Scarlet's Pov.
The alarm I set on my phone rang promptly at 7:30. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and reluctantly got out of the warm sheets.
Realising that I didn't have any warm sheets I only had a cold iron bunk I jolted up in suprise then I remembered all that happened yesterday.
I squinted from the brightness of the room and yawned before going to the bathroom.
It took almost 30 minutes getting my hair done but my dark brown hair was now braided into a waterfall braid.
My raggedy clothes were thrown aside as I changed into a white cotton gown. Seeing that Alex wasn't around as a plus, I get to leave without any form of questioning. I couldn't lose this once in a lifetime opportunity so I jumped down from the window to the other field beside his house.
I grabbed a taxi and told the driver the address of the club. During the 15 minute ride there,I tried to imagine how angry Alex would be like when he finds out I left especially with the words I wrote behind in a notw for him. What kind of questions mwould Andrew my boss ask? Hopefully, it won't be too hard for me to answer.
Before I realized it, the car had pulled to a stop in front of the club
"Here you are Miss- ," the driver said, looking to the right. I followed his gaze and I stared out the window wishing I could just take a U-turn and leave this place.
The driver cleared his throat, taking me out of my thoughts. He tapped his fingersd on the steering wheel as he stared at me expectantly.
'Sorry! Here you go!" I handed the taxi fare to him with an apologetic smile and quickly got out of the car.
The yellow taxi drove off as I headed to the entrance.
Standing on both sides of the doors were two muscly men in black suits. The new bouncers, presume. I walked past them and went looking for Mona
A woman sat with a blonde hair tied neatly in a bun and red lipstick applied on to her thick lips. Her work attire was similar to the one I wore every night at the strip club except for the whip she had in her hands.
"How may I help you ?" she asked politely.
"I'm looking for Moana" I replied
"And who are you?" She questioned
"I'm scarlet, I also work here" I replied already getting irritated by all her questions.
"Ahhh.. so you are the scarlet, golden girl" she murmured under her breath,just audible enough for me to hear.
Did she just say golden girl? What was that suppose to mean? Just right as I was about to ask her.
"Scarlet is that you?" A voice behind me asked.
"Yes Moana, I was just searching for you"
I took a step forward when..
I turned around and found a slightly angry looking Andrew standing there, glaring at me with hard eyes.Dressed in a black suit with matching tie and dress shoes, I could feel his authority. His arms were crossed over his chest like a little kid who was not getting what he wanted.
Why was he so angry? I couldn't be more confused than I was now. I was the one that was drugged
"What do you think you're doing here? After all the ruckus you caused last night?"he asked, each word filled with anger.
"Well all of that wouldn't have happened of you hadn't tried to drug me ?" I'm not sure if it was just me, but it seemed as if he got even angrier from what I said but I couldn't back down.
"Excuse me?!?" His arms were no longer crossed.His fists were clenched.The veins in his neck were bulging. I could almost imagine steam coming out of his ears.
Right when I was about to ask him what the heck he was getting angry about when I remembered why I was even here. I have to apologize not for myself but for me to be able to work her and release Sandra and Martha from his claws I remembered.
"Are you even listening to me!?"he exclaimed.He grabbed onto my wrist and forced me to face him.
"That hurts, you know!" I winced as I tried to free my wrist from his grasp.When I freed my wrist, I saw that his fingers left slightly red marks behind.
Urgh, I really don't have time for this.
"I'm sorry for running off last night" I said
Hurry up! I thought to myself.
When he got over the shock of me apologising which apparently was quite an addition to his pride him).
"You know how to pay me for last night. Now off to your room you go the club is opening a little bit early so you have to make an extra cash than usual if you are truly sorry scar" he said walking away from me
I looked around and saw that moana had gone, ,so I went to my room to change to my outfit. Ihecked my reflection in the mirror in the elevator. I made sure the braid was still presentable and sighed at my face. I looked older than my actual age.
"For my friends" I said encouraging myself.