Chapter 16
Nyasha must have heard all the commotion as Alex looked in her direction begging her.
"Promise me Alex. There is no reason to live anymore," he said.
"What about me?" She whispered.
He swivelled around in his seat looking at her as Alex took the gun out of his hand.
"What about you?" Marcel asked in a confused manner.
"Am I not reason enough for you to live?" Nyasha asked as he stood taking a step towards her which alone was a struggle due to his intoxicated state.
"You are my only reason to remain on this earth Nyasha," he said surprising her by going on his knees hugging her legs. "I am sorry I hurt you, I am sorry I lied, I am sorry for everything," he said as sobs shook his body.
"Get up Marcel," she said as he looked up at her.
"You, you called me Marcel," he said with a childish grin.
"Please help me get him upstairs," she asked Alex. "And maybe a shower too," she said catching a whiff of the alcohol.
He woke up in bed next to her.
"Tell me everything," she said.
He was about to shut her out before he had a second thought.
"When I saw you I knew I had to make you mine by any means necessary which resulted in all of this. I never meant to hurt you, Malcolm was not supposed to harm you but he threatened to expose the truth to you, so I paid him off," he whispered showing pure sincerity as he avoided her eyes feeling beyond guilty. "I will take whatever punishment you give me. Be at your back and call 24/7 I will gladly do it. I will be your little b**h," he said making her smile.
"Now that is an offer I cannot refuse," she smiled devilishly making him regret his words.
"There is more," he said seeing dread and worry. "I am sort of like in the mafia," he said seeing her eyes widen, as she sat up. "Just relax, take a deep breath," he said seeing the signs of a panic attack.
Pulling her back down onto his chest he continued to speak.
"I am not just in it but I am it. I am the head but mark my words no one will dare touch you or our child," he said hearing her sigh of defeat.
"When were you planning on telling me this bit of information," she said looking at him.
Guilt was written all over his face as he scratched his head.
"When the need arose," he said as she glared at his smiling form.
"I am going to have so much fun with your punishment," she said as he visibly gulped.
Leaning towards her lips she stopped him by placing a finger upon his lips.
"Do you think it's going to be that easy my love," she said as he lit up when she endeared him.
"I love a challenge," he said softly moving closer to her.
"I'm sorry I bit you," she said as her thumb ran over his lip.
"It still hurts," he said with a pout. "But you can kiss it better," he said a grin forming.
"Very well Marcel. Just because I feel guilty I will indulge you."
"You know you want this," he murmured against her lips.
"You are going to be my little...what was the term again?" She said as he claimed her lips.
"I am sorry for what we did my child," Roberto said.
"It's alright papa," she smiled as Roberto's own smile formed showing relief and happiness.
"Did he tell you everything?"
"Yes. So you are like the godfather of all godfathers?" She teased making him laugh.
"You could say that, goddaughter," he said as Helen walked into the room with a smile.
"Such a happy family are they not?" The man said.
"So sad that soon only sadness will reign."
"Is everything in order?"
"Yes. But we still have one problem."
"How to separate them. They are back together it seemed the ace we had up our sleeves has already been terminated."
"The baby will separate them," the man said as he put down his binoculars starting the car.
"If you say so."
Two months later
"Take care of yourself," he said gently.
"Be home early for supper," she said straightening his tie.
She was currently under lock and key after the doctor had ordered her to stay off her feet. At eight months she couldn't really complain staying off her feet. Alex would drop by from time to time to keep her company. Ellen had left for school whilst her in-laws had gone on vacation.
He was about to reach out for her but stopped when she made a tsk sound.
"Remember honey. I can touch you but you touching me is a no no," she said caressing her cheek.
His hands itched for her, but she was relentless. Two whole months he had not touched her, made love to here, kissed her whenever he wanted. She was the one who teased her with a slight brush here and there. A peck goodnight and good morning. If he was lucky a good make out session if she was in the mood which was always but very rare, if you get what I mean.
"So what are we eating and watching today?" Alex said storming into the kitchen with groceries.
"I was thinking of grilled chicken and fried rice whilst we watch whatever."
"Now by whatever you do mean a game of football. You know how I am crazy over soccer."
"Of course. Live the game, love it more. Curtsey of my dad," she laughed as he looked like he had won a prize indeed.
"Will you marry me woman?" He said making them both burst into laughter as Alex rolled up his sleeves to help prepare their meal.
"You are never at work. How come Marcel is always busy."
"Well you see my money works for me and his money well he needs to monitor it," he chuckled as she rolled her eyes at his statement.
This was Marcel came home to. He found the two laughing at some movie looking relaxed. She looked happy, for that he was grateful for as he sat beside her.
"How was work?"
"Tiresome and time was not on my side," he said making her frown in question. "The seconds weren't ticking away fast enough for me to come home," he said making her smile.
"And that's my quae to leave," Alex said as he kissed Nyasha's head before giving Marcel a slap on his shoulder.
"Such violence," Marcel grumbled as he looked at his friend who left the room laughing heartily.
"Goodnight!" He yelled as the door closed.
"Doesn't he have a family yet?"
"He has, they are away at his mother-in-laws."
"Yes, his wife and little girl," Marcel smiled. "You will meet them soon."
Marcel arrived at work to find a package waiting for him. Opening the box he found a baby doll with a note attached.
Are you sure that baby is yours?
Accompanied by a picture of Nyasha and Alex smiling at each other.
"Who brought this?"
"A messenger," his secretary said as Marcel shut the box.
The seed of doubt had already been implanted as his mind went crazy with theories over when they could have actually hooked up. She had become close with Alex long before she became pregnant. What if the child was indeed not his, he thought to himself.
Taking his jacket he left his office heading back home.
He found Alex there making her taste some sauce he had prepared. They looked rather cosy as Nyasha complemented the sauce.
"If you had married me you would be enjoying this every day," Alex said jokingly, but that is not what Marcel heard as he grabbed a hold of his friend, punching him repeatedly.
"Marcel stop this!" Nyasha yelled.
"What you don't want me to kill your lover!" He spat letting go of Alex who was wiping off the blood from his lips.
"For two months I have not touched you and yet you allow another man to do so."
"What are talking about Marcel? No one has laid a hand on me."
"Is that baby even mine?" He spat as she became tense completely confused by his question.
"Answer me. I that child mine or his?"
"Hold up Marcel, I think you are way above your head. You and I know that child is yours," Alex said.
"How am I supposed to know this when you two are acting all chummy. Hanging out together most of the day doing who knows what."
"Marcel you can ask Max he is with us most of the day," Nyasha said.
"No. I know what I am talking about," he said. "Just get out of my house!" He yelled.
"Marcel," she whispered her lips quivering.
"Get out," he boomed making her flinch.
That look he never wanted to see appeared on her face but his anger was too immense for him to even try take back his words. Walking out of the room she left with Alex who looked at his friend in utter disappointment.
"You know where to find me once you pull yourself together," Alex said as he closed Nyasha's door.
Houston we got a problem.?