Kylie's Pov.
I sit up on my bed, a little frightened. I grab my phone and check the time, it's just 4:05.
What kind of dream was that. As much as it seemed real and normal, it's freaking me out. A loud tiny scream make me jump and before I can think, I bolted to Lizzy's room. I turn on the light only to see her wide awake, squeezing her teddy very close against her chest. am a little surprised that she's here now, Daniel must have brought her in the middle of the night.
"Hey sweetie, what's wrong" I sit close to her on her bed. Her face looked so frightened.
"I had a nightmare" she speaks up. Well I guess am not the only one having nightmares, "it was really scary, am scared" she adds. I tilt my head, studying her face with a look of pity on mine. I don't even bother asking about the dream, I move even closer and pull her in for a hug.
"It was just a dream okay" I try to convince her but myself more. I can still remember the faceless people clearly. I caress her hair softly while I whisper soothing words to her.
"Can you stay with me" I pull away and look at her with shock, "just till I fall asleep" I can't resist so I nod. I push her to lay back down, putting the blanket over her chest before turning around to lay down next to her but not before catching a glimpse of Kate's back leaving the door. Was she spying on me? I ignore it and lay next to her.
My mind drifts back to my own dream, I can't seem to decipher it and it's driving me nuts. I don't know how long I spent sitting there and thinking but by the time I look down at Lizzy, she's already asleep. I get up and tuck her in very well before walking back to my room, leaving her light bulb on just in case she wakes up and gets scared.
I stop by the hallway and strain my eyes to look at the clock from afar, it's 4:40. I groan. My beautiful sleep, gone. I decide to start my chores because I know very well if I go back to sleep, I won't wake up.
I finish my chores after an hour, I know am slow but it's so early and I don't think am used to all this. I go to the kitchen and make breakfast for Kate. I made scrambled eggs and toasted bread, placing them on the table. I see a bunch of coffee in the cupboard so I decide to make coffee too. Just as am done, I see her coming from her room, already dressed in a red sleeveless gown, with a jacket swinging from her right arm and her bag on the left.
"Good morning" I say and she turns around quickly to me, almost shocked that am here.
"Someone woke up early" I don't know if it's supposed to be a joke because she doesn't seem to smile and plus she has a way of ignoring my greetings.
"Yea I just..." I don't know what to say
"I get it" she simply says and climbs up the two steps leading to the dinning and stopping by the table and staring.
"I thought you would be leaving early so I made breakfast" am not sure if am supposed to but she didn't complain about dinner yesterday. She looks like she is out of words because her mouth opens and closes again.
"Thank you" she says casually and sits. I don't know why I'm still standing like a creep next to her table but I couldn't help it. I catch a glimpse of a little smile as she opens the plate and start eating. I so much want to impress her because this is like the most easiest job I've ever gotten, or I can remember.
"I don't know how you do it but" she trails off, chewing the food in her mouth, "you keep doing what I like" a big smile creeps up my face.
"I saw you last night" she looks up at me "thanks for being there for her"
"It's literally my job" I laugh shyly
"I know but not everyone does their job" I don't know what that means "still thanks" she manages to smile at me.
"My pleasure" I say and was about to leave when she suddenly exclaims
"Oh shit, am getting late" she looks at her watch and jumps to her feet. I look at the clock and back to her.
"It's not even 7 yet" I frown at her
"Am supposed to be there by 7:30, plus i have a long way to go, it's not easy to get a free cab this early" she puts on her jacket, gets her bag from the chair and start walking out. I can't even form words right now. What kind of work is that?
"Be back by 7 only because today is Friday" she says and close the door behind her.
"Bye" I say to the door, as usual. She really works hard. I wonder where her husband is, if she even has one.
I take the dishes from the table to the kitchen and shove them in the sink. I have done enough work for one morning. I head to my room, take a shower, dress up in casual Jeans and long sleeved top. I stare at myself for a long time in the mirror trying to guess how old I could be. It's funny and weird that I remember how to cook and not remember anything else. What if someone asks me how old I am, what would I tell them. The thought already scares me. I argue with my reflection for a while before concluding am in my twenties, early obviously. So I go with 22.
I have this urge to make pancakes for Lizzy so I just go with the flow and decide to go buy some baking things at the nearest store because there's not a single ingredient related to baking in that kitchen. I grab my phone, my credit card and put on my boots. Oh I love boots, they're so comfy and cozy.
