The black jacket was looming over my bed. It's been three days since I got it, a day since the dry cleaners returned it and it had cost a bucket load of money to request the Quick Wash.
I had work today in a few hours. One of the employees had called in sick and Mr. Darlton had asked me to come in. It's seven in the morning and I couldn't get the stranger's face out of my mind.
His name was Hal.
I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. How do I return this? Do I just keep it? It's not like the man knew who I was. I could even sell it.
It looked expensive.
I had been to scared to check the tag and find out if I've let rain destroy like an expense designer brand. Heart attacks are a thing.
I shook my head and get up from the bed. There's no use thinking about it. I just need to get ready for work and think about the free food Mr. Darlton has promised me.
After a quick shower, I pulled on a pair of washed blue jeans and a shortsleeved baby blue shirt, I tried to brush my hair but it kept going whichever way so I donned on my beanie.
Breakfast consisted of Cocoa Pops and milk. Should I take that to work and drop it off at the Janvier building during my lunch break? Maybe I could hand it to the receptionist and she'd take it up. She wouldn't even let me in, I don't look like someone that belonged there any way.
I had passed the Janvier building one time and got a little intimidated. I saw all the right pencil skirts, neatly pressed socks, their ID cards glinting in the sun, styled hair, shiny shoes and this confidence that they all stemmed to have.
I dumped my plates in the sink and grabbed my bag, making sure my phone and wallet was in there. I walked to the store, humming the spongebob theme song. The sound had been stuck in my head since I opened my eyes this morning.
The bus stop was filled with people sitting and standing. I didn't live in the best neighborhood nor did I really know my neighbors, so to be on the safe side and avoid awkward conversations, I stayed a bit to the side and jumped forward when the bus pulled up.
It was when I was seated that I realized I hadn't taken the jacket.
I'll take it as a sign from the lord, I told myself with a small smile. The bus wasn't quiet and there was a woman holding a crying baby at the back, people talking and someone's music coming through the tiny speaker of their earphones. Normally it'd seem like the drive from my stop to work went by in the blink of an eye but today it was dreadfully slow.
Maybe it's because I was not used to coming out on Thursdays, I wasn't used to the bus being this full. I didn't have music to listen to and the spongebob theme song was still dancing around in my head. I rest my head against the window and began to count the number of white cars I saw.
I was almost at fifty when I got to my final stop. The walk from the stop to the store was short and filled with me sighing. I wasn't working my normal hours today, just a short 9 to 1 and I'd be back home watching my movie and munching on whatever I can get from the store. I still had that truffle in the fridge.
Mr. Stanley Darlton wasn't at the store today. Instead I found Charles, Mr. Darlton's husband. Charles was a tall man with salt and pepper hair that was cut low and a neatly trimmed beard. He was what Agatha called a perfect Daddy.
I remember cringing at those words because The Darltons were like a family to me and you can't imagine your dad as .... ewww. It's such a very disturbing image.
"Good morning, Mr. Darlton." I said as I drop off my bag and tie on my apron.
"When my husband told me you still call him Mr. Darlton, I didn't believe it." Charles said with a shaky of his head.
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and I look down.
"Repeat after me: Stanley." Charles said, his lips tugged up at the corners.
"Good. Say it again."
I chuckled. "Stanley."
"Good. Now, what's my name?"
I smiled at the man, my tongue pushing against my teeth. "Charles."
"Good! See that wasn't so hard. Gimme a hug." Charles said, his arms spread out. I don't hesitate to close the distance between us, I pressed my nose to his shoulder and hugged him tight. Charles was always a touchy feely man, he gave hugs, hand shakes, shoulder pats, hair pats, hair ruffles. In general, I liked it.
"How have you been?" Charles asked once I took several steps back.
"Good. Work and movies keeping me busy." I replied honestly.
"Wonderful. Stanley packed a couple of sauces for you and there are sandwiches too." Charles gestured towards the paper bag on the sofa. I gasped and quickly made my way to it and pulled out three packs of sauces and sandwiches wrapped in cling film. My tummy rumbles just by me looking at the good food.
"No drooling. Get to work, I'll put it in the fridge in the office." Charles said. I pouted a little but he stands his ground.
Charles gave me a shoulder pat as I walk out of the room and into the store. He had already restocked and the only thing I needed to do was stand behind the counter.
I spent the morning scanning and giving change. Like always, there were rude people who didn't even blink at him and there were nice people who said thank you when he hands them their change.
Hal and the jacket was pushed to the back of my mind. Thankfully, the radio was on and music was flitting in. I hummed along, occasionally shimmying in my seat to the song.
Oh she's sweet but a psycho
A beautiful psycho
The store was empty and I was slowly dying of boredom. I nearly jumped out of my seat when someone dropped a book on the table as well as a box of malteasers.
