There was this bag of clothes that I had hidden at the back of my small wardrobe. It's a bin bag containing clothes I had taken out of the charity bins around. I had washed every article of clothing and even ironed it but now they were splayed out on my bed. I didn't know what to wear. It was five thirty and I was close to freaking out.
What to wear?
What to wear?
I finally decided on a white shirt with a large orange sweatshirt thrown on it, dark jeans with no rips and sneakers. By the time I had done something to my hair, it was five minutes to six. I grabbed my phone and wallet and ran out of the house, locking the door on my way out.
When I got to the stop near my house I found a black Camaro idling in front of it. I let out a loud sigh, my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. Oh shit. Did I spray? Was my hair ruined? I was still trying to catch my breath when the door to the car was pulled open and Hal got down.
The man looked even more gorgeous in a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, jeans and boots. Not once in my life have I ever seen a man this good looking. I knew I was supposed to move but I couldn't, it felt like my legs were rooted to the ground. It took him a few strides to get to where I was standing, a worried expression on his face.
"Are you alright?" He asked and I nod.
"I thought I was going to be late." I replied, giving him my best smile. I straightened up, and ran a hand down my sweat shirt, using style of check if I had pit stains. "I hope you haven't been waiting for too long."
"I was a bit early."
Hal led me towards the car, his hand on the small of my back. He pulled open the door for me and I got in, he straps on my seatbelt for me and the smile on my face felt larger than ever. The smile drops and my eyes widened when Hal squats down and pulled one of my legs out.
My laces had come undone.
I brought my hand up to my lips, biting on my nails. It was one of the bad habits I had. I alwatched as Hal did several loops on it before tying it tight. He repeats the same on the other leg before looking right at me. His eyes were so expressive that I paused, my teeth just resting on my nail. He reached out and pulls my hand down from my lips and shook his head.
He gently placed my legs back in and shut the door before making his way to the driver's side, when he got in, he strapped on his seatbelt and hit the start button. We had only for a couple of blocks when he asks.
"How was your day?"
I couldn't possibly say, I spent the day thinking about our date, could I? I looked away from the road ahead to the man seated beside me. He had strapped me in, tied my laces and asked about my day. He had been so caring that it catches me off guard.
"Kitten, I asked about your day."
"I spent the day at the store. I attended to people who needed things and I spent my free time reading this book my employer gave to me, Crazy Rich Asians. Have you read it?"
"I can't say I have but why don't you tell me about it then?"
That's all it took for me. I was still in chapter ten but so many things had happened before then that I chatted more and about and Hal listened. I could tell he wasn't faking it and that just wowed me. No one has ever given me this much attention in years and I just wanted to roll around in it.
When Hal pulled into La Vie, one of the most expensive restaurant in the state, I choked on my words. Hal got down and pulled open my door for me, his hand outstretched towards me. I gently placed my hand in his and got out of the car. He handed the valet the keys and led me into the restaurant, my hand wrapped around his arm.
I have always heard of La Vie and even read an article in one of the magazine we had at the store and not once did I even think nor dream that I would walk in here, talkless of eat.
"Do you like it, angel?"
"I never thought I would actually see the inside of this restaurant with my eyes. I always read about it but..." I trailed off staring at the hanging lights with wide eyes, the gold walls, the spacious spread of the tables with chairs that had gold trims and marble floors. La Vie was a two story building with a rooftop for diners that wanted to eat under the warmth of the sun or under the twinkles of the stars.
I turned to Hal, biting on my lip as I wondered if I should ask? Could I even ask?
"What is it? You look like you want to say something."
I jerked a bit. I was so busy thinking about asking him that I didn't notice he had been staring at me, his brown eyes studying me.
"Can we sit up? Under the stars?"
"Of course." Hal replies. He, however, paused and turned back to face me. He raised a hand to my cheek, fold the digits down and softly grazed my skin with his knuckles.
"Don't hesitate to ask me for any thing, darling." Hal replies and I feel the heat spread up to my cheeks. I looked at him through my lashes and wondered to what extent his words were.
How long would it take before he gets tired of me? How long would it take before he loses interest in me? I had nothing to offer. All I had was my high school certificate and my job at the convenience store.
There were people in the restaurant but it felt like it was just the two of us in the building. We were led upstairs to the glass house where only two tables were set. Hal led me to a table and slid out my chair. Chivalry wasn't really dead.
Once I was seated I glanced around with awe. There were tiny pots of plants lining the edge of the roof, at every corner and there was also tiny strings of lights around the walls, giving it a soft glow and I have never been this happy. The stars were bright and the air was slightly cold but it was perfect.
"How was your day?" I asked once I was done with the Stars. Hal has been watching me silently, looking like he was searching for something.
"Good. I made a couple of deals and went to see this man who has been in my every thought since the last time we bumped into each other." Hal replied and I laughed, my cheeks and ears heating up. We were interrupted by a waitress who hands us both our menu.
I stared at the menu and my heart almost stopped when I saw the prices. 2,400 for a plate of food? And that was the cheapest. Oh god ohgodohgodohgod.
