Chapter 15
Making his way back to her room he paused outside her door listening for any movement.
"Great she must me asleep."
He just wanted to see that she was asleep. Each word she had said rang loudly in his ears. Tormented his dreams but he just had to see her. Make sure she was sound asleep, getting some rest.
Gently opening the door he peeked in finding the bed empty. His eyes must have been deceiving him due to the swelling so he walked further into the room, closer towards the bed. Indeed it was empty, thus he decided to wait for her return. She most likely was using the bathroom.
Sitting down he looked at his bruised hands recalling the events of the night. Twice, no thrice he had laid those hands on her in a harsh manner. He had done what the idiot Malcolm had done. Standing up he went towards the bathroom only for his feet to come into contact with water as he reached the door.
Swinging the door open his heart slammed against his ribcage. An action he had never experienced ever before. He stood paralyzed with fear, something he knew nothing of. Her words came back to mind:
Thank you for teaching me a lesson. Never will I trust another man. Ever again. Don't talk to me, touch me. Matter of fact treat me like I am the plague or you will never see this baby or myself again. And where I go, not even your best man can track me.
This must have been what she meant, he thought to himself as his legs moved automatically towards her. Grabbing towels from the rail he quickly wound the cloths around her wrists turning the water off. Feeling for her pulse it felt too weak, sending him into panic mode. Lifting her up he placed her on the bed calling Alexis immediately.
By the time Alexis arrived two men had lost their jobs, one was sporting a broken nose and Max had received several threats from his boss.
"She will live. I just need to know what triggered such a reaction," Alexis said as she looked over her friend.
"I did," Marcel whispered in a pained voice as he kept looking at her.
As soon as she opened her eyes tears welled up. Why couldn't death just take her away from this prison? Turning to look around the room she found him there. This man was becoming infuriatingly bothersome. Didn't he get it, she clearly didn't want to see him. Looking at him she cursed her poor heart for feeling sorry for him, he looked beyond terrible and was sporting her mark on his rich lips.
"It's rude to stare," he said as his lips cracked into a small smile. The same smile he sported the first days he actually spoke to her. The same smile she didn't know she had placed there. It fell once he realized what he was doing. Fell once he realized how he had gone about it all the wrong way.
One would expect a different reaction at such a sight, a gasp, a reflection of worry of pain at the sight of the man before her silently crying as a lone tear rolled down his face. But she did none of these things. A smile appeared on her face, not just any random smile, but a smile of pure triumph appeared on her lips. His expression remained the same as many questions ran in his mind. One of them being, had he damaged her so much that she had finally snapped?
Leaving the room without another word she waited for the others to come in. The noise outside her room had clearly indicated that they would not go anywhere without seeing her as Helen spoke harshly to her husband, clearly they still hadn't worked out their differences.
Marcel's POV
I needed to fix us or else I would lose her completely. She looked at peace as she slept as I slowly climbed into bed. She would fight me all she wanted but I would keep her close. Keep both of them close no matter what. Placing my arms around her I pulled her closer to me as she subconsciously snuggled into the warmth I provided unknowingly.
I felt at ease as I held her close only to forego sleep when she started to whimper in my arms tears running down her cheeks.
"Ssshh, you are safe my love," I cooed as she relaxed slightly.
It pained me to see her going through so much pain. Pain that I had inflicted such that even my own family was not talking to me.
My sister of all people had told me point blank that she would only forgive me, when Nyasha did.
How long would it take to gain her forgiveness, for me to see that smile of hers once again? For her to surprise with her spontaneity.
I made sure to leave the room before dawn heading straight to work. She needed space, time to recuperate and I would give her some. Maybe a few days apart would be good for us I thought as I sat in my office staring at the pile of paperwork.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," Alex said with a wide grin as he barged into my office.
"I thought I said I don't want any interruptions."
"Yep I was right. Wrong side of the bed. What happened did you and Nyasha switch sides or something," he teased as I avoided his eyes.
"Don't you have anything better to do? Maybe work?"
"Oh please Marcellus. You of all people should know my money works for me. Now how is the Mrs and my godchild," he said taking a seat.
"They are fine Alex. Look I am very busy as you can see."
"I just came by to talk man. You see the thing is the families are talking and they want a meeting just to make sure everything is alright. You went silent for two whole months," he said.
"I know. The meeting is on tomorrow in London."
"Ah home sweet home. So when do we leave," he beamed.
"I am leaving in the afternoon."
"Superb news indeed. I will see you there in the morning," he said waving goodbye before I could stop him.
Nyasha's POV
He did not return home that day which was a breath of fresh air indeed as I lay in bed. The previous night I had slept soundly which was very rare for me but today sleep would be my tormentor tonight. Each time I would see Malcolm and Marcellus standing over me, laughing their hearts out at my bedraggled state. Blood soaking my shirt as the wound Malcolm had given me bled profusely.
I knew the right thing was to forgive, but forgiveness was pretty difficult especially with the way he was acting. Maybe it was a good thing he was not around tonight, I thought to myself. The sandman came knocking on my door as sleep consumed me but my phone ringing brought me out of my peace.
I answered without even looking at the caller id.
"Hello," she said but no answer came.
"Hello. Who is this?" She asked after seeing it was an unknown number.
Just as she was about to hang up she heard a voice.
"Sweetheart," she heard him say.