"It's just me. You looked like you needed this." Charles said as grabbed a pack of gum from the small hanger beside the counter.
"Thank you." I told him as I picked up the book. Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan. The large pink font captured my attention and I turned the book over to read the synopsis.
"There's also a movie, if you prefer that."
"I think I'll read the book first." I said as I hold the book. "Thank you."
"I'm going to head home now, Stan needs my help with something but I'll be back by twelve thirty." Charles said and I nod. I had nowhere else to be. "Take your time." Charles smiles at me and gives me a little wave before walking out of the store, leaving me in the company of a good book and music.
I had to drop the book a couple of times to attend to customers but besides that, the book was compelling, witty and incredibly written. I got so carried away by the book that I didn't hear the door swing open nor did I know someone was standing in front of me till the person cleared their throat.
I immediately snapped the book shut, polite smile already on my face and look up.
"How may I h-"
The words die in my throat once I see the man standing there.
It was Hal.
I blinked owlishly at him, my mouth open and closing but no words were coming out. The man had on a white shirt with three buttons undone, grey neatly pressed lacks and shiny shoes, his dark hair styled off his face and brown eyes focused on me.
"I've been waiting." He said.
"For what?" I blurted out and winced when i realized what he was talking about. Thankfully the book was still in my hand so I had something to fiddle with.
"You. You said you were going to return my jacket."
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and I licked my lips. " I dry cleaned it and I just got it back yesterday evening. I forgot it on my way to work. I'm sorry."
Hal doesn't say anything, he just stared at me. I was pretty sure my cheeks were flaming red and I don't know where to look and I didn't even want to look away from him. In a weird way, he made me calm.
"You didn't have to clean it."
"But I used it."
"It's just rain." Hal said with a shrug. "What time do you get off work?" He asked and my eyes widened.
"What time do you get off work?" He repeats, his eyes dark and piercing, his voice deep. It made me shiver and I had the urge to look at his face but that seemed like the wrong thing to do.
"One o'clock, sir." I said, the title slipping out of me like it was natural. And it was. The man in front of me wasn't just anybody, he was a self made man worth millions and millions.
"Look at me." He said and I do, raising my head albeit slowly. He takes a good look at me before he blinks. He placed both hands on the counter and smiled at me. "I apologize for being rude. I haven't introduced myself yet and I'm talking to you like you were already mine. My name is Hal Janvier."
Talking to you like you were already mine. Those words echoed in my head. He wanted me to be his? Was he planning on doing what? Asking me out?
"I know who you are."
"You do?" He asked, his brow furrowed a bit.
I bit back a smile as I replied. "You own that fancy building. Everyone knows who you are."
Hal let out a laugh, the sound was so ... sexy. Never in my life have I referred to someone's laugh as sexy. I didn't even know it was a thing but standing here and hearing the sound, I kinda wanted to listen to it for a long time.
"You are something else, darling." Hal said and I smiled shyly.
"Do you have plans for lunch?" He asked and I nodded. My plan was to go home with the food Stan had packed for me and munch on it while reading Crazy, Rich, Asians.
"How about dinner?" He asked and I shook my head.
"Would you like to have dinner with me, Jesse?" He asked and I just stared at him. He knew my name. He actually knew who I was. And he was asking me out to dinner. Me!
I opened my mouth about to say yes when doubt hit me. What did he want? He didn't know me so why was he asking me to dinner? He's a rich man who could get anything and anyone, so why me?
He must have seen the doubt filter across my face.
"I want to know you and I think dinner is a good place to start." He said with a small smile.
Dinner with Hal would be like a dream come through. After watching all those romantic comedies, I've finally got to live mine out plus free food.
Who says no to free food?
"I'd love to have dinner with you."
Hal grinned. "Good. Give me your number so I can call you before then. Does six sound okay?" He asked as he pulls out his phone from his pocket. He hands it to me and I typed in my number.
"Six is fine." I replied while I watched him tap the screen multiple times before locking his phone and pushing it back into his pocket.
"Text me your address and I'll pick you up."
My eyes bulged out and I wave my hands. "No! I'll meet you wherever."
"Jesse..." Hal said, a small frown on his face.
"Please." I pleaded. I didn't want him to find out where I lived. What if he saw it and didn't want to take me to dinner any more. I didn't want to be rejected at my doorstep. It would be part of my memories for that flat. I didn't want that. Hal seemed o hesitate before nodding.
"I will see you at the nearest stop."
"Thank you." I cheered, bouncing a little. Hal smiles and gives me a little wave before walking out of the store, both hands in his pocket.
Even the back of his head looked attractive.
Once he was gone, I let out a groan and dropped my face onto the hand I had resting on the table. I had a date and I had nothing to wear.