It took a day for us to negotiate and sign the contract. Hal was very thorough about it, talking about his hard limits and soft and listening patiently to me when I told him about mine and the things I was willing to try like water sports. That one intrigued me.
It's was a bit past seven when I stepped out of my house. Hal was already waiting, this time he had taken his black Bentley. He got out of the car as I made towards the car and I almost tripped.
Hal looked so good today. He didn't use any of the dark gel he used to, his hair free and he had a five o'clock shadow that just worked for him. I bit my lip to keep back a whimper when I imagined him with a full beard or a trimmed one. I wouldn't mind having his face betweeen my legs, stubble brushing against my thigh.
That aside, he had on a bandage-neck shirt with three buttons undone, tucked into dark blue slacks with an identical jacket on. His watch and shoe shiny as always.
I snapped out of it and stared at him. I don't think I'll ever get over how he always stares at me like I was something wonderful. He calls me by my adult name when he wants to discuss something grown up with me or in adult space and calls me little one, baby boy and darling when we shift to a little/daddy space. It also works vice versa. Only I have to call him daddy.
"Hal..." I gave him a little wave and walked over to him. He takes my hand in his and pulls me close, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"You look stunning." He said and I blushed, squeezing his hand a bit. He always made me feel this way, butterflies in my tummy, tingles shooting up my body, heat spreading up my chest to my cheeks and ears. It's been two weeks and a couple days and it felt like I found a safe haven.
"You look really good too. I like your hair." I told him when we pull apart. He gives me a smile and I just giggle softly. Hal walks over to the left side of the car and pulls open the door for me, making sure I was seated well before shutting the door and walking over to the other side to get in.
"Hi Prez." I greeted when I was seated. The man turned around and gives me a small wave, two fingers raised.
"Morning Mr. Jesse."
"Please, Jesse is just fine." I said just as Hal gets seated. He immediately reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together.
"Listen to him, Prez."
Prez looked at the two of us, a small smile on his face. He doesn't say a word and just turns back around, starting up the car. Hal raised out joined hands to his lips and pressed kisses on it.
"Oh yeah. Do you have any plans for lunch?"
I shook my head in response before adding. "My shift actually ends at twelve today."
"Good." Hal said. He quickly let go of my hand and I resist the urge to pout. Wiggling my fingers a bit as I watch him pull out a plain black card from his pocket, his name printed on it in gold letters.
"I got this for you..." he said as he hands me the black card. I take it, staring at it with wide eyes. I've always heard of these kind of cards but I never thought I'd be able to hold it.
"I've put enough there for rent, food and other things you might need." Hal said and I just stared at him with an open mouth. "Since you're free this afternoon, how about we go shopping? I want to get you a couple things and see you in them." Hal said and I don't even know what to say or even where to begin.
I tried to say something but my mouth just wouldn't corporate.
"Use your words, Jesse." Hal said, one hand going to the back of my neck and squeezing a bit. It grounds me and I fall back into the mouth. I licked my lips before speaking.
"Thank you."
"Anything for you."
I leaned close and press a kiss to his cheek, my heart about to beat right out of my chest. I didn't want to let my insecurities or negative thoughts ruin this for me. Hal cared about me and I could see it in everything he did, from the candy to the shopping trip he had planned.
"I'll text you when I'm done with work."
"I'll be waiting." Hal said, his arm going around my shoulder as he pulled me close. There was enough room in the car as I rest my head against his shoulder, his fingers lightly tugging the shell of my ears, the soft feel of his fingernails tickling me a bit.
I don't think I'd ever been this happy or content. Here I was wrapped in Hal as he talked softly, telling me about his plans for the day when I asked. His eyes had lit up when I asked and it made me warm inside. It made me happy to know that he was also getting something from our relationship.
I listened to him as he went on about the plans he had to go into brewery. He wasn't sure if he should just upright buy a company or build another one. I added my input here and there, feeling proud of myself a bit.
I also told him about my co workers. About the Darltons and how they liked to give me home made food, about Agatha and her brash ways and sharp tongue and also Jimmy who I spend most afternoon shifts with.
I told Hal about the time Stanley Darlton and I had to wrestle Agatha to the floor when she declared she was tired of her eyebrows and wanted to shave them off with a razor.
Hal laughed at that. A deep sound, body shaking with it and I just had to sit up and watch him. Darn, he looked incredible when he laughs.
