I got in house and went straight to the bathroom. “Hey Honey how was the party?” my sister yelled from her room. “It was good. I’ll have to tell you about it later.” I said. I stripped out my clothes and turned on the water. Taking a shower always helps me think, and that's exactly what I needed to do right now. I knew that I should have just stayed home tonight. I knew I shouldn't have went in his room with him alone and I knew I shouldn't have let him drive me home. But I still did it. And he kissed me.
I was feeling a little guilty. But with all these thoughts running through my mind only one mattered. The tiniest voice in the back of my head said "Bitch Monty cheated on you multiple times" and the voice got louder and louder. Me and Monty aren't as perfect as I make us seem. I've caught him cheating on multiple times but always forgave him for some reason. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to get out the shower and text Jameson. After a few more minutes I got out and went to my room.
I was about to text him but it hit me that he had to text first because I gave him my number. I was gonna go searching for his Instagram but I didn't wanna come off thirsty or something. So I laid there, slowly dozing off. A few moments passed and I heard my phone ding waking me out of my sleep. I grabbed it off the dresser to see who it was.
314-645-7829: Honey?
Me: Who is this?
314-645-7829: Jameson lil girl.
314-645-7829: What you doing bae?
Me: Jameson I think you should chill.
314-645-7829: Why?
Me: Because I have a boyfriend.
314-645-7829: I know yo boyfriend and trust me you single
Me: What
314-645-7829: jk
314-645-7829: but what Moneybagg Yo say? "she got a nigga I got a bitch we don't tell on eachother" except I don't got a bitch so that’s even better.
Me: Jameson
314-645-7829: Im being for real. I don't give a fuck about dude. Lemme show you how a real nigga supposed to treat you.
Me: Goodnight Jameson..
314-645-7829: Goodnight shorty.
The next morning
I woke up the next morning and felt somebody heavy laying on me. I squeezed from under him and when I seen his face I couldn't believe who it was. Shit. what the fuck have I done now? Luckily he was still sleep so I silently got out the bed and looked around for my clothes. Once I was dressed I grabbed my keys off his dresser and ran out the door.
I woke up to the sound of my phone being blown up. I had twelve messages. Two from Jameson and ten from Aaliyah. I checked Aaliyah's first.
Bestie: Omg bitch
Bestie: I really fucked up this time.
Bestie: Honey
Bestie : Honey
Bestie: Honey come on girl
Bestie: Damn girl wake up
Bestie: Honeyyyy
Bestie: Oh my god
Bestie: Wake up its 11:37
Me: Bitch I already know you fucked Nahmir last night.
Liyahh Pooh: Bitch I didn't fuck Nahmir.
Me: Soo why he make us leave the room?
Bestie: Cause he had some exotic gas and didn't wanna share.
Me: Oh he a bitch.
Me: Wait so wtf did you do?
Bestie: Bitch.. I fucked Jason.
Me: Hold up you did what?
Bestie: I fucked Jason bitch you heard me.
Me: Jason my brother Jason?
Bestie: Pretty sure that’s the one
Me: Well how the fuck did that happen?
Bestie: Okay well after me and Nahmir smoked that blunt I was off it. Like faded af. So everybody started leaving and it was just Me, Jason, Glizzy, And Nyla. So we were chillin talking and they asked us why we never got together.
Me: And bitch what did y’all say?
Bestie: He was all like "Nah she gon break my heart.” and I was like "Boy you know I wouldn't do you like that."
Me: Then what?
Bestie: So Nyla and Glizzy left, and me and Jason was just talking. I don't remember about what but he kissed me. and you know well one thing led to another. And we fucked.. Honey when I say he is SLANGIN.
Me: Oh my god I don’t wanna know that.
Bestie: It’s the truth.
Me: Have you guys talked since then?
Bestie: Yeah that’s the thing. I don’t think he’s gonna remember and I snuck out so he didn’t see him.
Bestie: Well he was drunk and high when we did it Honey. He probably won’t even remember I see no point in bringing it up.
Me: Girl.. I don’t even know what to say. You better see if he remember.
Oh my god Aaliyah really did it now. I really don’t want this to end badly. I’m really close with Aaliyah and Jason so it would be awkward if things with them went wrong. With all this going on I forgot Jameson texted me. When I looked at my phone I seen I had a message from Monty too.
Bae: I’m finna come get you.
Me: k.
Jameson: Good morning princess
Jameson: Lemme chill for you get in yo heart.
Me: Good morning Tweezy.
Jameson: What I say bout that shit?
Me: Oops. I mean Jameson, why I can't call you tweezy?
Jameson: Cause, My hoes call me tweezy. you ain't a hoe.
Me: So you’re admitting to having hoes?
Jameson: Don’t you got a boyfriend?
Me: Aw yeah guess you’re right.
I deleted the messages. Monty should be here any minute now, so I got up and put some clothes on. He texted me he was outside and I left out. I got in the car and he had his music blasting like always. "Hey baby. I missed you" I said reaching over trying to give him a kiss. He moved away. "What's up with you?" I asked. He didn't say anything and was quiet for the rest of the ride. I just know it's finna be some shit.