I take a peek at Lizzy's room and she's still asleep, too peaceful to be disturbed. About to head for the door, I remember there's another human in this house. Am I supposed to care for him too? Maybe I should just tell him am stepping out so he doesn't look for me. Why would he even look for me anyway. I take a deep breath and walk to his door just adjacent to mine.
I stand there, contemplating. Should I tell him or should I just go and come back quick. As much as I hate to admit it, he's my employee's son. I raise up my fisted knuckle to knock on the door but that was exactly when he decided to open the door so my hand remains in mid air. He stares at my hand in the air before I quickly drop it to my side. He's wearing just shorts and singlet and it takes everything in me not to stare down at his chest.
"Can I help you" his brows furrow together
"Um I was just going to get some things from the store to make breakfast for Lizzy so I wanted to ask if you want something too" I mentally cringe as I ask him, am being so kind to an idiot who called me bitch.
"Don't worry about it, I can make breakfast myself, I don't need your help" my stomach churns immediately. Why did I even ask.
"Okay" is the best answer I can give to him. He turns back to go in and I started mimicking his expression and words silently, mocking him at his back but he turns back suddenly and I adjust myself pretending nothing has happened.
"Thanks anyways" he said and close the door on my face. Rude much! I turn around and walk away.
Few minutes later, am back from the store with all the baking things I can think of, I didn't care how much it cost me. I go to Lizzy's room and wake her up, telling her to have her bath and come out for breakfast. I proceed to start making pancakes.
When I was almost done, Lizzy walks in.
"That's a nice smell" her tiny voice echoes in the kitchen.
"Hey Lizzy" I smile and walk up to her, lifting her up to sit on the counter in the kitchen island, never missing the small squeak that leaves her lips. She smiles up at me
"What are you making" she asks
"Pancakes" I say cheerfully
"What are pancakes?" She frowns and my eyes almost pop out. Is she serious right now.
"Pancakes are snacks, mainly for breakfast" I explain in a way she will understand. Her expression doesn't seem to change, like she is thinking about it.
"It's alright, you'll get your chance of eating them now and am pretty sure you'll like them" I take out the brown pancakes from the pan into a flat plate and her eyes trail on it.
I make a glass of milk and carry her and the plate to the dinning. I sit her there and make her eat. She holds one and take a huge bite and I wait for a comment.
"It's sweet, i like it" she smiles and keeps eating while I join her. We both finish eating and I wash all the dishes, leaving the remaining pancakes on the table for later, then head to the living room. Boredom starts to seep in, I don't know how I feel bored so easily.
"So Lizzy" I start and she turns to me from her tablet. I don't know what I was thinking calling her, I almost thought she was someone I could start a conversation with. I almost smack myself but then I notice something. Her hair is still in the same ponytail it was when I first came here.
"When last did you comb your hair" I ask already getting worried. I don't want her situation to be like mine, I mean I haven't even touched my hair since I came out of...a shiver runs through my body and I shake my thoughts away.
"I don't know" she shrugged. Before I can think of it too much, I go to my room and come back with a comb, brush and hair oil. On my way back, I smell something burning. I turn towards the kitchen and poke my head in. Daniel is swinging his hand real fast in the air like he had just got burnt. I almost want to laugh.
"Need some help" he jerks and looks at me then shakes his head. "No thanks" he turns back to what he was doing while I smile and walk away.
I get back to Lizzy. "Come sit here" I point to the floor in front of me and she walks over and sits. I loose the hair from its ponytail and apply oil, and just then I hear the sound of plates making me turn my head around. Daniel is Frozen in place because I just caught him stealing my pancakes. I turn back to Lizzy ignoring him totally but I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. You think you're tough eh?
I put the comb in her hair but it get stuck. This is a big job here. I start over again, more sofly until the comb passes through easily. It's so sad how a mother doesn't have time for her kid because she has to work so hard. I don't blame her though.
As I continue to comb her brown hair backwards, I have this strong feeling that I've done this before. I can practically see flashes like a movie is playing in front of my eyes. I have done this before, I'm brushing someone's hair but the hair is black instead. I start wracking my brain to think more, to try to remember. I stop suddenly, the comb dropping from my hand to the floor. My head is spinning and am feeling really dizzy.
"Are you okay?" I hear Lizzy's voice but it sounds so far away, like it's fading. What's happening to me. I try to keep my eyes open but I cant, my head hurts real bad. Everything starts to dim and before I can stop it, everything blacks out.