"Hally, do you think Hal is going to see me today?" It was a bit past six and the sun was coming up. I was still lying in bed with my life size teddy beside me. "I... miss him. I haven't seen him in a day."
Hal couldn't come to see me at the store yesterday because an impromptu meeting popped up. He had texted the entire day and called me at night but it didn't feel the same. I wanted to see him, watch him talk, feel his presence beside me.
"It's only been days and I feel like I'm in too deep, Hally." I said to my stuffie. "I like him a lot."
I was interrupted by the buzz of my phone. I tapped on the screen, a smile stretching my lips when I see it's a text from Hal.
Good morning, kitten.
I quickly texted back. Good morning!
Have you gotten up from bed yet?
No. I'm still in bed with Hally.
You've gotta get up, baby, so you can start your day.
I turned the phone to Hally so the stuffie could see. "He's so thoughtful and right, if I don't get up now, I'll be late." I pressed a kiss to Hally's nose and get up from the bed, sending Hal a quick reply before heading to the bathroom.
It took me minutes to shower, brush, moisturize and put on clothes. Today I pulled on dark jeans and had to look deeply into my little bag of clothes to pull out a lavender jumper that was two sizes big and covered my fingers. I pushed the sleeves up to my elbows and rolled the tip so it's stay, my damp hair falling into my eyes.
I picked up my phone when I was done and sent Hal a message. He had told me to do so after showering.
Dressed and ready
His reply was instant, like he had been waiting for it. Good boy.
I felt my cheeks heat up, a smile on my face. I gathered my laptop and pushed it into its bag and with a final wink at Hally, I left the room. I placed the bag on my small couch and bustled around the kitchen, grabbing a bowl with my cereal and milk. Like always my milk goes first, then the Cheerios.
The texting resumed once I was out of the house and standing st the bus stop, waiting for the bus. All this attention and his kind words and thoughtful gifts. They made me happy.
I let out a surprised yelp when Hal's car pull up in front of me, it was the same black car he used the first time we met. He came out of the back, dressed to the nines in a sharp grey suit with a black neatly pressed button up, his gold cuff links glinting in the sun, suede shoes, smooth hair and a bright smile.
I stared at him in shock, my mouth slightly open. He came closer and stood in front of me and the next thing I know, I close the distance between us and lean up on my toes to press a chaste kiss to his lips. I go to pull back but he placed his hands on my waist and held still. I feel my cheeks heat up and I tuck my face to the side of his neck, breathing in his cologne. Sweet.
"I missed you too, Kitten." Hal said softly.
I still couldn't believe I had done that. I didn't even know I wanted to do that until I did. I stay in his arms for a It but eventually pulled back so I could see his face.
"You look absolutely adorable today."
I laughed and shakes my head. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to take you to work. I didn't see you yesterday and I couldn't wait till noon." Hal said. He pressed a soft kiss to my nose and led me to the car, a hand on the small of my back. I didn't care we had probably given my neighbors a show, I missed him too much to care about that.
"Kitten meet Prez, Prez this is Jesse." Hal introduced. Prez smiles and me and gives me a small wave, it was apparent that Hal and Prez were friends. I got comfortable at the back, the leather seats soft.
"I got you a little something." Hal pulled his case to his lap, opens it and took out two books. He handed them to me and I giggle when I see they were coloring books. He also hands me a box of crayons and my excitement grew.
"I thought you might like them."
"I love them! Thank you!" I said to him. I flipped through the pages, everything possible was in there. Princesses, castles, creatures and so much more.
"You can start now if you want, you've got time."
I didn't need to be told twice. I pulled out the blue crayon and flipped to one of the princesses. I've never seen one with blue hair so, I moved the crayon over the blank space of her hair and tried my best to stay within the lines.
It took me a few minutes till I was done. Once I looked at it properly I found out that I had crossed the lines a few times but it came out so well that daddy would be proud. In my excitement I quickly raised the book to Hal.
"Doesn't it look pretty, daddy?"
Once the words left my mouth, my eyes widened and I stop. The book was raised in the air and the car was quiet, save for the classical music playing.
Hal's smile had even doubled, his eyes crinkling at the sides. He reached out and trailed his hand down my face.
"It is, kitten."
Pretty sure I was looking identical to a tomato, I drop the book back to my lap and looked down. What the hell had I been thinking? We didn't know each other well enough for me to call him daddy. I knew all about his kink but ... wasn't that fast?
