Chapter 19
"Where is she?" Marcel asked as Neil stood up.
He simply laughed at his question.
"Do you think I know? Meeting you like this was because of my wife. She practically forced me to see you.
As for Uri and Nikolai they knew better than to give you what little information they had," he said walking out of the den heading towards the kitchen.
"How do I find her then?"
"You will only find her when she wants to be found. Stay here, be my guest as you wait for her to reveal her location, go home for all I care. But you will never find her," he said as he washed their glasses. "She could be anywhere," he mumbled to himself.
"Good evening gentlemen," he said drying his hands as he clapped his hands turning off the lights.
Waking up the following morning he found Alex enjoying his breakfast alone.
"Good morning Marcellus," he greeted.
"Good morning Alex. Where is Neil?"
"Oh they left. Didn't even know they left until I got this," he said throwing him a small note.
Patience is a virtue.
Three days. It has been three days since I last saw Neil. I stayed back in Mumbai as Alex left for home.
Grabbing my laptop I looked at the image of the box that had been sent to me. Max was currently tracking Dow the agency responsible for delivering the box.
"Sir the agency is a dummy corporation," Max said as I cursed at this notion.
"Inspect the box and the doll. Find out which company makes them. Track down the batch number and where it went. Find out who ordered that batch and get me some answers!"
Yelling in frustration I looked outside as water poured down heavily.
How much do you love me?
I read looking at my laptop screen.
"Nyasha?" I replied back before my phone buzzed.
Is there any other you know of?
Where are you my love? I need to see you.
How much do you love me?
My love for you cannot be quantified on this earth or any other planet, sweetheart.
Then why did you hurt us?
I believed a stupid message. Please tell me where you are so I can explain face to face.
I know about the message. But why did you believe it.
I don't know love, I guess I became jealous of what I saw between you and Alex.
Silence is what I received as I looked at my phone expectantly waiting for her response, but nothing came through as I lay on the large bed holding my phone. I had even connected it to the charger just to make sure there was enough energy in case she sent a message.
I let my mind focus on finding who had sent the note, I had analysts hired to look at the note. Anything to get some information, but all they told me was the personality of the individual from the way they wrote. Looking into the ink was pointless, numerous pens used that ink.
Each night I prayed for some miracle, for a message from her, for something, but nothing came until one evening.
Eating because I had to sustain myself I felt dizzy all of a sudden and before I could reach for my gun I passed out on the dining table just as I saw Alexis.
"Bright sunlight blinded his eyes once he opened them making him curse out loud.
The bed felt different, the room looked different as he sat up shielding his eyes.
Sitting up his eyes met with dark orbs. Before him stood a man who was twice his size and he definitely could not take him out without breaking a few bones in the process. That was something he was not willing to risk.
The sound of a baby had him looking towards the door.
"Take my son to his room," she said handing the baby over to a young girl. "I will be down shortly," she smiled.
Turning to look back in the room.
"Leave us," she said softly, as the giant nodded making his way out.
She walked, no glided towards the window, drawing the curtains turning to look at him.
Before he could even say a word she raised her hand silencing him.
"Say whatever it is you need to say before I send you back," she said removing her clothes heading towards the bathroom stark naked before his very eyes.
"I am sorry," he blurted out, standing outside the shower door cursing his blasted body for reacting to her.
"Sorry for?"
"Everything. Hurting you, deceiving you, lying to you," he yelled just as she cut the water off opening the door holing out a hand.
Handing her a towel instantly she slowly wrapped it around herself as he kept his gaze on her face.
"You are to still hold your son, come," she said leaving the room still in the towel.
I followed her about to protest about her attire when we walked into a room, clearly a nursery fit for a prince. I had noticed that there were no guards within the house. Actually no one was in the house
Picking the baby up he started to search for milk instinctively winning a smile from her as she handed the child to me denying him his feed.
Before I could say anything she was already out of the room returning a few minutes later wearing a silk shirt and slacks that emphasized her figure. Studying my son I could see my eyes and nose, he had his mother’s curly locks that had grown tremendously from when he last saw him.
"Come to mama," she said as I handed him over to her. He was clearly hungry from all the fussing and was happy once he was in her arms.
I looked at both of them at a loss of words. I just sat looking at them as she hummed to him as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
"Where are we?" I asked as we left the nursery.
"Home," she said.
"But my men looked for you here," I said baffled.
"Yes they did," she smiled as we entered her room once more.
"Who really are you?" I asked bluntly.
She sent me a smirk as she walked towards the door leading the way out of the house.
As soon as we stepped out, in front of us was a jeep doors already opened but not an individual in sight.
"How come there is no security?" I asked baffled to see not a guard in sight as she drove us away from the mansion.
