Kylie's Pov.
Am staring intently into a pair of blue eyes, am too carried away to notice the other features of his face because I have something for blue, I just seem to love it so much. He made me love it. Our faces start getting closer and closer like he was going to kiss me but in a flip of time, the scenery changes. Am now sitting in front of a steering wheel, all the lights on signifying the engine is alive. I start looking for the certain blue eyes but it's gone, then suddenly it reappears by the door way of the car, I can only see his eyes, nothing else. His face is as blank like an empty drawing paper.
"Please don't do this" I suddenly beg but silence follows.
"Am sorry" his voice comes out low. And with that, the car starts moving so fast until it collides into a big tree, me falling unto the steering wheel and slowly loosing my life.
I wake up sweating and panting, like I just ran a 400m hundle. My hands are shaking uncontrollably. I sit up on my bed and turn on the bed side lamp. This is not the first time am having a very weird dream about faceless people, but this seems to be even scarier. Was this even a dream or is it just my memory playing tricks on me. I refused to believe it's real, that it's just a nightmare but my mind tells me it's not just a dream.
What if it's my memory coming back to me as a dream.
It's been five days since I did my x-ray. Five days since I fainted and five days since Daniel and I became friends. Surprisingly, we have really been getting along so well, like we've known each other in our previous life.
I kept having dreams every night, it keeps getting more complicated and more scary by the day. I can't help but pray inside that am okay and that I won't have to be worried when the x-ray results comes out because there's nothing wrong with me.
I check the time on my phone, it's 2:10. My God! This dreams are really messing with my sleep. I fold my arms, groaning out loud. Stupid dreams. Stupid memories.
But why didn't my blue eyes help me, he just let me to die in that accident. That's if it's even real. I hear a knock on my door, I don't need to think too much to know it's Daniel but why is he knocking on my door by this time. I open the door and raise my brows questionably at him.
"I heard you scream" what! Did I really scream. Oh Gosh. "I waited for a while but I heard nothing else so I decided to check to see if you're still alive"
"HaHa, funny" I joke and close the door once he's in. "Well as you can see, am alive"
He sits down on my bed and falls back on it "am so happy for you"
"It's late Daniel, visiting time is over, so get out" I say as I stand just in front of him but he doesn't seem phased by what I just said, so I try another method.
"Get up Daniel" I start pulling him up by his right hand but he doesn't budge, I use two hands, he still doesn't budge but he just pulls back his hand making fall flat on his chest. Oh God.
"Daniel" I squeal and he just starts laughing
"Never underestimate the power of a man" he laughs further and I roll my eyes. I roll away from his body before stupid thoughts start evading my brain. I lay sideways, resting my head on my arm, facing him. He does the same.
"So why did you scream" he says after a moment
"Just a nightmare" I say, even though I still feel it's not.
"Wanna share?" I think for a while and shake my head. "Ever wondered if those dreams are real, maybe things that has happened before" his words shock me to the bone and I stare at him dumbfounded. He is just confirming my thoughts, how coincidental is that.
"I don't know" I say frankly. This is all so confusing. I think about every other thing that's going on in my life from how it started. My whole life is confusing.
"Care to tell me what you thinking" he interrupts my thoughts, and now I feel I should tell him. I have always wanted to tell someone about it, always wanted to share my feelings with someone, maybe that someone is Daniel.
"My life is just complicated" I spit out
"Complicated Is a big word" he smiles, makes me wanna smile too.
"Can I trust you" I ask him
"Of course" he holds my free hand on the bed and I have this stronger urge to pull away but I stay still.
"The only thing I can remember from the start of my life is that" I pause studying his face carefully "I was in a coffin, I literally woke up in a coffin buried 6 feet under" I say like it's a normal thing and for a minute, his face is blank before he suddenly starts laughing. Now I feel hurt.
"What are you talking about, can you hear yourself?" He says in between laughs "that's not anywhere near possible" he really finds what I said very funny because he doesn't stop laughing until he sees my still serious face. His laughter comes to a choking halt.
