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5- Get To Know You.

5-Get To Know You

[Zayn P.O.V.]

I tried to forget about this terrible dream I had cause I just can’t think of the fact that Harry might ever stop talking to me. In just a matter of two days, I got really attached to him which makes it so unreal. But, if I think more into this, I come to the conclusion that Harry got me attached to him the moment he talked through that speaker.

My naked chest was glistening with sweat running down to reach my abs, and all cause of this freakin nightmare. Again, this question pops up in my head, how, just how can a boy who is a stranger affect me so much?!

I looked at my night stand which is something I seem to do every minute of every day just to take a look at my phone. I just hope this “beep” I heard is a message from Harry and not from Louis asking me if I wanna hang out today cause he will probably drag me to the park to play some football and then by the time night rolls by, I’ll find myself in some wild high school party I have no mood for.

I grabbed my phone and closed my eyes, preparing myself for what’s waiting. Slowly, I took a deep breath and unlocked my screen to see the name I typed in for when Harry calls or texts; “Angel”.

I opened the message and started reading.

Him:-Zelda, I’m sorry I got you so worried. I’m fine now, thank you :)

Now?! What does he mean by now? Did something happen to him?! I swear if that bastard whoever he is hit him again, I won’t hesitate to come to Cheshire and beat the shit out of him. Then, I wouldn’t even care if Harry knows I’m Zayn.

Just then, I typed my thoughts.

Me:-ANGEL! Thank God you finally replied! What do you mean by now? Did something happen to you?! Please tell me, you left me so worried over here.

Him:-You shouldn’t have worried about me, I’m fine Zelda. Don’t worry about me :)

Me:- Somehow, I figured out that this smile you sent is a fake smile. You can trust me Harry. Just tell me what’s wrong please. I really do care for you even though it may sound so strange.

I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer. He had to know that I seriously care about him. I wanna help him no matter what he says. I wanna be the one he always comes back to; I wanna be the shoulder he can cry on. I wanna be everything to him.

Him:-Zelda, I’m not used to telling this to anybody. I actually never told anyone before. I don’t feel comfortable about it. Please understand, I really feel like telling you but it’s hard for me.

Hard? What the hell is he talking about? Is this issue really this huge that he can’t tell me?

Me:-Then follow your feeling Haz. I really wanna help you my angel. You can tell me anything.

Him:-I’m afraid you won’t think of me the same way you do now.

What?! Why wouldn’t I think of him the same as now? He is an angel and always will be. He’s been my angel since the moment I’ve heard his angelic voice.

Me:-Harry, to me you are an angel, and nothing will ever change that. Nothing.


Me:- Always.

Him:-Well, here goes nothing. Every day, I got beaten up by my father along with everyone who feels like beating me up cause I’m this town’s “damned boy”. Everyone thinks that I killed my brother when in fact I never did but no one believes me no matter how hard I try so I stopped on trying to explain. I have a terrible life with no friends, a family that hates me and an abusive father. I won’t be shocked if you never replied.

“What the fuck?!” I didn’t even realize that I yelled these words out loud. I was too shocked to even think.

His dad? His freakin dad? What kind of dad is this? When his son says that he is not a killer, he should believe him! I can’t believe he is known to be a killer; “Damned boy”. They call him that? How on earth do they have a heart to give him such a nickname? On second thought, how the fuck do they have the heart to even lay a finger on him?

I sprang out of my bed and started pacing back and forth in my room. I never felt so angry in my life. I can’t imagine how his life is right now. I’ve been through the pains and misery that he is going through right now and I hate it, I hate that he have to put up with it. However, with him, its way harder cause he has the whole town to deal with, not just his bastard of a father.

My thoughts were cut off with a knock on my door.

“Zayn dear, is something wrong? Why were you shouting sunshine?” Mom asked from behind the door.

I took a long breathe to try and even my shallow breathing and answered, “Nothing mom, it was just a stupid nightmare.”

“Oh okay baby, are you fine?”

“Yes mom, don’t worry.”

With that, I heard her walk downstairs leaving me alone.

Why would people even think that Harry killed his brother when he actually didn’t? This is really confusing. There is some deeper story behind this and Harry must know it or else he will always have such a miserable life.

Right now, I wish he was here with me, away from all of those cruel people, lying in my arms where he will always be safe. I would do anything to have him here with me, make him forget about all his problems. I want him to feel loved. I want him to see that someone actually cares for him. I want him to know that my name is Zayn Jawaad Malik and not freakin Zelda. Then, I want him to stay with me even though I’m Zayn.

Why is that so hard though? And why am I thinking about him with me when I barely even talked to him? And why did I just think about the “L” word while thinking of him?

Ughh, I should probably reply or else he’ll think I don’t wanna talk to him again. How could he even doubt that I will ever leave him? He needs to know that I will always be here for him.

[Harry P.O.V.]

Me:-Well, here goes nothing. Every day, I got beaten up by my father along with everyone who feels like beating me up cause I’m this town’s “damned boy”. Everyone thinks that I killed my brother when in fact I never did but no one believes me no matter how hard I try so I stopped on trying to explain. I have a terrible life with no friends, a family that hates me and an abusive father. I won’t be shocked if you never replied.

Sh!t, what did I just do? I never told anyone about my life and now I just sent Zelda my life story. Now, she will definitely think so low of me and believe in what all of them seem to believe; that I killed Sebastian.

She is the only person I interacted with after four years of being alone and I don’t wanna lose her. She seems like such a loving caring person with a huge heart that fits everyone. She gets worried just cause I never replied and I’m nothing but a simple seventeen year old Cheshire boy who lives in his room.

