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Chapter 9

"Marcellus it's so good to see you after so long. I heard you got married is this she?" She threw the questions as Marcel closed his door still holding onto Nyasha.

"Debra, it has indeed been a while. And to answer your question, yes this is my wife," he said with a fond smile as he looked at Nyasha.

Nyasha however did not miss the look of lust the woman had for her husband as he pulled her closer to him.

"So what can we do for you?" Marcel asked walking towards the love seat indicating Debra should take the seat across from them.

"I just dropped by to say hello. Didn't want any surprises at the upcoming ball and all," she said casually.

"Oh almost forgot about that. I am afraid I won't be in the country. My love and I still have to go for our honeymoon, she wasn't well when we got married but now she is fit for travel and so much more," he said with a smile towards Nyasha.

"Oh," Debra said a hint of disappointment visible. "That's good to hear," she said with a fake smile, one that they both saw.

Standing up she said her goodbyes leaving the office rather quickly.

"Honeymoon? I don't think that's a..." She stopped when he gave a look that told her to not even bother.


Nyasha's POV

Marcellus surprised me with a trip back home. But first we would see my father and the rest of my family. I was shocked when no one said anything about the fact that I was married without the proper introductions and all. My father was only glad I was safe and sound and after telling him of what I had gone through Marcellus quickly won his trust to my surprise even though he hadn't said a word to me the whole time we had travelled.


She frowned thinking they had been making progress in their relationship but ever since Debra showed up he shut her out resulting in her withdrawing away from him.

"Sir we have to head to Victoria Falls for a few days," he said. "But we will return soon so Nyasha can spend some time with her family."

He received a nod of approval as he stood up leading the way out of the house.

Arriving at the international airport the attendants wore friendly smiles directing them to a private lounge as his jet was being prepared.

"A drink for madam," a steward said holding a tray of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Thank you," she said with a smile.

Marcellus on the other hand was busy on his laptop ignoring her.

The pilot arrived whispering something into his ear as he shut his laptop handing it over to one of the hostesses we had travelled with.

"Let's go," he said in a low voice as she stood up following him.

Arriving at A'Zambezi hotel she was surprised to find him paying for a normal room instead of the overpriced ones.

"I am sorry," he whispered once the attendant left them in their room.

She stood rigid looking at him, studying his expressions.

"I don't understand. Why are you apologizing?" She asked him.

"I have been ignoring you all this while," he said taking her hands gently

"Well as long as this doesn't repeat itself you are forgiven," she smiled as she turned around to look at their room. "Today you were going to sleep facing those pillows," she smirked as he chuckled.

"Very funny darling," he said kissing her head.


He surprised her once again with a sunset cruise which resulted in them staying out late on the waters enjoying each other's company. Visiting various attractions she saw a different side of him which she never thought existed as he wined and dined her, buying anything she admired for too long.

"Thank you for this," she said as they sat by the balcony admiring the stars.

"Anything for you," he smiled.


Returning back home she was surprised to find Debra in her living room. From the look on Marcellus's face he wasn't expecting her as well.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing really. I just came to tell your father how you stole my fiancé away from me."

"What!" Both Marcellus and I said at the same time.

"Debra stop this nonsense immediately," Marcel growled angrily as Nyasha stepped away from him.

"What is she talking about Marcellus?"

"Please don't listen to her. She is lying."

"This ring says it all. You can even call my friends they were there when he proposed."

Nyasha ran to her room confused, angry and sad at the same time as he went after her. Banging on the door to gain her attention he stopped when he heard a sob close by, realizing she was just by the door.

"Just go Marcellus. I don't want to see you and please take this with you," she cried slipping the wedding ring under the door to him.

Crouching down he picked up the piece of jewellery that signified their unity before he excused himself respectfully before her father, grabbing a hold of Debra's arm in a vice grip as he yanked her up and out of the house.

"Marcellus let go of me. You are hurting me," she cried as he tightened his grip on her.

"You are going to regret this little stunt you just pulled," he said in a chilling tone that revealed the cold man he was before he let Nyasha into his life.

Calling his pilot he told him to get a ticket for Debra as he drove them to the airport.

"Let me warn you. If I see you, smell you, hear you within an inch of myself or my wife, you will surely die by my hands. And this is a promise," he said as Debra shrunk back not recognizing the man before her.

Leaving her at the airport he headed back to his wife praying, hoping she would be calm enough to listen to him.

"Nyasha," he gently knocked on her door.

"Marcel please just give me some space to think," she sobbed.

"Sweetheart please," he said softly only to receive silence.

Listening intently he heard her laboured breath as he banged on her door.

"Nyasha, open the door!" He growled becoming more worried when he didn't hear anything else.

Breaking the door down he found her passed out on the floor as dread and worry overcame him. Lifting her up he placed her on the bed just as her father walked in looking worried. After checking on her he assured Marcellus that she would be alright telling her this was nothing to worry about.

