Stella had meanwhile gone back to bed, visibly thrilled. The ringing of her phone woke her up abruptly. She picked up in a thick voice...
- Yes hello?
- Not yet awake to what I see Stella...
Her Dom voice made her emerge immediately. She got up and sat down on her bed. She took the opportunity to look at the time and see that it was almost noon.
- I'm not very early morning sir...
- We'll fix it in due time... Coris is in front of your house, with a package for you from me. Go get it and call me back, without opening it.
With these words, he hung up without warning. She washed her face and rinsed her mouth before going out to meet the driver of her Dom. She found herself face to face with a smiling Coris, who inquired about her condition, before handing her a box, covered with a grey wrapping paper. She wondered what could possibly contain the present, especially in view of the gaze and the mocking smile of the driver. She went inside and went back to her room, before calling her Dom back. On the 5th call, he finally picked up and switched to video mode. Seeing him through her screen made her cheeks blush, especially at the memories of their feverish night. His smile was still captivating and his gaze captivating for Stella. She had a hard time meeting his gaze and bit her lip nervously, especially since her face when she woke up was anything but idyllic.
- It's obvious that you just woke up, he said to her in a mocking tone. Look at me my beautiful...
The sweet, warm tone made her look up at her Dom. But on the other side, she felt a certain unease.
- Yes, but the contract specifies that I must not look you in the eye...
- He also specifies that you must not contradict me, he reminded her dryly.
- Yes sir...
- Well, let's get serious. In view of our discussion yesterday, we are going to begin to overcome each of your shortcomings, by starting with fellatio. The term caused Stella's face to turn a crimson colour. My submissives know that their mouth is the first tool to please me, and I attach particular importance to this practice. You can open the package...
She opened the gift under Scott's attentive gaze, even rather satisfied. What was her surprise when she discovered the contents of the box. She became disillusioned, wondering if he was playing a joke on her. She looked at him several times but seeing no trace of joke on his face resigned herself. In the box a toy, a black god.
- Uh... sir, I don't really understand...
- You will train every night. I took it a size down to start. As you progress, we will change. If I consider your progress sufficient, you will have the honour of taking care of mine.
- But I....
- Sorry?
- No nothing sir, she said, swallowing in front of his eyes.
- I prefer that, don't forget your place. I'm going to Spain for 10 days. Every evening you will do the exercise and you will send me a video so that I can judge your efforts. Do it with enthusiasm, I would not like to have to punish you because of it....
- But I don't know how to go about it...
A hearty laugh echoed in the room. His gaze and his face relaxed, in front of such naivety. He looked at her with compassion and tenderness.
- Do you want me to guide you tonight?
- Yes, I do, sir, she answered suddenly more confidently.
- All right... I have a meeting in less than 5 minutes. I'll call you back at 8:30 p.m., no delay....
- I will be present and punctual sir...
- Perfect.
He hung up again. The tension accumulated by Stella during the interview was released abruptly. She herself couldn't understand how she could be so stressed and tense in the presence of her Dom. She was so afraid of disappointing him. She held the god in her hand and touched it from every angle. She vaguely knew what to do with it but had some apprehensions. She had never seen the one of her Dom, but from his words and the size of the plastic rod in her hand, she told herself that it must not be small. She licked her chops unconsciously....
A few hours later,
It was almost 8:30 p.m. when she sat down on her bed with the god at her side. She had made up and had put on a black lace babydoll. She had coated her lips with a defiant rouge. She had read in videos that the appearance of coloured lips on a rod excited its owner even more. So, she wanted to put all the chances on her side. At 8:30 p.m. sharp, her phone vibrated in her hand. She picked up, her breath waiting. She still didn't understand why she was in such a feeling of apnoea before having to deal with him or of lack when she didn't see him. It was obvious that she was addicted to him, to his smell, to his touch, to his caresses...
- Good evening sweetie....
- Good evening, sir...
- Put the phone next to you and let yourself be guided by my voice only...
- It's done sir...
