One hour later
Okay, let me be honest. This one of the best parties I ever been to. It's been a hour and nobody has pulled out a gun yet. But let me not jinx it. Its Me, Aaliyah, Jason, Tweezy, Nyla,Glizzy,Nahmir, Justin, and his bitch Aijah passing blunts around. my phone started to die so I went upstairs to Tweezy room to charge it.
I got comfortable on a beam bag that was sitting on the floor. “Yeah you can come in my room and use MY charger." I turned around and seen Tweezy coming into the room, he closed the door behind him. "Boy shut up. I do what I want" I said shrugging. "Yeah ight. When I take my shit back don't say nun." he said. I smiled uncontrollably for some reason.
“I’m Jameson.” He said sitting down on the bed next to me. He smelt so good I couldn’t stop myself from biting my lips and looking away. “I’m Honey.” I said. I looked around his room for a couple minutes, taking everything in.
He had football jerseys and trophies all around his room. “So football, you real good at it I see" I said making conversation. "You already kno ma. Coach say we making it to state this year." He said with the biggest smile on his face, showing them deep dimples and those fine ass grills he got. “That's cute. Don't kno what it means but it's cute." I said getting up and picking up a football that was sitting perfectly in his closet. "Think fast." I said throwing the ball at him. To my surprise he didn't catch it.
"Aye shorty you kno i'm high you gotta chill." He said. I forgot all about that. I was high too, but completely aware of what was going on. I stood there and we stared at each other, knowing I can't help but smile, but he was smiling back..
“What you smiling for shorty" he asked. "I can't just smile.. what you smilin for?" I asked. "Ian gon fake it, you fine as fuck. that's why." He said licking his lips.
When he said those words I smiled even harder. He gon get the both of us in some serious trouble. I was pulled out my thoughts at the sound of someone knocking on the door. “What y'all niggas in there doin" Aaliyah said as her and Nahmir snuck into the room.
“Um nothing. The question is what y'all doin?" I asked suspiciously. They started whispering to each other. “Aye y'all gon have to shake this mf real quick" Nahmir said with a chuckle. Me and Jameson knew what that meant. So we went back downstairs with everybody else and sparked another blunt. I was beyond faded at this point. Jason, who was my ride was somewhere getting twerked on, and Aaliyah was well.. you know. So Jameson helped me look for Nyla so she could take me home. We went back upstairs to check the guest room.
As we got closer I started hearing something. “Shhh do you hear that?" I whispered. "Ion hear shit" Tweezy said. "Nigga quit talking and maybe you will" I said rolling my eyes. “Gerald yes." Someone moaned. I cracked the door open and seen Glizzy laying on the bed with Nyla sitting on top of his face, riding it. Seem like everybody but Honey getting some tonight.
"Yes right there baby don't stop yesssss" Nyla moaned. "Yeah that's real nice" I mumbled to myself. "Soooo um. should we stay and watch?" Tweezy asked. "As much as I'd like to, I should go home. I'll catch a uber I guess" I said. I didn't wanna call Monty to come get me because I knew he would overreact. "Nah Shorty I'll take you home." He said pulling his keys out his pocket. Hm.. is this a good idea? Never mind I don't give a fuck.
“Thanks Tweezy" I said with a small smile. He turned back and looked at me. "Nah Honey I want you to call me Jameson." He said. How he was looking at me when he said that kinda turned me on ugh I need to stop. We walked out to his car and he opened the door for me.
“Awn look at you being a gentleman" I said getting in. "Only for you. But um you should give me your number." He said. Oh. My. God. He don't know what he was getting himself into.
“Orrrrrr you can give me yours" I said trying to sound as unfriendly as possible. "Nah you can give me yours." He said. I took his phone and put my number into it. Then went onto his instagram to follow myself. "Ohh I see you already follow me." I said trying to hide my smile. “Yeah I mean why wouldn't I be following the prettiest girl at our school?" He asked.
I just put my head down and smiled. The rest of the car ride was mainly quiet. We pulled up to my house and I gave him his phone back. "Don't forget to text me Twe- Jameson." I said taking off my seat belt. I was about to hop out the car. "Wait honey" He said. I turned around and he grabbed my face pulling me into a slow, wet, kiss. As soon as he let go I turned around and started walking to my house. I can't believe he did that and I can’t believe i let him.