Slipping the wedding band on her finger he sat beside her. The seconds ticked away turning to minutes as he sat waiting, hoping, praying. She was making him do things he had never done, things like caring for another aside from his little sister.

Seeing she wasn't going to wake any time soon he went to sit with her father as they took the time to get to know each other whilst Nyasha rested.

She stumbled into the room rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as he shot out of his seat going towards her. Her father had long turned in for the night but he had stayed up working. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that his laptop was now on the floor, his main focus being her.

"Nyasha," he breathed wrapping his arms around her as though his life depended on it.

They stayed like this for a few minutes as she sensed he needed this. Slowly stepping away from him he quickly grabbed her hands, careful not to hurt her as he pulled her towards the kitchen. Leading her to a chair she sat down, they still had not spoken, only he had spoken thus far. She watched as he grabbed a plate popping it into the microwave.

Observing him she could see he was nervous. Looking at the microwave he stood rigid only his foot tapping away impatiently, his arms crossed over his chest, his muscles bunched up and straining against the polo shirt he was wearing. She was sure he would not even hear her if she decided to call out his name.

The beep of the microwave snapped him out of his daze as he opened the door retrieving the plate. Placing the plate in front of her he grabbed a fork for her before sitting in front of her, not once meeting her gaze.

She said grace after she had washed her hands. She twirled the spaghetti around her fork as he watched her thinking of what to say. She placed her fork down after one bite.

"I think you should go home. I will follow when I am ready," she said as he looked at her wide eyed.

"Sweetheart," he choked out as his heart hammered in his chest, fear creeping in.

"Marcellus please," she said in a broken voice that broke him.

"Okay. The plane will return for you, but please come home soon.


Two weeks passed by with her still not showing up.

"What happened?" Alex asked as they sat in his office.

"Debra," he simply said as he took a swing straight form the whiskey bottle.

"I told you she would be trouble. I told you to tell Nyasha about her the day you got married."

"I know, I know. I just never thought she would do such," he snapped.

"Have you tried calling Nyasha?”

"What do you take me for? A fool, I call her every day and still she does not answer," he growled.

Just then one of his employees knocked.

"Enter," he growled as they walked towards him handing over a document.

Opening the document he quickly spotted an error that would surely cost him millions.

"Dammit can't you people do anything right for goodness sake!" He yelled slamming his fist into the wall which was a huge mistake as his face turned red in anger and pain.

"Marcellus," Alex said grabbing his hand to see the amount of damage before he dragged him out of the office heading to the hospital.

Dr Alexis happened to be the one to see them first as she assisted them. After breaking a few bones from the punch his hand would be out of commission for the time being as Alex thanked her before taking his friend home.

Looking at his friend he could clearly see had lost weight. He was not even grooming himself properly as his beard had grown tremendously.

"Nyasha," he sighed after she finally picked up the phone. "You need to come home, Marcellus is not feeling too good," he said hoping she would say yes. However she didn't give him a reply leaving him in utter darkness as to whether she would return home or not.

After making sure Marcellus was alright he bid him farewell only coming to a halt once he opened the door. She stood before him looking worried.

"Where is he?"

"Upstairs," Alex replied stepping aside for her.

Opening the door slowly she poked her head into the room only to find him lying in bed. He was fast asleep due to the pain medication as she walked into the room. Removing her coat she climbed onto the bed and lay beside him falling asleep.


When he woke up he found himself spooning his sleeping wife. She looked so peaceful and was there in his arms. Where she was meant to be. He realized it was already nightfall and quickly got up to turn the alarm on.

Returning to their room he watched her as a frown formed on her once relaxed features as she began to fidget uncontrollably before sitting up with a start, looking frightened.

"Marcel," was all she needed to say as he took her in his arms, holding her shaking form.

"You are safe, don't worry."

"He was in the house. Then he tied you up after beating you before he came towards me. He touched me as you struggled to break free," she cried feeling his arms tighten around her.

"No one will ever get into this house. And no one will definitely harm me or touch what is mine," he said in a firm voice that told her he was telling the truth. "No one. Do you hear me?" He asked looking at her.

She nodded her head yes as a smile formed on his face. She reached up to stroke his cheek before resting her hand on his chest feeling the rapid thump of his heart beat that was getting back to normal.

"What happened to your hand?" She asked as she slowly assessed him.

"Got a little angry," he said looking down before feeling her hand under his chin lifting his head up.

"Anger is not good," she whispered looking disappointed.

"I promise it won't happen again," he said in a low voice.

"Please don't let it."

"Only if you promise to never leave my side. You..."

"I what?" She said looking into his eyes.

"You calm me down," he said looking away from her.

"You calm me down too," she said as he looked at her clearly surprised because he had never seen her angry.

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