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6- Revealed Secrets.

6-Revealed Secrets

[Zayn P.O.V.]

I spent the whole day Sunday chatting with Harry in my room. My mom thought I was sick or something cause I didn’t leave my room at all. After much of smiles and grins, she finally was convinced that I’m happy and healthy.

Before I knew it, Monday came around. Harry woke up so early just to sneak out of the house and out of his dad’s view. I felt like snapping his dad’s neck then, cause Harry deserves some sleep time, he deserves some relaxing time. If I could make a wish right now, it would be getting my angel all the way from Cheshire to here.

I just think that he needs me as much as I need him.

Yes, yesterday night, I admitted between me and myself that I need Harry Edwards Styles. How cool is his middle name? When he told me about it yesterday, all what I thought about was- “So British”. Yeah, I know I’m stupid but that’s true.

Anyways, back to the main and important topic. I do need Harry, I need him cause I know that he is the one for me, the right guy. After months of trying to forget Liam, I succeeded. However, Harry was the only boy who managed to steer my past back into my mind and thoughts. I never thought that I could trust any boy after Li, but Harry proved me wrong.

When I made that decision of leaving Liam Payne for good, I also promised myself that I would never fall for a guy that easily cause not everyone can be trusted. I could still fall in love with a guy who turns out worse than my Liam, but this new angel entered my life now and I know that we are each other’s saviors.

Right now, Harry is living through the same shit I went through, but even worse. This made me think that maybe we are destined to be together. Why?

Well, since I’m a bit experienced in that department, I can help Haz through the beating in any way possible. I could guide him. I could be here for him and support him just for him not to give up on life. If he gave up, I would blame myself cause I’m now the only person who knows his life story which means I now have this mission to save him from the bad people. I can’t fail.

And him, well by just talking to him, he is getting the old me to resurface. I can feel that my old self is appearing again slowly. He brings it out. He is the reason why I’m finally moving on; he will make me forget Liam for good this time.

I was chatting with my angel on the way to school, that’s why I knew that he woke up so early. He is currently sitting in the corner of his English class, hiding from everybody and waiting for the period to start. I decided to keep him company so that he doesn’t feel so bored.

He also told me that today was the first day the three jocks weren’t waiting for him at school. He said that he thinks this day is gonna be a calm one cause I never left him for two days now. He said that I bring the joy and all what’s good to his life. This in turn made me blush. Yes, Zayn Malik freakin blushed… Yep, that’s the old me alright!

Moving on, I just entered the school doors, holding my phone and sending a reply to Harry when I was stopped by none other than my favorite two boys in this world; other than Harry off course.

“Ha! So I see your phone is in quite a good state. I wonder why I never heard a reply from you yesterday!” Louis said sarcastically.

I gave him a pleasant glare then said, “Hey Nialler, how was your weekend?” while circling my hand around his shoulder and leading us towards our lockers.

“It was great!” He cheered. I couldn’t help but notice the side glance that he gave to Louis. What was that all about?

“Oh yeah? Why? What did you do?” I asked curiously.

“Um, uh, n-nothing of importance. Just relaxed at home and slept till a late hour.” He stuttered. Aha! I know something is up and I’m gonna find out.

“Zayn! So now you’re ignoring me? Why didn’t you answer my previous question?” Louis chirped in.

“What question?”

“Why didn’t you reply to any of my messages?” He asked while waving his phone in the air.

“Oh, I just didn’t feel like talking to anyone or hanging out.” I made sure not to stutter while answering. Don’t want them noticing that I’m lying.

“Aha.” Louis stared straight into my eyes to make me crack. It’s his thing that he does every time he thinks someone is lying to him. Soon, we were in a middle of a staring contest which made Niall wave his hand between our faces to stop us.

“Come on Lou, stop your thing. We gotta go to class.” He said.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to stop my thing.” I heard Louis whisper into Niall’s ear. I’m sure he didn’t want me to listen to him but I did.

Niall blushed.

What was that again?!

Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my hand. It was a message from angel.

Shit! I totally forgot to reply to his previous message.

Harry:-Z? Are you there?

Me:-Yes, sorry. Niall and Louis (My best friends) distracted me.

Harry:-Oh okay, well class is about to start. Talk to you later?

Me:-I’ll talk to you at lunch break angel. Have a nice day x

Harry:-You too x

[Louis P.O.V.]

Shit, shit, shit, shit! Zayn is suspecting something. I know it, I just do. By just looking in his eyes, I saw his curiosity. He knows.

“Lou, breathe. He doesn’t know anything.” Niall whispered in my ear. He was sitting next to me in class and Zayn was in front of us.