I close the book, placed the crayons on it and turned to look out the window. Coloring brought back this piece of happiness that i hadn't known i was missing. The worry of the world, my work, my next rent, falling off my shoulders and disappearing into the void.
"Don't overthink, darling."
I turned to him and ask. "Is it supposed to feel this way? It's like taking a short walk to my happy place."
Hal started at me silently, his gaze calculating what I had said. He reached out for my hand and stroked my skin softly, like I was something precious.
"I want to take care of you, in any way I could and if coloring leads you to your little space then I'd buy you even more books." He said, raising my hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss on it.
"Thank you."
"But I'm going to take it away from you, kitten. I don't want you coloring when I'm not there, it's a trigger for you and I doubt your coworkers or bosses would be able to take care of you. So let's keep the coloring between us, okay, little one?" Hal asked and I nod.
I felt my cheeks heat up as I imagine Charles or Stanley pulling me into their laps. It's not something I want. At least not with them.
"Good boy." Hal pressed another kiss to my hand. It was then I noticed the car had stopped and we were in front of the store. "How about we go out for lunch? My treat?"
"I'd love that."
Hal grinned brightly at me and pressed one last kiss to my hand before getting out of the car, he walked over to my side of the door and pulls it open for me, his hand stretched towards me. He helps me out of the car and doesn't let go of my hand, heat spreading through my cheeks as I stare at our locked hands.
Hal tilted my head up with a finger crooked under my chin. His gaze was soft and I closed my eyes as his face moved closer until our lips brushed in a soft kiss. Kissing Hal was amazing, every brush of our lips sent tingles shooting down my body and I pressed closer, my mouth opening beneath his. I forget we're outside and gripped his jacket tightly as his tongues locked its way into my mouth. I let out a loud groan and shivered as a tingle shot down my back.
I pulled back, my nose against Hal's and my lips swollen. I was panting and so was he. That had been incredible.
"You're unbelievable, baby boy. I'm so glad I found you."
I shyly looked up at him from beneath my lashes. "I'm glad I found you too."
Hal smiled and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Have a wonderful day, angel."
"You too, Hal."
Hal pushed open the door and I smile at him before going in. Immediately I step into the store I find Stanley staring at him with a brow raised. His arms were crossed across his chest, a small smile on his face.
"So..." Stanley said, his tone playfully.
"Good morning, Stanley." I said once I was close to him.
"You've met Hal." Stanley shot at me and I stop. "Are you two dating or...?"
"I'm trying it out for the week. It's nothing serious." I said as I walked past him and to the back, going through the employees door. I quickly set up my laptop, selected Umbrella Academy to download, grabbed my name tag and walked back out to the counter where Stanley was leaning against.
"Since you got through Crazy Rich Asians quickly. I got you two books, The House With The Clocks In It's Walls and The Sword of Summer. Two different authors though."
I stared at the two books on the table, the colorful covers and I quickly picked them up. I flipped over to the back to read the summary. I smile as I looked back up to Stanley who had a smug look on his face.
"Thank you, Stanley."
"You're welcome, Jesse. Have fun with these." Stanley grinned at me before walking to the manager's office. I tapped in the code for the register and looked through the change, checked if there was an extra roll of paper for receipts, my books tucked in the space behind the counter.
"Nice tongue action out there." I let out a yelp and jumped a few feet into the air when I hear a light voice behind me. I turn around to find Agatha laughing her head off, tapping the counter as she laughed.
"You should have seen your face."
"That was mean. You scared me."
Agatha kept cackling and I pout, I hugged and picked the nearest thing to throw at her. The towel lands on her face and I grin triumphantly.
"Go to work."
"I will, after you tell me when you started hitting hot Hal Janvier."
This time, I picked up the pen beside me to throw at her. When she sees it in my hands, she raised her hands up in surrender.
"Fine. Fine. I get it. It's new." She said and walked closer to me. "If he does something you don't like or hurts you. You tell me and the Darltons and we'll give him a big ass whooping."
It was comforting to know that she had my back. Well, her and the Darltons. I gave her a nod and pressed a kiss to Agatha's temple. She gives me a small pat to my arm before walking over to the rows of pharmaceuticals to check the expiration date.
My phone buzzed in my pocket.
Hal: have a nice day, baby boy.
I smiled as I slid my phone into my pocket, hands on the table as Agatha slid the sign from closed to open.
