2-I Will Always Care
[Harry P.O.V.]
-Are you okay?
I kept on reading this message and replaying it over and over in my head. This question. This question is the question that I’ve been longing to hear for four years.
No one has ever asked me this since the day my brother died.
Does this mean that this person cares? Is it possible that out of all my family and people living around me, a stranger was the one who actually gave a fuck about me?
This is unbelievable.
Does this sweet girl who called me actually cares, or she just feels pity for me cause I was crying?
Should I answer her?
Ughh, It feels so odd that a random girl just texted me to know if I’m fine. What if she just wanna have a laugh so she decided to play with me? I can’t handle more of those people.
I then decided to take a long relaxing shower and clean my blood which is smeared all over my face and body. I can think everything through while in the shower.
I limped-walked to the bathroom and took my pants and boxers off. I then climbed in the shower and turned the cold water on. I needed it to be cold in order to cool my hot body. I chuckled at my thoughts, hot body; I mean my bruised bloody body.
I placed my forehead on the wall in front of me and let the water cascade on my neck and back. I took a long deep breath as the cold water hit my body making my bruises sting even more, but that’s better cause I’ll feel numb after as always.
I started to think about my life.
My older brother, Sebastian. I miss him so much! It feels like yesterday when he used to take me out to the park to play some soccer. I miss these days, when we all were living happily and when I always felt safe and secured. My brother was always there for me, protecting me from the wicked merciless people out there.
But now, he is gone and I’m left to face this cruel world all alone. And the funny thing is that people say I killed him. For God’s sake, how could I even kill him when he was the best thing in my life? I always looked up to him as my idol and the person I wanna be like when I get older.
I was thirteen at the time and he was eighteen, and yet the citizens of Holmes Chapel, Cheshire still believe that the young weak me could kill the strong tough brother of mine.
That night was the most horrific night of my life. Knowing that Seb was found dead nearly killed me and I was devastated for God knows how much. It didn’t help that father started to beat me at that time.
Ughh, I don’t wanna remember that night so let’s go back to what happened minutes ago. This girl.
Shall I answer her? Maybe I should, I mean she was sweet enough to send me a message and the least I could do was reply to her and not be rude.
Getting out of the shower, I dried my body and hair with my towel and walked outside. I glanced at my bedroom door to make sure that it’s still locked, keeping me safe inside. I’m always scared that dad might have a key to my room that I always look at the door every five seconds to check if he’s there, glaring at me or even preparing his fist to throw a punch at me.
I walked to my closet and picked a black sweat pants with a plain white T-shirt. While putting them on, I heard a knock on my door which made me stiffen.
“Harry?” It was Gemma.
“W-what?” I replied back with a small voice.
“I brought you some food.” She said.
I sighed. I never understood Gemma. She always looks at me with those accusing eyes, blaming me for the death of her brother, but then she always makes sure I have at least one meal a day than not having any at all. She really confuses me.
“A-are you alone?” I asked.
“Yes, dad isn’t at home. He just left.” She replied.
So, I trudged to the door and slowly opened it to peak outside. I saw Gemma holding a tray with two plates on it and a glass of what looks like orange juice. The smell of the food made my stomach grumble so I opened the door further and took the tray.
“Uh, thank you.” I muttered.
She just smiled a little barely recognizable smile and walked away.
I closed the door with my foot and then balanced the tray with one hand to lock it.
I walked back to my queen sized bed and sat down with the food tray in front of me. Oh how I miss the delicious taste of homemade food. I quickly dug in whatever there is on the tray and swallowed down my orange juice. I love orange.
I looked at the clock on my night stand and it showed that it’s 7:30 pm. Suddenly, I felt the sleep wash over me so I placed the tray on the table next to me and opened the covers. I snuggled in the bed with my pillows and let sleep take me to the place where I can see myself happy, where everybody loves me and call me Harry Styles and not “The Damned Boy.” Sadly, this is just a dream…
I woke up to my alarm blurting as loud as it could. I shut it off and sat up in bed. It was five am. That is the time I wake up to everyday. Why?
Well, I wake up early to avoid bumping into my father cause it doesn’t matter if it’s the morning, afternoon, or night; he will still hit me mercilessly.
I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to complete my daily routine. I don’t bother hiding my bruises and swollen cheek cause everybody knows that dad beats me up at home and they don’t give a shit. Plus, I’m sure they will beat me up as soon as I step on the school grounds.
I walk back to my room and strip to my boxers. I picked black pants with a black hoodie. I completed my outfit with a black converse.
Why black? Well, that is all what I wear now. Black and white. My life feels like its dead, you know what I mean?
I have no life at all and I’m being tortured every single day, so in honor of my dead life, I wear dark clothes every day. It just won’t feel right if I wear colored happy clothes. I’d feel guilty for no evident reason, or for many reasons…
I took my school bag which was lying beside my closet and walked to the door. I slowly unlocked it, afraid to let anyone hear me. I opened it just enough to be able to poke my head outside. I turned my head left and right. The coast seemed clear.
I opened my door further and slowly walked outside. I arrived to the stairs and took one step at a time as quietly as possible. Sneaking out every day made me memorize each step by heart. I now know where I should step and where not, to avoid the cracking sound of the stairs and in turn to avoid waking up my dear beloved father.
I managed to reach the front door and finally exited the house. It was hard to walk with my sprained leg and it took longer than usual to reach the school but I did.
"Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School"
Ughh, I wish I can change my high school and go to a school where nobody ever heard of me. On second thought, I wish I could change my entire hometown and move to a city where everyone is nice and caring and sweet.
Speaking of “caring”, I totally forgot about that girl who texted me last night. Sleep just took over my whole body and I was too exhausted! Maybe I can text her back on lunch break.
As soon as I entered the school hallway, I was met by Luke, Damon and Shane. “The Usuals”.
