7-Past and Present, Hope
[Harry P.O.V.]
The real nightmare is about to start this weekend, as the Christmas vacation starts then.
They say Christmas is all about family, when all family members meet together on Christmas Eve and sit around the Christmas colorful tree to open up all the gifts wrapped up in papers that make you hesitate before tearing them cause of how neat and happy they look.
I’ve watched “Home Alone”; how Kevin always gets left behind on Christmas. He would be sad and afraid for losing his family; despite the horrible things he does to those two creepy men. He would wanna be with his family on Christmas Eve and same goes to his family. Even though they forgot him, they would eventually realize that and do everything they can to have him back.
I wish I could feel the same though. I remember the last pleasant Christmas I had. It was four years ago when Seb was still alive.
*Flashback-Four Years Ago/Christmas Eve*
“Boys! Gemma! Come down here, its opening gifts time!” I heard mom yell from downstairs. We always open gifts on Christmas Eve cause we can't wait for the next morning.
I quickly jumped from my bed where I was writing a song that came to my mind and opened my door. I looked up to see Seb opening his own door, and then his evil grin could be seen on his face.
“Oh hell no!” I yelled while attempting to run downstairs.
“Not so fast lil’ bro!” Seb said just as I felt him lift me up of my feet and place me on his back with my legs wrapped around his waist.
“Ugh! Seb, come on! I’m not three anymore. I’m thirteen!" I wined.
“You’re still my little brother, I don’t care.” He replied, and that’s why I love him. I couldn’t ask for a better brother than him.
We reached the living room and saw dad, mom and Gemma sitting beside the tree.
“Kids.” I heard Gemma mutter under her breathe which caused me to roll my sparkling green eyes.
“You can put me down now.” I muttered, and fortunately he complied.
“Before we open anything, I want a family pic.” Mom said while setting the camera on an upper shelf facing us. She then set the timer and came back.
Seb placed his arm around my shoulder and the other one around Gemma’s. Dad was beside Gemma smiling and Mom was beside me, her cheek against my own.
“Smile!” Mom yelled.
We all grinned and the camera took about four pictures of us.
I didn’t know that this picture was the last one we will ever take together.
*End Of Flashback*
Christmas Eve was the last night I spent with my brother. After I got tired and sleepy, I went upstairs to my room and slept.
I do not know what happened while I was sleeping, but I remember waking up by loud screams and a bloody knife in my hand.
Yes a knife, which I then knew that the blood which stained it was my brother’s blood.
I remember looking up to see my father, mother and sister looking at me with teary accusing eyes; but it wasn’t me.
I remember asking them about Seb, where was he?
My father only replied with one thing.
“You killed him.”
From that night on, the beating started and the whole town knew what happened. I don’t really get how they know what happened cause all what they know is that I killed him which is not true. However, people around here believe anything.
So, long story short is that during this vacation, I either spend my whole time locked up in my room to avoid dad or sit alone in the park with the freezing wind for also the same reason. I wish something new could happen this vacation, but I know nothing will change. I will wake up, take a shower, and spend the entire day reading old books that I’ve came to memorize. If I do not read at home, then it would be in the park.
But isn’t this vacation slightly different? I mean I have Zelda to talk to now. Zelda, the girl who gives me hope every morning when I wake up. The girl who managed to bring the word “love” back to my dictionary. I mean I don’t really love her yet, but I think if we keep on talking like that every day, this feeling will eventually reach my heart.
Zelda is my new hope.
[Zayn P.O.V.]
“I know that Louis, I’m sorry I won’t be here on your birthday.” I said.
“It’s fine. Your boy is more important to you right now so I understand.” He said while hugging me.
“I just can’t believe it’s Friday already! I mean it felt like yesterday when you decided to go to Cheshire.” Niall commented.
“I know, and I’m so happy I’m leaving soon cause I can’t tolerate any more of his heartbreaking messages. It kills me to see him this hurt and I wanna make him happy, even if it’s for just a few days. Can you believe that in these past four days, his dad beat him up on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday? Wow, he is such a good father for skipping Wednesday!”
“Z, calm down! You’re gonna see him soon.” Ni said.
“Yeah, I will.”
“How will you like introduce yourself to him?” Lou asked.
“Hello, I’m Zayn Malik and I’m here for the holidays. I was wondering if you could show me around?” I replied.
“Seriously? Just that?” Ni asked.
“Yes, just that.”
After I left the lads in the school parking, I headed back home to tell my parents. I still didn’t inform them that I’m leaving tomorrow.
“Mom?” I yelled as soon as I entered my front door.
“In here!” Her voice echoed from the living room.
I entered the room to find every one sitting there. Good.
“Uh, I have something to say.” I said.
“What?” Dad asked.
“Um before I say anything, please don’t interrupt me until I’m done. You need to understand that this is important to me and I can’t tell you why I’m doing this.” I said.
“Sunshine, you’re worrying me. What’s wrong?” Mom asked, looking worried.
“Nothing to worry about mom. It’s just that I’m heading to Holmes Chapel, Cheshire tomorrow morning.”
“WHAT?!” Mom and Dad said at the same time.
I took a long breathe and closed my eyes, “I’m going there whether you accept or not. I’m really sorry that I’ll miss Christmas with you guys but I need to be there. Please let me go.” I said.
“And why is that?” Dad asked.
“I can’t say.”
“And you expect us to just let you go without any explanation?”
“Well, yeah?”
“NO!” They both yelled again.
“But, but I need to go. It’s not a want, but a need. I desperately need to go there. Please, just trust me for once.”
“Zayn, you’re still young to go there alone.” Mom pointed out.
“I’m eighteen.” I said.
“But still, it’s not enou-
“Please!” I pleaded.
My parents shared a look between them, debating on whether they let me go or not.
Finally, mom said, “Okay, but you call us when you get there and every night before you go to bed and I donno! Just let us know you’re alright. You should call three times a day. You hear?”
I ran up to her and engulfed her in a bear hug. “Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!”
“Will we ever know what’s up with you?” She asked.
“Maybe.” I answered then ran upstairs to pack my bag.
After I was done with packing, I texted Harry cause I miss him even though we talked at lunch break.
Me:-What are you doing tomorrow?
Thankfully, a few minutes later, he replied.
Harry:-Probably spend the whole day at the park. Got nowhere else.
Fuck! I hate his town, I donno how I’m gonna be there walking between all of those people who despise an angel like Harry.
Me:-Oh, what will you do there?
Harry:-Just read. What are you doing tomorrow?
Me:-Not sure yet, maybe hang out with Ni and Lou.
Harry:-Don’t you have girl friends? I mean are Niall and Louis your only friends?
Shit! I totally forgot that I should be a girl.
Me:-Yes, off course I have. It’s just they are my best friends and I trust them a lot :)
Harry:-It’s nice to have friends.
Me:-And you will one day angel. Maybe, you will find a friend so soon, before you even realize it.
Harry:-That’s pretty difficult in this home-town.
Me:-You never know baby.
Harry:-Why do you call me that?
Me:-Oh, I guess it just sounds right to call you that. You know?
Harry:-I know. I like it :)
He likes it! I love calling him that. Makes me feel like he is mine.
Me:-Me too :*