So what did you think?
"Hally, do you think Hal is going to see me today?" It was a bit past six and the sun was coming up. I was still lying in bed with my life size teddy beside me. "I... miss him. I haven't seen him in a day."
Hal couldn't come to see me at the store yesterday because an impromptu meeting popped up. He had texted the entire day and called me at night but it didn't feel the same. I wanted to see him, watch him talk, feel his presence beside me.
"It's only been days and I feel like I'm in too deep, Hally." I said to my stuffie. "I like him a lot."
I was interrupted by the buzz of my phone. I tapped on the screen, a smile stretching my lips when I see it's a text from Hal.
Good morning, kitten.
I quickly texted back. Good morning!
Have you gotten up from bed yet?
No. I'm still in bed with Hally.
You've gotta get up, baby, so you can start your day.
I turned the phone to Hally so the stuffie could see. "He's so thoughtful and right, if I don't get up now, I'll be late." I pressed a kiss to Hally's nose and get up from the bed, sending Hal a quick reply before heading to the bathroom.
It took me minutes to shower, brush, moisturize and put on clothes. Today I pulled on dark jeans and had to look deeply into my little bag of clothes to pull out a lavender jumper that was two sizes big and covered my fingers. I pushed the sleeves up to my elbows and rolled the tip so it's stay, my damp hair falling into my eyes.
I picked up my phone when I was done and sent Hal a message. He had told me to do so after showering.
Dressed and ready
His reply was instant, like he had been waiting for it. Good boy.
I felt my cheeks heat up, a smile on my face. I gathered my laptop and pushed it into its bag and with a final wink at Hally, I left the room. I placed the bag on my small couch and bustled around the kitchen, grabbing a bowl with my cereal and milk. Like always my milk goes first, then the Cheerios.
The texting resumed once I was out of the house and standing st the bus stop, waiting for the bus. All this attention and his kind words and thoughtful gifts. They made me happy.
I let out a surprised yelp when Hal's car pull up in front of me, it was the same black car he used the first time we met. He came out of the back, dressed to the nines in a sharp grey suit with a black neatly pressed button up, his gold cuff links glinting in the sun, suede shoes, smooth hair and a bright smile.
I stared at him in shock, my mouth slightly open. He came closer and stood in front of me and the next thing I know, I close the distance between us and lean up on my toes to press a chaste kiss to his lips. I go to pull back but he placed his hands on my waist and held still. I feel my cheeks heat up and I tuck my face to the side of his neck, breathing in his cologne. Sweet.
"I missed you too, Kitten." Hal said softly.
I still couldn't believe I had done that. I didn't even know I wanted to do that until I did. I stay in his arms for a It but eventually pulled back so I could see his face.
"You look absolutely adorable today."
I laughed and shakes my head. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to take you to work. I didn't see you yesterday and I couldn't wait till noon." Hal said. He pressed a soft kiss to my nose and led me to the car, a hand on the small of my back. I didn't care we had probably given my neighbors a show, I missed him too much to care about that.
"Kitten meet Prez, Prez this is Jesse." Hal introduced. Prez smiles and me and gives me a small wave, it was apparent that Hal and Prez were friends. I got comfortable at the back, the leather seats soft.
"I got you a little something." Hal pulled his case to his lap, opens it and took out two books. He handed them to me and I giggle when I see they were coloring books. He also hands me a box of crayons and my excitement grew.
"I thought you might like them."
"I love them! Thank you!" I said to him. I flipped through the pages, everything possible was in there. Princesses, castles, creatures and so much more.
"You can start now if you want, you've got time."
I didn't need to be told twice. I pulled out the blue crayon and flipped to one of the princesses. I've never seen one with blue hair so, I moved the crayon over the blank space of her hair and tried my best to stay within the lines.
It took me a few minutes till I was done. Once I looked at it properly I found out that I had crossed the lines a few times but it came out so well that daddy would be proud. In my excitement I quickly raised the book to Hal.
"Doesn't it look pretty, daddy?"
Once the words left my mouth, my eyes widened and I stop. The book was raised in the air and the car was quiet, save for the classical music playing.
Hal's smile had even doubled, his eyes crinkling at the sides. He reached out and trailed his hand down my face.
"It is, kitten."
Pretty sure I was looking identical to a tomato, I drop the book back to my lap and looked down. What the hell had I been thinking? We didn't know each other well enough for me to call him daddy. I knew all about his kink but ... wasn't that fast?
