Alexander's Pov.
For the first time in my life, I was glad cause i knew my mate was home waiting for me. As much as I wanted to be the first she sees this morm I had to go attend to an issue caused by rogues but I gave my guards instructions to keep her safe.
Getting home I walked into my bedroom which I saw was empty, so I decided to call her name maybe she was in the bathroom
"Scarlet!! Scarlet"
No response so I slammed the bathroom door open, no one was inside all that was on the floor was her worn out cloth from last night.
She left.
I don't know where she was, I didn't know what to do or where I should go to look for her. I couldn't smell here in the pack territory nor could I feel her. She just shifted, How was she going to survive.
This is all my fault.I should have stayed with her now she seemed to have disappeared.
Like cold water thrown at me. I straightened my back, what if she runs into a rougue.
I got up from the couch and ran to my phone which was across the room and I quickly dailed my best friend and beta of my pack.
He picked up on the third ring.
"Alpha?"he answered
"Adam, did see anyone leave my house today?Any female?"
"No. Why do you want to know?"
"Adam! I fucked up"my voice broke at that point
Adam didn't reply for few seconds, possibly confused and shocked at my voice. I sound like I was about to cry which to be honest, I was trying very hard not to but the lump in my throat was hard to control.
"I am on my way"is all he said before hanging up.
Few minutes later, I heard the door bell ring. I knew who it was so I stood up from where I was sitting and made my way to the front door.
"Don't you ever wear a shirt?"he teasily asked me walking past me as soon as I opened the door.
I didn't reply. I knew he was just trying to lighten the mood but I was even in the right state to crack a smile. I shut the door and threw myself on the couch next to him after grabbing myself a beer from the fridge.
We didn't say another to which other for couple of minutes. Both just stared at the TV.I didn't even know what we were watching but I don't think any of us really cared.
It seems like we both had a lot in our mind.
I could feel the side glance he was giving me.His hair was messier than usual.
"What's up with your hair?"
"Don't want to talk about it"he says leaning backwards whist rubbing his face.
Total idiot he is. The drunk nights are the only nights he sleeps. After his rough past, I don't think he would be able to ever sleep.
"What about you?"he asked me snatching the remote out of my hands and stealing my beer.
I didn't have it in me to complain, I didn't care enough to.Unlike Adam, I liked to talk about my feelings,and share few things.
"I met my mate"I said with a sigh.
I could feel Adam tense up beside me. He slowly sat straight and looked at me waiting for me to continue. I let out another sigh.
"At first she didn't acknowledge me and last night she came over but this morning she ran off again"I tell him.
"Why"was all he said before staring at the TV again.
"I don't know" an awkward silence followed after that.
"I am sorry to hear that Alex, i know you wanted to meet your mate so bad."
"Yeah... but I am her soul mate right?"
"Why did she run away from you? Was it because she found out that you're the biggest whore"he looked at me with a small forced smile.
I shook my head return the face small smile.
"I can't believe I am saying this but I wish that was the reason"I took my beer back.
"Who is she? Is she from the pack? Did she have a boyfriend.. wait is that why you asked if someone left the pack, a female?"
"Wait there is no scarlet in our pack dude ?"He asked with a sudden interest.
I just raised my eyebrow.
"Yes I know I met her at Andrew's club the first time.."
"Wait. You said she didn't acknowledge you why? Was she afraid?"
"I doubt it"
"She was with another man" I said siping my beer again.
"What do you mean?"
"She didn't acknowledge me because of the man that was with her"
I was so frustrated just remembering that night
"Wait what?"
He takes his foot of the brown leather couch and softly places it on the floor.He leans closer and snatches my beer again.
Then he gobbles it down. I looked at him as if he grew another head. What's up with this dude.
"You may continue.."he says placing his feet back on my couch.
"Alex baby"I heard a female's voice say.
My head snapped to the door and I could feel Adam watching me with wearily eyes.
Both Adam and I jumped up at the same time. I balled my hands into a fist. Every thing just hit me and I was suddenly very pissed.I couldn't control my sudden anger or the change in my size. I could feel the blood rushing through my veins and my heart beating against my rips.
