The story adds 5 chapters per day.
In this rainy and stormy evening, 2 personalities so different meet.
She, hurt and ...
It was raining hard that night where it all started. He was returning from the club and, upon arriving in Paris, the rain outside only heightened his foul mood. His driver was driving quietly home, but as if driven by fate...
- Coris, you can precede me, I'll get off here, he says before his driver parks. I'll call you if I need you.
- But sir, it's raining heavily, how are you going to get back?
- I'm going to walk for a while. This rain is ideal to put my ideas in place.
He left the passenger compartment of the car before rushing into the streets of Paris. Everyone seemed to be fleeing the rain around him, but he was looking for it. This day had made him extremely nervous. Already in the morning, his accountant had dropped him, leaving him with a ton of paperwork and badly done taxes to settle before the end of the month. He had planned a punishment session, on a girl at the club, which had gone less well than he had hoped. He was so tense that he let off steam on the young woman a little. She would surely keep traces of the martinet for more than 2 weeks, and not only of that but the session had not had the desired effect. The young woman, sorely lacking in resistance, had not endured her punishment as best she could. She had taken refuge like a coward in her Safe Word. With time, he can recognize the submissives who gave of themselves, but not this one. He would make a detailed report to Rebecca so that she would no longer include her in this type of session. So, he left, even more dissatisfied than he had arrived and the little session he had conducted, had not freed him from his frustration, but even more tensed him.
Lost in his thoughts, the rain that fell more and more heavily on him, made him come back to reality. He couldn't afford to get sick now. He quickly found shelter under the screen of a clothing store. He didn't notice that next to him was another person now, and called his driver to pick him up, giving him his location. A slight sneeze brought him out of his torpor. Right next to him was a young woman: Blonde, slim, with an attractive chest that her shirt, by becoming transparent because of the rain, showed, leaning against the wall with her eyes lowered. As any man would have done, he began to detail her and to have the envy of comfort. Gradually, he realized that she was crying. His urge subsided immediately. He wasn't the type to appreciate these kinds of situations or know how to handle them. Fairly selfish in general, he didn't really appreciate whiners. But the young woman's tears still made him take his handkerchief out of his pocket and hand it to her. Out of pity, out of emotion, out of politeness? He himself knew nothing about it.
- Thank you, she said in her frail voice. She raised her head at that moment to stare at him. She had taken mechanically the handkerchief, which gave off a very marked and very masculine scent. She felt the embarrassment in which she put him, by remaining silent, and the minimum of good manners would want her to thank him. So she did, but she didn't expect what she saw. Black hair, falling in his face from the rain. Eyes of a deep green, luscious lips, a man of substantial height... She had met handsome men, even very handsome ones. But he exuded something more... Maybe charisma... Even without knowing him, she knew she could feel safe by his side. Words she never thought she'd hear, came out of her mouth: May I know your name?
- Shouldn't you introduce yourself first. A calm but firm tone, a haunting, hoarse, and virile voice. His piercing gaze made her look down and look away. The young man next to her exhaled loudly. I apologize, my day has not been easy, I did not want to be so dry. I assume from seeing you that yours is not either.
Only a smirk betrays how hell this day had been for her. The thoughtfulness of the young man pleased her. Finally, she told herself that her day couldn't be worse and that spending the night with him could only allow her to forget her downfall.
As for him, he was troubled. The look of a common blue, but harboring so much distress and pain, had charmed him. He wanted to know more, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to get involved either. When the young woman looked down at him, his penis began to react. He cursed himself for his own weakness and tried to convince himself that it was his failed session and his frustration that made him act like a virgin. But a fact always remained one, he had a furious desire to fuck, not particularly with the woman by his side, but just to fuck. However, the idea of seeing her moan under his thrusts slowly but surely crept into his mind. Which was not to please him. Silence had settled between them; the young woman had stopped talking. But each of them seemed to be waiting for the other to start the conversation. This silence was not awkward for the young man. Listening to the falling rain seemed to relax him, more than he could have imagined.
The young woman glanced from time to time at the one who was at her side. His deep voice had charmed her, she would give a lot to be able to hear it again and specially to hear him whisper words of love to her. Because if she was there, completely lost, in tears and torn, it was still because of a man and the love she had for him.
A few minutes later, a black sedan pulled up in front of the store. The young man walked towards it, before coming back to her.
- Would you like me to take you back?
She didn't know what to answer. Go home? But she hadn't had any since the scene this afternoon. But she also knew that she couldn't run away forever, sooner or later, she would have to face Donald, her fiancé or rather her ex-fiancé.
- Could you make up your mind?