I close the book, placed the crayons on it and turned to look out the window. Coloring brought back this piece of happiness that i hadn't known i was missing. The worry of the world, my work, my next rent, falling off my shoulders and disappearing into the void.
"Don't overthink, darling."
I turned to him and ask. "Is it supposed to feel this way? It's like taking a short walk to my happy place."
Hal started at me silently, his gaze calculating what I had said. He reached out for my hand and stroked my skin softly, like I was something precious.
"I want to take care of you, in any way I could and if coloring leads you to your little space then I'd buy you even more books." He said, raising my hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss on it.
"Thank you."
"But I'm going to take it away from you, kitten. I don't want you coloring when I'm not there, it's a trigger for you and I doubt your coworkers or bosses would be able to take care of you. So let's keep the coloring between us, okay, little one?" Hal asked and I nod.
I felt my cheeks heat up as I imagine Charles or Stanley pulling me into their laps. It's not something I want. At least not with them.
"Good boy." Hal pressed another kiss to my hand. It was then I noticed the car had stopped and we were in front of the store. "How about we go out for lunch? My treat?"
"I'd love that."
Hal grinned brightly at me and pressed one last kiss to my hand before getting out of the car, he walked over to my side of the door and pulls it open for me, his hand stretched towards me. He helps me out of the car and doesn't let go of my hand, heat spreading through my cheeks as I stare at our locked hands.
Hal tilted my head up with a finger crooked under my chin. His gaze was soft and I closed my eyes as his face moved closer until our lips brushed in a soft kiss. Kissing Hal was amazing, every brush of our lips sent tingles shooting down my body and I pressed closer, my mouth opening beneath his. I forget we're outside and gripped his jacket tightly as his tongues locked its way into my mouth. I let out a loud groan and shivered as a tingle shot down my back.
I pulled back, my nose against Hal's and my lips swollen. I was panting and so was he. That had been incredible.
"You're unbelievable, baby boy. I'm so glad I found you."
I shyly looked up at him from beneath my lashes. "I'm glad I found you too."
Hal smiled and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Have a wonderful day, angel."
"You too, Hal."
Hal pushed open the door and I smile at him before going in. Immediately I step into the store I find Stanley staring at him with a brow raised. His arms were crossed across his chest, a small smile on his face.
"So..." Stanley said, his tone playfully.
"Good morning, Stanley." I said once I was close to him.
"You've met Hal." Stanley shot at me and I stop. "Are you two dating or...?"
"I'm trying it out for the week. It's nothing serious." I said as I walked past him and to the back, going through the employees door. I quickly set up my laptop, selected Umbrella Academy to download, grabbed my name tag and walked back out to the counter where Stanley was leaning against.
"Since you got through Crazy Rich Asians quickly. I got you two books, The House With The Clocks In It's Walls and The Sword of Summer. Two different authors though."
I stared at the two books on the table, the colorful covers and I quickly picked them up. I flipped over to the back to read the summary. I smile as I looked back up to Stanley who had a smug look on his face.
"Thank you, Stanley."
"You're welcome, Jesse. Have fun with these." Stanley grinned at me before walking to the manager's office. I tapped in the code for the register and looked through the change, checked if there was an extra roll of paper for receipts, my books tucked in the space behind the counter.
"Nice tongue action out there." I let out a yelp and jumped a few feet into the air when I hear a light voice behind me. I turn around to find Agatha laughing her head off, tapping the counter as she laughed.
"You should have seen your face."
"That was mean. You scared me."
Agatha kept cackling and I pout, I hugged and picked the nearest thing to throw at her. The towel lands on her face and I grin triumphantly.
"Go to work."
"I will, after you tell me when you started hitting hot Hal Janvier."
This time, I picked up the pen beside me to throw at her. When she sees it in my hands, she raised her hands up in surrender.
"Fine. Fine. I get it. It's new." She said and walked closer to me. "If he does something you don't like or hurts you. You tell me and the Darltons and we'll give him a big ass whooping."
It was comforting to know that she had my back. Well, her and the Darltons. I gave her a nod and pressed a kiss to Agatha's temple. She gives me a small pat to my arm before walking over to the rows of pharmaceuticals to check the expiration date.
My phone buzzed in my pocket.
Hal: have a nice day, baby boy.
I smiled as I slid my phone into my pocket, hands on the table as Agatha slid the sign from closed to open.