It doesn't take long to get to work and like always Hal gets down first and helps me open my door. He walks me up to the front of the convenience store and press a kiss to my cheek as he bids me goodbye.
"Are you really dating him?" Agatha asked as soon as he steps into the store. She had on a plaid T-shirt dress with the store's apron tied around her waist. Behind her was Stanley who looked like he also wanted to know the answer to this question.
"Yes we are dating." I told them. Stanley simply raised a brow, looking very impressed and I just smile. Agatha on the other hand whistles.
"Lucky you. He's a total daddy."
She had no idea. I just smirked at her. She had no idea. She followed all the way to the employees room, talking about how Hal has been one Forbes Richest Men in the World list.
"If you both are here, who's manning the front?" I asked Agatha and Stanley who had both followed me into the employees room.
"It's not like they can steal anything. We've got a bell."
"Because that is so effective." I quipped, earning a punch from Agatha. The two of them left me alone to get ready. I quickly grabbed my apron and tied it around my waist, the black card Hal had given me still tucked in the pocket of my jeans. I didn't bring my laptop today, I had enough series to watch and have been a bit backed up. I was still in the third season of Star, having half the mind to scratch that and watch Black-ish.
When I got out, I found Agatha and Stanley whispering to each other. They both stop when they see me and I just stare at them. They were so curious and I was sure they had a lot of questions.
And I was proven right when Agatha asked. "So How did you meet?"
I smiled as I remember the first time I met Hal. I still had tat jacket.
"Ooh look, he's got that doopy smile on his face." Stanley teased and I feel a little heat spread to my cheek.
"I think our boy is going to fall proper for Hal." Agatha said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes at her as I settle in, sitting in the stool.
"We met a couple weeks ago. Some rude boys threw water balloons at me."
"What the fuck!"
"It's fine. That was when I met Hal, he saved me from them and then offered me his card and jacket. I told him I'd return and then it went from there." I told them. I never thought I'd be where I am today, dating Hal and being his little.
We were interrupted by the door to the store being pushed open and a couple of people walked in. Agatha stays by my side but Stanley excused himself, shooting me a wink before going into his small office.
"Don't you have shelves to stack?"
"Nah, I did all my shit before you got here." Agatha said. She was still leaning against the till and I just shake my head.
The first person walked up, trolley filled with baby stuff. It took me a while to ring everything up before telling her the price. She hands me her card, a light Tao and a receipt later, she was gone.
It went on like this for a while and Agatha stayed by my side, occasionally going to help someone who didn't know what they were looking for. Before I knew it, it was twelve. I was just about to stretch a bit when the doors were pushed open and Hal walked in.
I didn't check Agatha's reaction because I couldn't look away from Hal's face. He looked just as he did this morning but there was something about him. Kinda like a glow. Maybe it's because we haven't seen each other for a couple hours.
"Babe..." he said as he walks towards me. I offer him a smile, meantally cackling when Agatha gasps. What? Hasn't she ever seen a beautiful man call his Little babe?
"Hi Hal." I said to him. He stops at the till and I walk through the small doors at the side, instinctively moving into Hal's arms. He pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"I want to ask how your day is but there's a woman looking at me with wide eyes."
I snorted, my hand immediately reaching up to cover my mouth. "Hal, this is Agatha." I said to Hal before turning to Agatha who indeed was staring at him with wide eyes. "Agatha, this is Hal."
"It's nice to meet you."
"Uh huh." Was all Agatha said and I was floored. Agatha always had something to say. She once had a debate with Jimmy about why the red velvet donuts were better than the Oreo donuts at Krispy Kreme.
"I think you broke her." I stage whispered, sticking my tongue out at Agatha who snapped back to reality, shooting a glare at me in response.
"Sorry. Your face scrambled my brain."
"I'm sorry...?" Hal chuckled.
"I'm going to leave you two to talk. I want to drop the apron and get my stuff."
"Alright, Babe. I'll be here." Hal said, pressing a final kiss to my forehead. I give Agatha a warning look before heading towards the employees room. I took off the apron and stuffed in the small lockers, grabbed my wallet and made sure I hadn't forgotten anything. When I made my way back out I stopped and just... watched Hal as he listened to what Agatha was saying. When he sees me standing, he waves me over.
I gave him a small smile in reply as I took my first step towards him. He was always there and a part of me wanted him to be for a long long time. This feeling of happiness, I want to keep it.