"I know I didn't say goodbye this morning. I am away on business that's why I am not around for you to yell at," he said clearly with a smile from the sound of his voice.
"I miss you already. Miss that angry glare you have been throwing in my direction for days now. Anyways I just wanted to hear your voice, to say goodnight and to tell you that you are safe so sleep soundly. You don't have to say anything but I know you are there love," he said gently before he ended the call after a long pause.
She stared at the phone as she wiped away her tears. Marcel was sweet one minute and a monster before one could get used to the sweet side. She closed her eyes letting sleep take over, and indeed she slept soundly that night.
"Good morning Mr Martinez," the restaurant manager said as he held the door open for Marcel.
"There is nothing good about this morning," he spat angrily removing his coat.
Entering the room numerous men were seated being seen to by several scantily clothed women.
"Out!" He bellowed as the women rushed out of the room leaving the men to straighten up.
"Now who has been asking questions about my whereabouts?" He said slowly looking at each and every face in the room.
Alex stood by the bar a smirk on his face as he knew trouble was indeed brewing.
"Levi," Marcellus said in a chilling tone as the said man shot out of his seat making a run for the exit.
He didn't go far though as Max and another man got a hold of him.
Removing his jacket he handed it to the manager who held a tray in his hands. Placing his Rolex and cufflinks on the tray he dismissed the man whilst rolling up his sleeves.
"I am sorry Don," Levi spat out as he was released in front of him.
"No amico mio," he said. (My friend)
"You have been creating chaos within the circle and you know how much I hate trouble makers, yes?" He said as he stood behind the man wrapping his arm around his neck.
"I know sir. Please it won't happen ever again."
"Yes it will Levi. That is why I need to make an example of you in front of all these other good people," he said as he tightened his grip.
"Don..sir...sir plea..." He didn't finish his plea as his neck snapped.
"One down," he said pulling out his gun as he shot two other men instantly leaving the others stunned.
"Now that I have taken out the trash shall we discuss business gentlemen," he said taking the towel to wipe off the blood that now stained his shirt and face.
"How goes the shipment of our products?" He flashed a smile at the men in the room as he settled down.
"All the cargo arrived instant. Had no encounters with any pirates thankfully," one mention.
"You better not have," Marcel mumbled he took out his phone staring at the picture of Nyasha.
He had taken this when he had taken her out to the circus once for their date. She looked beyond happy as she smiled at him.
"Have we made any profits in the clubs since last month?"
"Yes Don. We took care of the hooligans who were hitting the clubs disrupting everything."
"Who sent them?"
"The Carlos brothers," he said as Marcel gave a slight nod of acknowledgement.
"Send word. If you don't have anything better to do than monitor my movements then clearly you are in the wrong business. Anyone with a problem with my actions should come talk to me. If you don't you will find yourself like Levi and his friends," he said standing up grabbing his things.
"Did you have to kill Levi he was a good informant," Alex spat.
"It had to be done. He was seen with the Carlos brothers just last week."
Alex remained silent as he now understood.
"How is Nyasha?"
"You have her number don't you. Call her and find out."
"How much did you mess up with her?" He asked with a sigh.
"Really bad," Marcel confessed.
"If I were you I would beg on my hands and knees for her forgiveness."
"I know."
Returning back home he headed straight home not caring about the office. He had to gain her attention and he would do whatever it meant to have it.
Knocking on their bedroom door he waited for an answer but none came. He knocked once more before simply opening the door and finding her on the bed reading.
"Hi," he said taking a few more steps towards her. She didn't even glance in his direction as he sat on the bed a few feet away from her. "How are you and the baby?" He asked with a smile as her hand instinctively shot out to rub her stomach. He was glad she was listening.
"I did you wrong my love. I don't know what I must do to gain your forgiveness but this silence, me not touching you is slowly killing me. Each glare a blow to my gut, each frown a lash across my heart, each time you reject my touch a piece of me is broken. I lied to you. I know you hate lies, matter of fact you despise them.
I should have told you the truth from the start. Should have just asked you to be the mother of my child, not the foolish way I went about it. Now you are broken and it hurts to know that I broke you, the woman who unfroze my heart. The woman who brought me joy and peace.
I deserve whatever punishment you want to inflict upon me, but please my love, just say one word. One word is all I need to hear to know we might make it. That there is still hope for me to fix this. To fix us," he said as she kept her gaze on the book.
He sat staring at her before she shifted to get off the bed. He reached out to help her but stopped when she held up her hand stopping him.
Leavings the room she went towards the kitchen to grab something to eat returning back to read. He headed downstairs grabbing a bottle of vodka as he drowned his sorrows. Alex stopped by just as Marcel took out his old revolver.
"I'm going to play Russian roulette," he slurred as he put a single bullet. "She won't speak to me so what reason do I have to live. I hurt the woman I love. The mothers of our unborn baby. I am the cause of all her pain her nightmares," he hiccupped as he placed the Burrell to his temple.
"Marcellus you need to stop this, give me the gun," Alex said as the first click went.
"Why should I live? Give me one good reason," he said drinking some more.
"Because you have a baby on the way. That baby needs a father."
"You will be there Alex. Take care of my child, promise me this," he said pulling the trigger once more.
Nyasha must have heard all the commotion as Alex looked in her direction begging her.
"Promise me Alex. There is no reason to live anymore," he said.
"What about me?"
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