The evening had left a deep mark on Stella. When she arrived the day before, it was with no surprise that she realized that her thong was completely soaked in her wetness. She had been in such a state of excitement the whole evening.
In the morning, taking out the trash, her car was parked in front of her house, and she found her keys in the mailbox as agreed with Coris yesterday. He had kept his word, as with everything he had promised her. She loved that side of him. The driver was quite different from his boss, quite strict and taciturn. He was more cheerful, and he put her at ease right away, despite the embarrassment of the situation.
She had also been deeply annoyed to have been deprived of enjoyment when she reached it. But what had surprised her the most was the ease and speed with which she had almost come...
She already knew he had acquired it. She wanted it and she wanted to try this practice, which had excited her to the highest point. Seeing the woman thus tied up, suspended and in the hands of her man, had made her want to. She would have liked to find herself in her place. She didn't know yet if the pain could turn into pleasure in her, but she told herself that if she didn't get out of it, she could always escape. In any case she would ask him.
She spent the day cleaning the apartment from top to bottom and taking Donald's things out and putting them in a box. He would surely come and collect them, she told herself. Night had begun to fall when it ended. The effort having exhausted her, she fell asleep like a rock, a well-deserved rest.
She woke up the next day, feeling like she had vaguely forgotten something. She showered, ate her breakfast, and looked at the ads on the Internet looking for a job. She still had a master's degree in management and finance and experience to her credit. She had to quickly get back on track and get her life back together, to be as dependent on Donald as possible. She didn't want to let him have any control over her anymore.
After 30 minutes of fruitless research, she decided to make herself a coffee. On her way to the kitchen, she heard her phone ringing and mechanically picked it up.
- Hello...
- You deserve a punishment for not having followed my rules, said the hoarse voice of Scott.
"Oh shit," she said quickly, finally remembering what she had forgotten.
- Stella, what you said, he scolded her gently. Tss… Such nasty words should not come out of your beautiful mouth. I'll keep that on your note for our next meeting.
The words next meeting had immediately made her smile. She was in a hurry to see him again. Her whole body electrified, thinking back to the memory of Tuesday night.
- You're not very talkative this morning... I'm going to have to leave you, but I want to hear it from you before hanging up.
- Hear what exactly?
- You are smart Stella, surprise me pleasantly. I will think of you according to your words all day.
She knew what he wanted, instinctively even. But the little pride she had left acted as a barrier. Could she give herself to this point to this man, who was almost a stranger? Doesn't she want to get away from the influence of men?
However, she knew he was not like all men. He hadn't made any outlandish promises to her, and he had always respected and treated her with deference. She had felt beautiful and wanted with him. All these reasons made her pride go away. Even if she didn't yet understand exactly why or how, she wanted to be his...
- I wish to belong to you sir, she said effortlessly.
- Ah Stella, if you only knew how in hurry, I am to see you again, he said after grumbling with satisfaction. I can assure you that the next time you say these words, you will be on your knees in front of me, after having sucked me off.
His words, so raw, but filled with such fever, simply excited Stella. She felt the humidity win gradually imagining the scene.
- I will send you a copy of my contract by email as agreed. Read it carefully. I'll call you back on Friday evening so that we can fix the meeting. Have a good day, he said before hanging up, not waiting for an answer.
It wasn't until he hung up that Stella blushed after the most erotic appeal. He was far from her, but with his voice, he had had more effect on her than 10 coffees. She imagined him in his office, in another of his tailored suits, or on his way to a meeting. Stella could easily imagine that he was the kind of men, who kept perfect control over all aspects of their lives: personal and professional. Revived by this surprise call, she went back to work. It wasn't until a little later that she wondered how he got her phone number... But coming from him, nothing seemed to surprise her anymore.
For his part Scott, having woken up without a message from his future submissive, was seized with fears. Had she fled or had he shaken her too much? He had finally decided to check for himself and call her. He knew he was breaking his rules, but he had to.
What was his surprise to come across a sleepy voice? But hearing it made him smile. He warned her, reminding her of her forgetfulness and scolded her for the insult she had just uttered. At his rudeness, his face tightened. If she was in front of him, she would already have his hand on her ass. He didn't appreciate such words coming out of the mouths of his submissives. He was talking to her on the phone when Sonia arrived as usual without knocking, reminding him of his lunch with Cardiver Industries. Their conversation had to end, before he went hunting. He got to the point with her, but he no longer really had any doubts about her answer. He just wanted to hear it for the sake of clarity. He tested her since he was in a teasing mood. Her answer made him start to get hard and a growl came out of his mouth to confirm his condition. He had therefore quickly put an end to this conversation to take care of his little problem. He couldn't go to his meeting like this. He then tells himself that he should have fucked her on Tuesday to avoid behaving like this. But one thing was sure, the next time they met, he would fuck her, hard enough and enough times to ease his sexual tension and mark her. She would only be his...