“How do you know that? Didn’t you see how he was staring at us?” I was panicking.

Zayn can’t know.

“I know Zayn. If he knows, he wouldn’t hide it. He would let us know. Just calm down Lou.”

“Ugh, you’re right.” I said while squeezing his hand under the table.

He smiled his gorgeous smile then said, “Plus, Zayn isn’t the same these past few days.”

“I know. What do you think is wrong with him?” I asked.

“Do you think it’s a girl?” Ni asked.

“I have no clue. But, he seems happy today, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, he does. Let’s see if he freaks out at lunch break like he’s been doing lately.” Niall joked.

While we were busy laughing, our Math teacher Mrs. Donald interrupted us.

“Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Horan, can I know what’s so funny?”

“Uh, nothing. We just remembered something.” I answered directly.

“Well, next time try to remember it outside my class. Is that clear Mr. Tomlinson?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Oh shut it Zayn.” Niall said before Zayn could utter a single word. We just knew he will comment on this since he was busy laughing his ass off at the both of us.

“Okay, okay. Calm down man!” Zayn said while holding both of his hands up in the “I surrender” position.

The rest passed by slowly. When the bell rang, Ni and I ran to our next class. Zayn had a different class than us. Art.

As soon as the next two periods ended, we walked to the school cafeteria to meet Zayn at our usual table. Zayn was busy typing on his phone with a huge grin plastered on his face.

Fifteen minutes later, his face expressions began to change slowly. His grin faded to a smile until his lips were left in a thin line with a clenched jaw.

Okay, so how can someone suddenly change from happy to angry in just a few minutes?

Who on earth is he talking to?

And then, the joke which Niall cracked first period came true. Zayn did freak out at lunch break. He suddenly stood up and ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated.

“What the fuck?! Just why?!” He screamed.

Okay, now this is odd.

[Harry P.O.V.]

I was sitting at my usual table in the cafeteria by the far corner, minding my own business and talking to Zelda, when my phone was snatched from my fingers all of a sudden.

I looked up to see Luke, Damon and Shane. “The Usuals”.

My phone was in Damon’s hands and he started reading out loud.

“Zelda: Angel, how is your day so far?”

Then, Shane took the phone and started to imitate my voice. “So far so good Z.”

Damon: “That’s good Haz. Are you eating?”

Shane: “Oh no. I have no appetite.”

Damon: “But, you promised you’ll start to eat more often. Come on angel, at least grab an apple.”

“Stop it!” I snapped.

“What did you just say?” Luke asked, with a threating glare.

“I said stop it! Give me my phone back. This is none of your business.” I replied.

“Oh my dear dear Harry. Why aren’t you eating? You promised.” Luke mocked with a girlish voice.

“Does this Zelda girl know that you killed your brother? Or you hid that truth from her so that you can at least have one person talking to you?” Shane said, oblivious of the whole truth.

“Give me my fuckin phone back!” I was pissed off now. It’s one thing that they beat me up, but another thing that they took my phone. This is way out of hand, especially since they started to interfere with my personal life.

“What was that damned boy? Did you just swear?!” Luke said while taking a threatening step forward towards me.

“I just want my phone back.”

Then, Luke stepped forward causing me to step backwards until my back hit the wall behind me. He slowly approached me while smirking, this evil looking smirk. He then clutched my shirt into his fists and bumped me hard against the wall causing me to wince.

While Luke was busy pumping his fist into my abdomen, I heard Damon saying out loud the message that he was typing on my phone.

“Damned boy is busy getting beaten up by our friend for swearing at him. Did you know he killed his own brother? Or did he lie to you? Poor girl, you donno anything about Styles do you? How could you even talk to such an annoying sick twisted person?”

I felt a tear slip down my face as I slumped down to the floor, clutching my stomach for dear life.

I felt something land in my lap as I heard Shane mutter a “here you go fag.”

I looked at my phone’s screen just as a new message appeared.

Zelda:-Angel, are you there? Please tell me you’re fine! God! I’m gonna kill those bastards!”

Wow, for a girl, she sure is aggressive.

I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria to my next class and sat in the corner again. Then, I texted her back.

Me:-I’m fine. Humiliated but fine.

Zelda:-What did they do?

Me:-Read our messages out loud to everyone in the cafeteria and when I tried to face them, Luke beat me up and the others sent you a message.

Zelda:-You’re not a sick twisted person baby, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Baby? Did she just call me baby? Wow, I really like this pet name. I feel like it fits perfectly for us. I wanna call her that too, but isn’t it too soon?

Me:-Thank you Z.

Zelda:-Any day angel
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