"Whoa dude, calm down. Look don't ......"
I zoomed him out and stopped listening to him. The bitch came to home, of course Scarlet must have seen her.
At the moment, I didn't care if she was a female or not. I had no respect for her.
I heard her high pitch voice again.She walked in the front room and stood still when she saw how I looked. I was slowly shifting to my werewolf, I was trying so hard to not completely shift because I knew I was going to kill her on the spot. I jumped at her.I wanted to hurt her,but I noticed I not getting any closer to her because Adam was pulling me back.
I felt my body changing faster as my anger rises.
"You piece of shit."
"Whoa dude relax man"I heard Adam say as he pulled and pulled me away for her.
"I will kill you. It's all you fucking fault she left, did she see you"
"For fuck sake Alpha . CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOU IDIOT" Adam yells
My body reacted to the strength of his voice and I was back to my human body.
The slut Diana Peterson tried to walk closer to me but I just took a step back.
"Don't you dare come near me"I say.
"Alex, what on Earth is going on with you?"she asks.
I wanted to smack that innocent look on her face because she was anything but innocent. I couldn't hold back my growls. I had no idea where all this anger came from.
"Why don't you start on telling me what you are doing here?"I snap.
"I came to see my husband to be of course" she replied
"Right" I said sarcastically
"Yeah,where you here earlier" I asked
"Nope I wasn't" she replied quickly, shrugging.
She was lying. I knew it, Adam knew it.
"You know what I don't understand Adam"I tilt my head, my eyes never leave the woman in front of me.
"What" he asked
"How can a child watch a parent lose all they own because of her stupid infatuation" I asked
The look on my her face was priceless, almost made me laugh out loud but the anger kept me from doing anything like that.
There was this eerie feeling in the atmosphere.So negative and tense.She stood still, said nothing, blinked not once.
Then all of the sudden..
"I wish I had met her but your guards wouldn't let me in, when I came in she was already gone" she yelled out.
"I think you should leave"I say in my calm voice.
"What? You can't kick me out. This is my soon to be home"she cries out.
"I would listen if I was you lady" Adam said to her
"Thanks beta? . Do me a favour and sit back down. Its between me and my husband" she says mockingly to Adam
He put his hand up as if he surrendered.
"It's cool. I'm sitting back down. Just know no one will be responsible for anything that happens after this especially if I am asked to prepare a grave" he replies which made Diana gasp.
"Baby. Don't be foolish. We can be a fami-"I didn't let her continue.
"I swear if you take another step, I will kill you."
I wasn't joking. The anger that I keep holding down won't stay down for long. I wanted to rip her head off her body so much its starting to hurt me.
"I'm gonna give you one chance.Leave the town. Go away with that father of yours. If I see you again. Anywhere this pack's territory. I will kill you slowly and painfully"I spat out.
This scared her as her eyes grew wider.
"Don't do this. I'm your mate".
"Alex" she began to say.
"JUST FUCKING GO"I roared out.
This made her scatter around. She quickly grabbed her bag and run out of the house.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I knew it was Adam. I couldn't help myself, I let the tears come out.I taste the saltines of my tears.The bitter feeling in my guts burned me like fire.
I was truly alone now.
"I need to be alone. I just going to go to my room"I say quietly hoping Adam heard me clearly because I don't want him to follow me.
I walked upstairs slowly, opened my bed room door and walked to my bed. But when I got closer and closer, I noticed there was a note left on my bed.
My heart started beating out of my chest. The first thought that came into my mind was that scarlet left that letter.
I jumped to my bed and quickly held the note in my hand. It was definitely scarlet who left this note.
'Dear Alex
I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye but I knew you wouldnt have allowed me to leave even if I had told you my reasons.
Don't look for me better still you can reject me and move on with your Life.
Please please don't start looking for me because I would be long gone. I will never come back".
'She left this note"I handed him the note and let a big breath out that I didn't notice I was holding.
After he finished reading it. He placed it on the bed. He didn't say anything nor did he look at me.
'I cant let her go, I have to search for her" I say
"You are not alone in this man, you've got me and don't think for a minute I'll leave you deal with this all by yourself* he said