Those are the jocks at my school, ready to beat me up. They know I come early to school so they also come early, saying that beating me up before everybody arrives is better for them; not that anyone will care if they hit me in front of them.
“What’s up damned boy?” Damon spoke, smirking evilly.
“Ready for some fun?” Luke asked while grinning.
Shane just smirked and lunged at me, swinging his fist straight into my already fucked up face making me lose my balance and fall backwards.
I slumped down on the floor with a loud “Humph”. I didn’t bother move. They started to kick my whole body as I groaned and whimpered. They were laughing and enjoying their every kick. As soon as they thought that their job was enough, they left; but not before Shane said, “See you tomorrow Damned boy.”
I crawled to the lockers next to me and sat there with my back to the lockers. By now, students started to fill the hallway.
“Ha, check out damned boy there. Pathetic.” I heard a boy mumble to his friend.
“What’s up Styles? Enjoying the blows? Haha get it? Blows?” Some other guy joked around with his friend. “Sup fag?!”
Somehow, everyone got a random idea about me that I’m gay. I donno where they heard this, but I’m most definitely not gay. I’m straight as a pole and no one can change that.
I waited a couple of more minutes and then stood up to head to class. I just hope I don’t bump into more idiots who don’t mind their own business.
I went straight to class and sat in the corner to hide there.
Class went fast and before I know it, the other two classes hurried by and it was lunch break. I walked to the cafeteria with people bumping into me on purpose and calling me horrible names.
I sighed and continued my way through the doors of the cafeteria. I went and sat at the table at the end of the cafeteria and disappeared. I took my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the message.
-Are you okay?
Hmm, what should I reply? I mean I donno who that person is. Should I ask who is she? Or reply that I’m okay and end it?
I found my fingers typing the letters without even thinking. I just typed it and sent it.
-Who is this?
[Zayn P.O.V.]
After sending the message to this angel, I waited for another hour for his reply, but he didn’t answer back which really worried me.
I donno why but when I heard his sad aching voice, It shredded my heart into little pieces and now seeing as he didn’t reply; it worried me more than before.
Ughh, I feel so stupid. I mean why the hell am I worried about a boy who I don’t even know? Is this even normal?
I wonder what his name is. I wonder if he is gay like me or not coz I don’t want these odd feelings that I have go to waste.
I should really stop thinking about this sweet voice.
I was now in the cafeteria, having my daily lunch with Niall and Lou. We were unfortunately talking about girls and that’s why my thoughts travelled to the boy in attempt to hide those terrible images of girls in my mind. Louis was telling us his story of yesterday after going back home. He said that his sister’s friend was there and she kept on revealing her cleavage for him and all that disgusting land of boobies.
I shuddered at the thought.
Just then, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I took it out. I unlocked the screen and was met by a text message from the boy.
I sat up straight and opened the message, excited.
-Who is this?
Hmm, so he wanna know who I am. I can’t tell him that I’m a boy and ruin everything in case he is straight right?
So I decided to answer him with a decent answer that doesn’t reveal I’m a boy.
-I’m someone who cares.
I sent this message and hoped that he would answer directly this time. I was overly excited and I’m sure it showed on my face.
“Hey lad, what’s got you so joyful all of a sudden?” Niall asked.
I looked up to see the boys staring at me, confused.
“Uh, nothing.” I replied.
“Yep, sure looks like it.” Lou joked.
I just sent him a glare and looked back down at my phone as it vibrated.
-But why would you? I mean I’m just a stranger.
He is right. Why do I care? I don’t even know. Something about him just pulled me in, it’s like magic.
I sent him what I honestly felt.
Me: -I don’t even know why but hearing your voice last night made me care.
Him: -Uh, thank you. It’s been a long time since someone cared.
Somehow, his reply angered me. Why doesn’t someone care about such a sweet angel like him? This reply made me wanna dig deeper into his story.
Me: -Your welcome :) …What is your name angel?
I really wanted to know his name.
Him: -Harry Styles. What is yours?
This was the perfect name for this angel. Harry.
I loved it.
But he wanted to know mine. I can’t tell him unless I know which way he swings. But, how can I ask him such a thing?
Me: -Such a wonderful name you have angel :)
I didn’t answer his question. I needed more time to think about it.
Him: -Thanks, but you didn’t tell me your name. I assume it’s nice as your voice last night?
What?!! Oh no no no. He thinks I’m Doniya? Fuck it!! And he said “nice”. Does that mean he was flirting?
Shit! Things just got harder than I thought. This means he is straight right? I can’t be sure but I don’t wanna risk it.
I sent a message without thinking. I just wrote it quickly and sent it.
Me: -Thank you, I’m Zelda.
Fuck! I just said that I’m a girl and that my name is Zelda. Zelda? Oh for crying out loud, why am I such a wimp? I just chickened out; afraid he would stop talking to me if he knew I’m a boy. It doesn’t even make sense to me! I mean two straight guys can text each other normally, so there wasn’t any reason why he would ignore me if he knew! God! I hate myself.
Him: -Zelda. Nice name :) Nice to meet you and thank you for caring. To answer your question, I’m okay.
Oh God! What did I get myself into? But on the bright side, I found out that he is okay and that’s all what matters to me.
Me: -I’m happy you are okay Harry. Just know, I will always care.
[Harry P.O.V.]
What a beautiful name for a girl with a beautiful heart. She really is a great person, a person who cares.
However, what really shocked me was that she called me angel. Not once, but twice. She seems like a confident girl. I feel like I can trust her.
-I’m happy you are okay Harry. Just know, I will always care.
She really made me feel a whole lot better by just texting me. I feel excited. Excited for a change in my life. Maybe she is a change.
-Thank you Zelda. I really appreciate your kind heart :)