"Who said there is no security," she said as the house faded and a town came into sight.
"But you just left our son alone," I snapped regretting my tone immediately.
She turned to look at me. Her eyes said it all as I kept my eyes locked on hers.
"Who said he is alone?" She said with a smile that confused me even more as we pulled up in front of a small building.
Stepping into the building I was surprised to find a young girl in tears whilst a man sat in another room obviously observing his surroundings.
Nyasha crouched down in front of the girl as she sobbed holding her head up. Gently speaking to her she coaxed the information out of the girl as I watched fascinated by how the girl’s confidence slowly grew as she narrated her story.
"What happened?" I asked since I was not well versed in Shona.
"That numnut killed her father over a debt, raping the mother in the process. The child called for help as he assaulted the mother," she said in a cool tone. "Right now the woman is fighting for her life since he beat her up really badly. And knowing the local authorities he will just get maybe let's say five years in prison. But I on the other hand, am not very lenient," she said with a smirk as another man appeared before her remaining silent as an older woman came in looking worried.
It turned out to be the girls' grandmother as she left with the child heading to the hospital. After making sure the child was cared for she turned to the man who had entered the room before.
"Welcome him," she said with a smile.
"My boss is impressed with your work Mr Joshua," the man said.
"Is he now? Well what can I say, it's nothing really."
"Oh it's something. Having such power over another human being," he said.
"Well it was fun actually. You should have heard her screaming as I had fun. She was begging me to stop but I know she wanted more," Joshua smiled. "Too bad the little girl called for help I could have had fun with her also," he said bursting into laughter which was cut short as he was slammed hard onto the ground.
"What are you doing, let go of me..." He gasped as the man left him.
Two other individuals entered the room holding him up as Nyasha walked into the room watching his expression change. She looked at the idiot from head to toe as a smile formed upon her lips.
"Tell me again how much fun you had?" She asked slowly walked towards him as they let go of him.
"None at all," he blurted out shaking his head.
Standing in front of the man she leaned towards him grabbing his crotch.
"You like to play right?" She said tightening her grip making him stand up straighter as I saw other men shift as though they felt the pain themselves.
His hands made a move to touch her but stilled when he heard a growl coming from Marcel.
"Have you ever seen a bull being castrated let me tell you, you will not see it but experience it first hand before we start playing," she said as the man's eyes bulged in horror as she stepped back.
"Tell him to prepare the bastard. That woman is the one who is going to deal with him for her own closure. She will avenge her husband and herself," she said before they left.
"Why did you lie to me?" I asked her.
"I did not lie to you. I played along with your game. Everything I told you was the truth, you never once asked for my identity because you swallowed the one I gave you. Did you want me to blurt out my real name just like that?" She asked me as I pondered over her words.
"A hint would have been nice," I said pocketing my hands.
"It would have, wouldn't it?" She said with a devious smile.
"Care to cool down and relax. I know the heat is killing you," she said out of the blue. "We can continue this discussion," she added making me accept her offer.
"Just how many rooms does this house have?" I asked as we walked into a large room housing the pool.
"Fifteen bedrooms, seven separate bathrooms, kitchen, four lounges, dining room, ballroom, swimming pool room, theatre, game room, salon a few others I don't care about," she said casually.
She stepped into a changing room and came out clad in a white bathing suit that had me staring at her for far longer than expected.
She was sitting by the stairs creating waves as I went towards her.
"Do you trust me?" I said holding out my hand for her.
She silently took it as I led her into the water making sure to keep my hold on her. Pulling her arms around my neck we went further away from the wall.
"How much do you love me?" She said taking me by surprise as she pressed her body against mine.
"So f**cken much," I growled as she leaned towards my lips.
"Hmmm, okay," she said letting go as my heart literally stopped for a second until she smiled at me still afloat.
She swam away from me as I realized she had lied about not being able to swim making me wonder was her asthma even real.
She left me in the water after a few laps since I needed to blow off some steam.
"It was clear I didn't know my wife very well."
After dinner, which was rather silent the staff cleared the table. I didn't even know there were people in the house except for security.
Sitting on the bed in the room I had woken up in, she walked in wearing her nightwear.
Before we both could say anything clothes were coming off as we tasted each other in a kiss I couldn't even describe. The need for each other so intense I couldn't even catch a breath as we ravaged each other.
"How much do you love me?" She whispered into my ear as she straddled me.
Why she kept asking me this question was beyond me before it dawned on me. She wanted a tangible answer not some sappy answer any man could give.
I was just not any man. I was her husband, hers and she was mine, my wife, my love.
"Enough to kill for," I growled seeing a smiled form upon her thoroughly kissed lips.
Thank you very much for reading.
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