The voice of the handsome man in front of her brought her back to earth. She was one of those who had grown up by learning not to follow strangers. But he made her want to trust him and to follow him.
As for him, the uncertainty of this young woman, certainly understandable, was beginning to irritate him to the highest point. He would have spanked her, but he could only restrain his ardour and convince her to follow him. It was getting late, and he didn't want to worry about her. He was certainly selfish, but not heartless either. Finally, she decided to join him and got into the sedan. The scene had not escaped the driver, whose beaming smile he could see on one of the mirrors. He hated putting on a show.
- Sir, I took a towel just in case...
- Thank you, Coris.
He handed the young girl the towel so that she could dry herself off and avoid catching the strike, but she seemed to want to refuse. His muscles tensed a little more as thoughts of punishment came into his mind. He was trying hard not to let go. But each time she refused to comply, his body and his mind had only one desire: to make her submit.
- But and you?
- Obey and dry off, he said in an imperious tone. Habits die hard. She looked down and took the towel without complaining this time. You were out longer than me, he said, trying to convince her and relax her. Where are we going?
He turned to her, trying to catch her eye. The blush on his cheeks reflected her embarrassment and fear of confrontation. He didn't want to be the source of her discomfort, but she had to pull herself together and respond. He exhaled before asking her.
- Where should we drop you off?
He had tried to ask her softly and almost tenderly. She looked up at him and finally realized that the question was directed at her. She gave her address quickly, before looking away at the window next to her. The attitude of the young woman began to make him react in the way he especially did not want. She looked lost and completely distressed. He couldn't afford to enjoy it, even though the thought of her begging him to fuck her, increased both the size of his crotch and his craving.
When the vehicle started up, both were silent. She watched the passing landscape, avoiding any confrontation. He seemed absorbed in his phone, trying not to let go and trying to find an effective solution to his problems.
As they approached her home, she felt the noose tighten around her. They were now a few blocks from her house, she felt she had to make up her mind. Either she was taking a chance, or she was doing nothing. She was tired of not taking charge, but since her relationship with Donald, she had become a dependent and very indecisive little thing. But if there was one thing that hadn't changed, it was the fact that she wasn't stupid. She had noticed the undressing gaze of the young man on her and her slightly swollen crotch. She didn't know if it was luck or not, but one thing was certain, she didn't leave him indifferent. And of that, she intended to take advantage. She turned abruptly towards him when the car stopped in front of her house.
- Take me, she said in a small voice. He had turned around but seemed wait for her to express herself for good. Don't leave me, take me to your home and make love to me, she said in a louder voice and staring at him.
It was the first time that she appeared like this with a man. She wasn't the enterprising type, or rather she hadn't been since the beginning of her current relationship. A tender smile appeared on the young man's face. He brushed his fingertips over her cheek, which made her shiver. He traced her thumb, her lips, making her moan.
- I'm not a man for you... He approached her and whispered in her ear, in a bewitching voice: I don't make love, I fuck. My universe is let's say quite special, you could not get out of it and find your way around.
She didn't really understand him, but one thing was sure, she wanted him. She was determined not to disassemble, not now.
- What do you know? You don't know me, she said fiercely.
The young man's smile widened. He thought he was dealing with a helpless little sheep, but she seemed to have character. She interested him to no end. He decided to give her a chance. He pulled out of his jacket pocket a business card and a pen. He wrote something on it, before handing it to his interlocutor.
- Take this, he said calmly. Next Tuesday go to this address and ask after me. I will show you what you would commit to with me. The door on her side had opened. He took her hand where he placed a soft kiss. Take the time to think about it calmly. I will be present that evening, I will wait for you there....
The attention of the young man had excited her. All these words seemed to hold so much promise, that she was afraid to believe it.
- Whom should I ask?
- Scott...
She finally decided to leave the cabin. The driver holding his door smiled warmly at her. She was planning to leave when she felt pressure on her arm. She felt a slight pain and turned to find Scott holding her arm.
- You seem to have forgotten something, he told her, literally glaring at her. Don't you think it's time to introduce yourself?
This reordering made her blush. She had just been rude to him. But the icy gaze of her interlocutor put her under pressure.
- Stella... sir.
These 2 words were the only thing she could articulate. The young man's hand relaxed and withdrew from hers. His previously hard face relaxed and a smile appeared. He let her go.
- I hope to see you again on Tuesday Stella, he said in his voice gently. Come in so I can go.
The driver closed the door and went back to his seat. She was completely confused. She walked to her door, unlocked it, and went home.
As soon as she closed the door, the car started moving again. Scott said to himself at that time, that his day had not been as bland as he would have thought....