It’s funny how a stranger can stir so many feelings inside of you in which you thought you would never feel. She was the first person who made me smile, grin, or even laugh ever since the incident four years ago. Every time I just read a text from her, my heart does those weird flips that I never felt before. Is this normal?

Off course it’s not. How can it be normal when I’m beginning to have feelings for a girl I never saw?

Every night, after dad finishes his beatings, I used to enter my bathroom and well, grab a pointy object and dig it into the skin of my arms until I could see blood flowing out. I never cut so deep cause I know the consequences but I did cut enough to leave scars. The pain it gives me is so addicting that I can’t stop.

I donno why I do it but I think its cause my father’s words really get to me. When he says that I deserve to bleed to death, I believe him. When he says that I don’t deserve to live, I believe him too. So, maybe that’s why I cut, in hopes that one day I accidently do a really deep cut and end up satisfying everybody by my death. Plus, feeling the pain makes this guilt inside me subside little by little. The guilt of possibly the lie of me killing Seb is actually true.

However, the night Zelda talked to me was the night she distracted me from entering the bathroom to do this to myself. And ever since that night, I never did it again. She is the reason why I stopped, but now that she took a lot of time to reply, I might go and do it yet again cause I can’t lose more people than I already lost, even though she is a stranger.

She just made me realize that I can trust her, that I can tell her anything without her judging me. But, will she reply or leave me hanging with a simple beautiful memory of her?

Just as I was about to enter my bathroom, my phone vibrated.

I let out a breathe I didn’t realize I was holding, and opened the message.

Zelda:-I believe you Harry, I honestly do. I wish you were here with me right now, away from them. It angers me that they can do this to such a sweet angel like you. I need you to know that you shouldn’t ever doubt that I will ever leave you. I talked to you the first time knowing that this might go further and I don’t regret it. I hope you don’t to.

She is the sweetest person I’ve ever met. I really wish I was with her now too. I have a feeling she would make me forget all of my misery as soon as I lay my eyes on her.

Me:-Thank you so much Zelda. You donno how much this means to me. You’ve helped me a lot in these past couple of days and you don’t even know it. I wish I was with you right now too…

Zelda:- And I wanna keep on helping you angel. Can’t you come here Harry? Why don’t you run away and come here to Bradford?

Me:- It’s hard to do that. I’m not even eighteen yet and I would have no job or a place to live. Can I ask a question?

Zelda:- Off course you can. You don’t have to ask.

Me:-Why do you call me angel?

Zelda:-Cause you sounded like an angel to me when I heard your voice that day.

I felt my cheeks go red as a tomato. Wow, I was blushing! Now that’s a first too.

Me:-Oh, umm thanks I guess :)

Zelda:-Aww is little Haz blushing? Somehow, I can feel it all the way here ;)

Me:-What? No, I’m not!

Zelda:-Sure, sure. Anyway Harry, what do you look like?

She wants to know what I look like? Well, why not tell her? It’s the least I can do for such a sweet girl.

Me:- Umm, you can say I’m quite tall. I have curly brown her and green eyes. Yeah, I don’t really know how to describe myself sorry. What about you?

Zelda:- Sounds handsome ;) I have black her with brown eyes, a bit tanned :)

Me:-Thanks and you sound pretty as well :)

Zelda:-So angel, tell me more about your life please.

Me:-Well, four years ago, I woke up one night to screaming and shouting and then just knew that Sebastian, my older brother died. I used to love him so much and I can’t see how people think I killed him when I definitely didn’t. So my dad started to beat me up four years ago and is still doing it till now along with the bullies at school.

Zelda:- Is this why you never replied yesterday or the day before?

Me:- After I sent you a message that I was getting some beating, I kinda got really upset and screamed some nonsense which made my dad beat me up more so I blacked out and woke up today.

Zelda:-WHAT?! I can’t believe this! Harry, you have to tell someone!

Me:- But I can’t coz they all believe my father.

Zelda:-I’m sorry Harry. I wish I can hug you right now.

Me:-Me too :)

Zelda:-So, can you promise me something?

Me:-Which is?

Zelda:-Promise me that whenever you feel down or just sad or whenever someone hits you, you will text me directly. I just wanna be here for you to make you feel better. Could you promise me that?

Me:-Yes, thank you so much for everything Z.

[Zayn P.O.V.]

He called me “Z”. You can’t believe how much this affected me. Just the mere thought of him getting so comfortable with me to even call me by my nickname makes me feel so happy, I was grinning.

I love how he said he wanna hug me too. I can feel that he started to trust me and that he might have some feelings for me starting to rise.

Me:-Love it when you call me that :)and your welcome angel.

Harry:-When I call you Z?

Me:-Yes! So Harry, now that we are getting closer to each other, tell me are you straight or gay or bi? Sorry for being rude or anything.

Harry:-Its fine Z. I am straight and you?

I closed my eyes for a second and thought of what’s best to do. Should I tell him that I’m a boy? What will he think? What if he is a homophobe? It will hurt so much if he hates me then. But, if I don’t tell him, I would hurt him too when he finally gets to know the truth.

Ughh, this is frustrating!

Me:-What do you think? ;) So do you like have a problem with gay people? Like do you hate them?

Okay so I cheated. I didn’t give him a straight answer but I just wanted to know if he hates homosexuals.

Harry:-No, I don’t. I mean why would I hate them? They are people just like me. Plus, I’m hated here so I know the feeling of being hated by everyone.

Oh thank God! Feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

Me:-That’s great! :) And Harry, I don’t hate you. Always remember that
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