but a smile slowly crept into my face.
I was still his bodyguard, for now at least.
"What were you thinking?" Sammie asked pointing a carrot at me.
If it was a fry I would have gladly took it away and ate it. But sense it's not all I can do I look away from it.
"Well you see son, I wasn't." I chuckled but he glared.
"Dad you can't lose your job." he said and I waved him off.
"Oi, who takes care of you? Whose house do you be at sometimes?" I said and he rolled his eyes.
"Anyways, are you going to see her?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.
"Her?" he asked and Vincent came out the bathroom only wearing a towel and had another towel drying his hair.
"Who's her?" Vincent asked as Sammie squeaked blushing and threw a pillow at Vincent making him roll his eyes smirking.
"Get some clothes on!" Sammie squeaked making Vincent smirk more.
"You know that's the exact opposite of what you want." Vincent said and Sammie's face darken.
"I agree with the kid, put some clothes on." I said munching on my potato chips. "Your ruining my show." I said pointing to the TV he stood in front of and he rolled his eyes walking into Sammie's bedroom as Sammie's eyes followed him. "Ya nasty." I said and Sammie looked at me innocently. "I saw what you did." I said and he huffed blushing.
"I-I'm just gonna go in the other room." Sammie said getting up and I slanted my eyes.
"No fucking, it's almost eleven." I said and he blushed.
"Da-Dad." he said.
"What? I'm not stupid." I said and he grumbled stumping to his room flustered and slammed the door but not too hard.
I laid back against the couch to watch my show only to start to hear moans. I glared at the door.
"Sh-Shush before he'll hear." I heard Sammie pant then moan.
"Don't be so loud then." Vincent chuckled and I rolled my eyes.
"I can hear both of you." I said and it went quiet for a second so all I heard was squeaking probably from the bed.
I rolled my eyes and turned up the TV.