"You are serious?" His face is like he is seeing a ghost. "No, no no no" he sits up on the bed and I do the same.
"Am serious Daniel, I wish I had prove tho" I say and look away,the only prove I had was lost in one night. "Or maybe I do" I say and get the credit card from my drawer handing it to him.
"This doesn't prove anything you know" he says and I sigh heavily, he's right, anyone can have a credit card.
" But It's not my name thats on it" I point and he looks at it
"Well you might have stolen it" he shrugs
"Daniel" I drawl
"Just saying, don't blame me for doubting" he has a point tho
"I know but this was with me, in my pocket the day I woke up" his brows furrow together in confusion as he looks harder at the card.
"Trust me Kylie, I really want to believe you but.."
"There was also a phone and a note with an address on it, a phone number and a name then a writing 'dont forget the plan', but when I came to Manhattan that night,I lost the note, I was trying to run after it when I almost ran into your car" I breath, I really want him to believe me so he can help me. The way he is staring at me tells me he is starting to believe.
"What was the name?"
"And the address?"
"14th Street, Manhattan" his stare only intensifies " thats why I came all the way from Carolina, I wanted to find this Peterson from the note but I couldn't" my face falls. "I couldn't stay on the streets, I had no where to go and that's why I got this job, not because am some poor girl looking for a way to survive. I mean I practically have almost fifty million dollars in my account" that last part slips out unconsciously and I stare in horror as his eyes almost pop out from his socket. I remember the last time I went to a supermarket, I asked the lady at the counter to check how much I had in that card and she did. Trust me I'm more shocked than you are.
"There's so much money in there" I point to the card in his hand "it only means the person who left it in my pocket is dear to me and wants me to use it but I don't know what for" I say so quietly. He runs his hand through his hair and gets up and started pacing the small length of my bed. Why is he doing that.
"If what you're saying is true, then I will help you"
"You will?" I jump to my feet
"Yes, ofcourse, this is your family we're talking about, I'll do anything for you to be happy again" he says and without thinking I throw my hands around him in a hug. He stiffens but later brings his hand to my back. This is the best news I've heard in a long time.
"Thanks" I pull away "you don't know what this means to me" I smile widely
"I do now" he brings his hand to my cheek and caress it with his thumb. I smile at his small gesture.
In the morning, as promised, we went out for a Peterson hunt. Kate was home today so we had no worries concerning Lizzy. Daniel and I walked around the streets, asking people for Peterson but unfortunately there are so many Peterson and it was harder than I thought it would be. We went to a few Peterson's houses and none seem to recognize me at all, meaning only one thing, I haven't found the right Peterson.
After a long day of walking about, we stopped by an ice cream store and got a lot of ice cream, after an argument of who's gonna pay for it, Daniel won and paid for what we bought. We go back home, deciding to continue the next day. Daniel is such a darling, really. If anyone ever told me the guy that called me bitch would be this sweet and nice, I would have never believed it for a second.
We get home and Lizzy jumps on Daniel who holds her tight and lifts her up in the air while turning around. She keeps giggling non stop and I just watch in awe at the love Daniel have for his sister.
Little by little, the scene starts to look so familiar. I blink my eyes several times still watching them and I start seeing two different people instead of Daniel and Lizzy.
It's a guy almost like Daniel, but the girl he's carrying is much smaller and she has black hair. The same black hair I saw when I was brushing Lizzy's hair. My head starts spinning again. I can't think too much about it if not something bad is going to happen but I can't help it. They don't stop, they seem so happy.
Daddy loves Katrina
Daddy loves Katrina
The voice sings in my head and I can't stop it. I press my hands to both side of my head to relieve the pain a little but it only gets worse
"Kylie" I hear someone call but it's so distant. I shake my head repeatedly. No no not again, am not fainting again.
"Kylie" he shouts making my whole body freeze, including the thoughts, the voice and my spinning head. Daniel holds my arms firmly and am so still staring into his blue eyes again. Those blue eyes that reminds me of my dream. Those blue eyes that reminds me of someone I feel I know so much.
Or do I know him before.