"Little one." The voice in my head goes quiet and I looked at Hal. "Do you want me to order for you?"
Hal gives me a blinding smile and it made me wonder just how happy he was that he got to order for me? I watched him as he mentioned what he wanted and it felt like a big weight was lifted off my shoulder. It made me feel good.
Once the waiter was gone, Hal reached for my hand on the table and just rests his on mine.
"Thank you for saying yes to the date."
I smiled shyly, heat blooming in my cheeks. "I wanted to." I also wanted to ask him why? He was rich and so handsome, so why me? I was pretty sure he could have anyone he wanted.
"What are you thinking about?" Hal asks, his voice and question pulling me out of my thoughts.
"I was wondering... why me?"
"Because you took my breath away. You were standing there, all pouty, with water dripping down your body, seconds away from crying."
"I was not." I interjected, my voice a little shaky. Ugh, who was I deceiving. I really had been seconds away from crying.
"Baby, you were." Hal said, an amused expression on his face. It made me want to move closer to the man and cuddle him. "I saw you and just got down from my car, pulling off my jacket without second thoughts. When you looked up at me and I saw your blue eyes, I just wanted to pull you close and never let go."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was saying it in such a way that sent tingles through my body. I wanted to ask him if he was sure, when I saw the look on his face. He was serious. He legitimately liked me. I didn't get to ask him anymore questions because our food was brought.
Hal has ordered steak and a lot of vegetables. I resisted the urge to stick out my tongue and gag. I looked across the table and pout when I see the food in front of Hal. The man had ordered steak, no vegetables, just a small portion of rice and a small bowl of sauce beside it.
"You don't like it?"
"It's the vegetables." I blurt out before I could stop myself.
Hal chuckled. He pushed his plate aside and brought my plate over to his side. He grabbed his fork and knife and cut the steak into tiny pieces. I was having mixed feelings about this. Did he think I was a kid? And why did I like the fact that he did it?
"Here you go." The man said as he placed the plate back in front of me. "If you finish your vegetables, you'll get a little something."
I narrowed my eyes, a playful smile on my lips as i stared at the man. "What?"
Hal laughed and placed a small box on the table. It was light blue with a gold ribbon. "Eat, little one."
I wanted to protest but I also wanted to know what was in that box. As I ate I wondered how this man knew how to press my buttons. I also wondered why he was treating me like I was a little boy, with the cutting of food, vegetables and the present. The names aside, I liked the cute names, it made me feel excited and happy. Once we were done, our plates were taken away and dessert was placed next.
A plate with a slice of three layered chocolate cake in front of me, with Oreo dusting.
"Jesse." Hal said and I looked up, my spoon in my hand.
"Yes, Hal?"
"I'm not a man to beat around the bush so I'm going to go straight to the point. I am a dominant." He said and I went still, my lips parting to let out air. "I'm more of a daddy dominant, meaning I'm more about nurturing and affection, towards a Little who is a different form of a submissive. A little is an adult who is involve with in human age play and it can involve a lot of dressing up and children activities. And I want you to be my little."
My eyes went so wide, they might have as well popped out of my head. With a shaky hand I cut a piece of the cake and pushed it into my mouth. I couldn't look at him but instead stared at his hand which was still on mine. Alarm bells weren't ringing in my head but it still was a bit scaring to hear what Hal had said.
"You can ask me anything. I just wanted you to know early rather than after a couple of dates, so we'll know if this can work out or not." Hal said, his voice soft.
There were a lot of things racing through my mind but I didn't fully understand what he was saying so I raised my head, locked my suddenly dry lips and asked.
"Can you expatiate ?"
"Normally I do this with a Non Disclosure Agreement And usually with a submissive who knows his way and his preference. I am taking a leap of faith here by telling you this. As a Daddy Dominant, I have to have control over our relationship. Like I said earlier, I'm more into untiring and affection, I take care of your every need and you be by my side, you tell me when something is wrong, when you need something and so much more. If we are going to get sexual, I'm more into spanking, blind folding and other forms of punishment."
"No blood?" I asked, my voice coming off as a whisper.
"No blood. It's a hard limit for me too." Hal replied. "If you're interested, I will have a contact drawn up for you where things that I expect from you and vice versa will be written , be it sexual, behavioral or even financial. Everything that happens is chosen by the sub, you have an important say in the relationship."
"I have read about dominants." I said honestly. "But I've never heard of a Daddy Dominant. I'm not trained -is that the word?- to be a sub and to be honest I don't want to disappoint you."
"I know you are not a trained sub. I am willing to introduce you to my life style and educate you on it. How about we try it for a week and if you don't like it, we can call it a day before we go any deeper?"
I bit my lip. I knew the basics from what I've read and heard from Hal. The submissive hands over total control. It wasn't just a kink but a lifestyle where they would be taken care of, be it sexually or in a non sexual way. That much I knew and to know that Hal, the floor shattering handsome wanted me to be his submissive was exciting. A bit scary but exciting. We could try this for a week so I could understand what exactly being a Little entailed and if it's good for me and for him too, it could go on for as long as we could.
"Deal." I said.
"Thank you, Baby boy."