I woke up to the loud sound of my my alarm and turned it off. I shook Liyah’s arm so she would wake up but of course it didn’t work. “Alright over sleep if you want to.” I said. “Im up bitch be quiet.” Aaliyah mumbled. I got out the bed and walked to the bathroom. I'm really excited for today. We got a football game after school and ima gone and go. Bout time I went to one of Jay games. "Liyah, you goin to the game tonight?" I yelled from the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. "Yeah girl you know I am" She replied.
"I find it real funny that you ain't wanna come to nun of the football games until you start fucking with Jason" I said hiding my laughter. “Oh you went there? I find it funny that you ain't wanna come to nun of the games until you and Tweezy kissed." she yelled back laughing. Wait hold the fuck up.
I walked back into my room and seen her sitting on the bed smiling. "Bitch how you know me and Jameson kissed?” I said sitting next to her. "Umm. Jay might have told me." She said smiling. "Jay?how does he kno-." She cut me off. "Girl come on we gone be late."
Skip To 3rd Hour
I walked into Spanish class with Jason. "Jay, so how you know about me and Jameson?” I whispered as we found our seats. He looked over at me and laughed. "He told me. The real question is why you ain't tell me girl." he said. "Ughh.. I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it. The actual real question is why you ain't tell me you and Aaliyah kissed" I said flipping it on him. "Ugh yeah I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it.” He said looking down smiling. “Mhm I bet.” I said eyeing him. I got a message and looked down at my phone.
Jameson: what class you in?
Me: why nigga?
Jameson: come skip with me. I'm in the workout room.
Me: ight but only for 5 mins.
Jameson: you heard what I said.
“Cover for me.” I said smiling and looking at Jason. “The fuck you going?” He asked. “Don’t worry bout it.” I said. I got out my seat and snuck out the classroom. I went into the workout room and seen Jameson sitting down on a bench. He looked so fine with his football jersey on, smiling showing them dimples and them shiny ass grills. "Check me out shorty" He said showing me his number and name on the back of the jersey. "Awnnn look atchu" I said trying to hide my smile. Something I been doing a lot lately.
"Yep yep, you coming to the game tonight?" He asked. "Yeah, ima come through." I said. "Bet. Ima show out for you." He said. I chuckled. "You know was gone show out anyways lil boy" I said "True. But aye would you wear my number on yo face tonight?” Jameson asked. Shit should I?
"Hmm.. You know what Jameson I just might." I said. When I said that he started smiling hella hard. "Jameson I gotta go back to class." I said. Man, why so soonnnnnn?" he whined. "Because I told her i'll be right back." I said
"man whatever." He said as he started pouting.
I was about to walk away but he stopped me. "So you just gon leave without giving daddy sum sugar?" He asked. I smilied. "Boy bye you wish you was my daddy" I said.He laughed and pulled me close to him. He grabbed my face and started kissing me. I can't lie, I was waiting on that. And I didn't stop him from doing it either. We was swallowing each other's face when I heard somebody yell. "Aw shit!"
I turned around and It was Justin ugly ass looking right through the window. "Fuck" I whispered to myself. "Shit. I gotta go Jameson. But Good luck in your game tonight" I said awkwardly before walking out. Please god don't let this get out
football Game.
Me and Liyah walked down the steps getting to a good spot on the bleachers. I had Jameson number on one side of my face, and Jason number on the other. Liyah Had Jason Number on both sides of her cheeks. We were sitting down and seen our friend Nyla with her boyfriend Glizzy. I think they might be the cutest couple ever.
"Hey guys" she said coming to sit with us. Glizzy followed behind her. We were all talking and watching the game and he pulled her onto his lap, and started whispering in her ear. "Yeah that's reallllll nice" Me and Aaliyah said at the same time. "Ugh I hate a cute ass couple" I said. "Same." Aaliyah added on.
I looked down at the game and Jameson had the ball, he threw it to Jason. Me and Liyah both stood up. "YES THATS MY MOTHER FUCKING BROTHER PERIOD WOOOO" I yelled. Liyah just stood there smiling. She whispered in my ear "That’s my nigga whetttt perioddd" I started cracking up.
Halftime came and me and Liyah went down to the stands to try and talk to Jameson and Jason. We seen Jason and started walking towards him. I heard "Honey Bring yo ass here." And froze. I already knew who it was. When I turned around I put on a fake smile. “Yes monty?" I said trying to stay calm.
I felt everyone's eyes on me. "Who said you could come to this game? And why the fuck you ain't been answering yo phone when I call." He said as he grabbed my arm and started pulling me up the steps.
Jason ran over and grabbed me. "Aye get yo fucking hands off my sister right now." He yelled. Monty looked at him at laughed a little. "Nigga this my fucking girlfriend, now don't start sum you can't finish. Go play in yo lil football game before you get hurt." He said. Jason was about to walk up on him but I stopped him. “Jason chill i'm okay. Ima just text you when I get home okay."
He shook his head and ran into the boys locker room. When I walked up the bleachers I felt everyone staring at me. I was so fucking embarrassed. I can't believe he put his hands on me in front of all those people. I only wonder what he gone do when we get home.