Tuesday had come faster than he thought. But he himself had to admit, that he looked forward to their next meeting. He had been drowning in the job of this stupid accountant since the beginning of the week, which made him more and more easily irritated. Saturday evening had not helped his situation. He realized that it had been over a month since he had had sex. The thing itself didn't bother him, he wasn't addicted to sex and knew how to control himself. But the urge was growing stronger, and he didn't like the idea of something like that having any impact on his days and his moods. So, he really hoped his prey would come tonight.
As time passed, he imagined her in more suggestive positions than each other. His penis in his way of reacting, seemed to fully approve his plans. She reminded him of a young shoot, which had blossomed more slowly than the others. She seemed to be looking for help... He didn't go so far as to imagine that she was in mortal danger. But for the first time in a very long time, her distress had touched him. She seemed so real, so suffocating, that he had felt the urge to come to her rescue. He wasn't sure the kind of involvement or degree he wanted to play in his life. But one thing was sure, this woman had troubled him, and he wanted to know more about her.
Not from information he could have easily obtained. He wanted to hear it from her mouth, allow her to free herself from it and then maybe end up in his room. He wasn't lying to himself, she had this attitude that was so docile, so inclined to submission and when she called him sir... A smile appeared on his face, a sign of his satisfaction. Which was not necessarily a good idea, neither for him who was not progressing in his work and nor for her...
- Sonia, he called from his office landline, before starting to pick up his things to go home and get ready.
- Yes, my darling, replied to a female voice, before entering the office.
His gaze rested tenderly on one of the women he respected the most in the world: Sonia. In her fifties, with 2 children, she was sometimes much more of a maternal figure for him than his own mother. They had total and mutual trust. Time had only further solidified their relationship. On Mother's Day, he never forgot to have a bouquet of his favourite flowers delivered to her on time. As much, that of his mother could arrive a week or even two late. She had never been offended, sending him back the same. He exhaled loudly, before returning to his secretary who was waiting for him to say anything.
She knew him well enough to know that when his gaze clouded over, there was an 80% chance he was thinking of his family and all their filth. If his father praised the eldest, his mother was rarely present for him. They had all laughed in his face when he talked about his plan to create an architectural firm. She had never doubted him and his abilities. She didn't want to tell him to make him a little prouder, but he was brilliant, and his relentlessness had paid off. After their opening, 2 years ago, they were today among the best in their field.
But there he seemed for the moment very eager to return, even a little too much. Something was wrong, she knew him well enough to sense him.
"I have to cancel all your appointments," she asked him, with an amused smirk on her face.
- Yes, cancel them and postpone the most important ones. Sonia's question had brought him back to earth after his moment of bewilderment. He immediately saw the flame of curiosity shining in her eyes. And no, I won't answer any of your questions.
- Bad boy..., she replied, clicking her tongue against his palate. Her Dominant habits were taking over. Not quite to his boss' liking, but he let it go, not wanting to clash with his wonderful secretary. When are you going to start interviewing for the job of accountant? Or send your accounting to a company to take care of it...
- You know very well that I like to trust the people I work with. But it has become an urgent situation. I'll take care of it by the end of the week. Can you pass...
- An announcement? Already done since yesterday morning and we started to receive CVs, which I was sorting out for my greatest pleasure, she told him cynically. It's clear, you seem to be doing wonderfully well, she adds, mocking the office overloaded with paperwork.
- That's why I adore you Sonia, he said to her, picking up his satchel and giving her a kiss.
If there was one thing he loved about her, it was her ability to always be useful to him and to take the lead on his potential requests or needs. He had said it earlier, wonderful this woman.
- Yeah yeah, you only say that in those cases...
He laughed frankly, before leaving his office, with a mischievous look. It was at this moment that Sonia picked up. He had been strangely tense for 2 weeks and he got angry quite easily, he who always made sure to keep his cool. He was lacking. She would have teased him, but they were in the office and that was not acceptable behaviour. So, if he was that happy, that meant his boss was going to entertain himself in whatever way he preferred.
- Have a nice evening at the club, she told him.
Sometimes, Sonia's ability to deduce something and to know it would almost scare her. He didn't turn around, she who was only waiting for that. He thought highly of her, but his ego was something he didn't want to inflate any more than it already was. As well, he had a certain ego, Sonia was dominant and his was no less enormous. But a smile bloom on his face, in response to Sonia's statement. Even if the latter could not see it.
He finally left his floor to go to the lower ones. Going down to the reception, he was stopped to sign a waiver by one of his employees. He didn't really like that he had been put on the spot like that and hadn't received the document sooner. He still took the time to read and make comments to her. The young woman in front of him swayed in a very unsubtle way to receive his attention. Scott was aware of the little merry-go-round unfolding in front of him. But he didn't comment, concentrating on the paper she had handed him. He could have been unpleasant, especially since she was interrupting him on his way to a very pleasant date. Nevertheless, he showed great calm and dismissed her as quickly as possible. He walked out of his business premises, just as Coris and his sedan arrived at the entrance to pick him up.
- Hello sir, it's the big day, answered Coris, as soon as his boss was installed.
- Have you all decided to get started? First Sonia and now you...
- So, she also realized it... It's clear that your good mood has been a pleasure to see since Saturday. Should I wait for you or pick you up for the evening?
- Drop me off and come back to pick me up at 8 p.m. for the evening. I need you to drop off a package at my mom's.
- Very well.
Her mother had never liked Coris, Sonia or Clarisse. According to her, they did not have the qualifications required to work with him and for him. Which always made him laugh. He was well surrounded and all the people in his close circle had an essential quality: they were discreet.
Following the update on the course of the evening, silence fell in the vehicle. Scott enjoyed his quiet moments and Coris understood that right away. Scott's gaze and attention plunged into a novel. He had less and less time to indulge in one of his great passions, reading. As a result, he took advantage of it as soon as he could and the traffic jams in Paris at the end of the evening greatly allowed it. He could meanwhile calmly relax and let his brain swarm with questions. What if she didn't come? Should he have left her his number? As the start of the evening approached, he began to stress. He still didn't know what he really intended to do to her when she came. But he already wanted her to come, he absolutely wanted to see her again....