- Perfect. Take the toy in your hands, moisten your mouth and lips longingly... Put the tip of your tongue on the glans first... The taste of cold plastic was neither pleasant nor unpleasant. Slow circular motions, imagine yourself pleasuring me, baby, like I'm doing right now... A low groan came from the phone. Stella felt the moisture in her panties. If someone had told her 3 months ago that she was preparing to suck off a man, she would have laughed in the person's face. But this man turns her beliefs upside down. He made her want to try things out, to venture off the beaten track. The heat radiating from her lower abdomen was becoming more and more pervasive. Then, lick the entire length of the shaft, as with a lollipop... The increasingly hoarse and electric voice carried Stella into areas of pleasure still unknown. Her hand began to venture lower, towards her crotch. She slightly moved her soaked panties. She had never masturbated, but unconsciously her body implacably dictated what to do. She was a slave to her pleasure. In contact with her already swollen clitoris, she moaned with happiness, the feeling was so pleasant. Stella! When did I let you touch yourself, naughty girl?
Caught in the act, she stopped immediately. The tone of her Dom’s voice had changed from soft to stern. She felt like a little girl, who had just been caught mid-air in the candy jar. The red had gone to her nose.
- I apologize sir...
- It's a good start. But tell me again the contract rule you just broke.
- Uh... She had forgotten, completely forgotten. Her embarrassment only intensified. I forgot...
- I see that I should start with that. The contract is the basis of our relationship. I'm not fond of school-type punishments. But you will copy me 100 times, rule broken. Coris will pick up the sheet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. You better not be late. With that, we'll stop there...
- But 10 o'clock is too early...
- Perfect then 8 hours.
- But...
- Yes?
- No, nothing, sir. I would do as you say.
- Much better. Good night kitten.
He hung up, leaving her in such a state of frustration that Stella could cry. She was so close to enjoyment and now she found herself with punishment lines like in elementary school. She didn't really want to do them. Anyway, he had travelled, what could he do to her? The vibration of his phone interrupted his train of thought. She had just received a message, which she opened: . The warning was explicit. She wanted to avoid getting her buttocks red or suffering any other kind of punishment. She replied to the message, before getting to work. The exercise was difficult, between her body which urged her to give himself pleasure and his reason which made him fear reprimands from his Dom. She was torn. After 30 copies, she realized the colossal extent of work he had asked of her. She would spend the night there, much to her despair. She also hated the feeling of being treated like a child or a schoolgirl. It was humbling, but also oddly exciting. She easily imagines her dominant sharing his knowledge in a class of girls raving about his charm. Stella let her imagination run wild until sleep took her.
In stella’s dream,
A schoolgirl's outfit in front of a worktable. I hear the incessant chatter of the class I am in. He enters, dressed in a white T-shirt that moulded his dream body perfectly and slim jeans that gave an unstoppable view of his buttocks. He begins his lesson, without having to ask for silence. His arrival does the job for him, so much so that we could have heard the flies flying. From time to time, he goes through the ranks and corrects certain people. He arrives at my table; my pulse increases sharply. My heart is about to explode. His smell is the first thing that comes to me from him. It announces the colour: a strong, masculine, and powerful smell. He stops next to me, bends down to look at my work. I bite my lip unconsciously.
- Don't bite those beautiful lips of yourself miss, I would be happy to do it for you.
His voice... oh yes, his captivating voice transports me. I close my thighs even tighter and shift slightly to escape his aura. I feel my panties that are getting more and more wet.
- Don't go away... I want you so much... My cheeks take on a rosy tint in front of the erotic words they whisper to me. You made a mistake here. It's not 2x but x.
He takes the opportunity to grab my hand. I drop my pen hastily in the face of this electric touch. I bend down to retrieve it, finding myself face to face with the fly of his pant. The blush rises to my cheeks even more, and I can easily imagine the smile on his face. I get up as best I can, before repositioning myself correctly in front of my desk.
- I would have liked to see you even longer in this position... You can imagine my feet, which excite me to the highest degree, you know that? His warm breath on my neck. I could give you so much pleasure...
- Uh...
He takes advantage of his position to pass a hand on my thigh barely covered by my mini skirt. He goes up more and more, and in my weakness, I cannot push it back. Moans start coming out of my mouth as he strokes my pleasure button through my panties repeatedly, but gently and slowly.
- I'll give you even more when you've finished your lines...
Those last words were like a rude awakening. She woke up, with her panties completely soaked. It was 4 o'clock in the morning. The dream had left her speechless. But what was certain was that she had to finish her lines. Maybe she can get some reward from her Dom...