Today I'm staying home and watching Mj & Jaden. Aaliyah supposed to come over and help me. I walked into Kesha room and seen her getting dressed. "You look cute sis, when you coming home?" I asked. She's a model, so she goes on business trips often.
"I'll be back Tuesday, but Marcus coming to get them tonight so they wont be bothering you while i'm gone." She said looking in the mirror brushing her hair. "Good. I love my nephews but I can only take so much of them." I said laughing. Somebody knocked on the door. “You having company?” Kesha asked smirking.
"Girl that's just Aaliyah, i'll get it." I said walking to answer the door. As soon as I opened it Aaliyah was already talking. "Bitch.." she said. Oh lord what she den done now. "Girl what happened?" I asked leading her to my room. I could tell by her face something was going on.
She looked at me and paused before saying "Okay so you know how you kept telling me I need to figure out if he know what happened? So I texted Jason and I don't think he does. But he kind came and picked me up.” Liyah said. Bitch what? where did y'all link at?" I asked. "His house.." Liyah said.
"WHAT. did y'all fuck again?" I asked. "Honey no. We just was chilling, play fighting.." She said. "Play fighting my ass" I said. We all know what that means. “Girl he kissed me" She said. "Liyah what the fuck" I said surprised. "Bitch I know and he was like "my bad" like you can definitely do it again.. but that’s not even all that happened" She said.
"Okay girl keep going" I said. "So I fell asleep and he woke me up and was like let's go to hooters. So we get to the hooters, and the waitress is all in his fucking face asking him if me and him was together, disrespectful as hell right ?" Aaliyah said. “Yeah but I mean.. Y'all not together sooo?" I said. "Bitch that's beside the point. So I was like what the fuck do you think and she gone say she just had to ask. So I got out my seat and was about to beat her ass.” Aaliyah said.
I was shook as hell. "Aaliyah what you don't even fight" I said. "Yeah but she had me fucked up" she said. "So what happened next?" I asked. "Bitch Jason was like "bae let's just go" she said making a face. "On god?” I said with my mouth open. “Bitch yes! and when we got in the car he told me not to trip off hoes like that because he don't want them." She said. "Bitch so what does that mean?" I asked. "Bitch I don't know that’s what I’m tryna figure out" she replied.
I can not believe this shit. Like I never thought Jason and Aaliyah would fuck with each other. I can't believe they had sex. And now it looks like he’s catching feelings. They both some players so I don't know how they gone work out. “Liyah, you need to talk to him. Like soon." I said. "Bitch I don't even know what I wanna do" she said throwing her hands up. "Well do you like him?" I asked. "I don't know.” She said.
Me and Tweezy chillin at the crib, playin the game. But Ima be real, I can't get Aaliyah off my mind. I never seen her like I'm seeing her now. And I can’t stop thinking about her. “Aye Tweezy" I said pausing the game. "Nigga why you pause it?" he said looking over at me like I was stupid. "I wanna talk to you bout sum." I said putting down my controller and picking up my phone.
“Jay you a cool dude and all but Ian with that gay shit.” Jameson said "Nigga shut up, you know liyah right?" I asked laughing. "Yeah. She fuck with that nigga Marco right?" He said. I sucked my teeth. "Yeah her" I said feeling salty. "What about her" he asked. "Nothing man never mind." I said. To be honest I don't know if I even wanna tell him about what happened with her.
He looked at me. "You like her or sum?" He asked. I didn't say nun. "If you tell me I'll tell you who I like." He said. "Yeah I like her bruh." I said finally admitting it to him and myself. He looked up at me laughed. “Nigga.” I said. "My bad man. I just didn't kno dat, I thought y'all was just friends when I seen y'all leavin the party." Jameson said.
Dang, I didn't know people seen us leaving the party with each other. "Nigga so who you like?” I asked getting. Jameson started smiling. “Ian gon fake it, Honey fine as fuck. We had talked at the party and I drove her home then I kissed her." He said smirking.
I looked up at him in disbelief. Hold up. He kissed my sister? "Dude hold up. You kissed Honey?" I asked looking confused. "Yeah. Why you looking so surprised nigga ?" He asked. I had to take some time to process what he said before my response.
“Well cause Honey never cheated on her nigga before. I mean she don't even look no other nigga way. So I'm tryna figure out how that shit happened between the two of y'all." I said. “I mean shiddd a nigga just got it like that you know.” He said smiling all hard and shit. "Yeah ight, better hope her nigga Monty don't find out" I said.
Jameson scoffed. “Ian scared of that nigga." He said offended. "It ain't you i'm worried bout." I said. "What you mean? He be beating her ass or sum?" He said looking concerned. "Nah" I said. "She say he don't. But dude be tryna control her and shit. So Ion kno what ah happened if he was to find out. But I know one thing, If I ever see that nigga put his hands on her ima kill that nigga.