Kylie's Pov.
He tilts his head to study my face further. I feel adrenaline pumping through my veins as my once frightened self is now angry. I can still hear his yelling in my head.
Watch were you're going bitch!
I stare back at him not caring if he can see the anger in my eyes. I can't help but wonder if he remembers my face too. Then he speaks up.
"And you are" I'm brought back to reality. If he's really Lizzy's brother, that means he lives in this house, and now I happen to live here too. Oh no. As am about to say something, Lizzy beats me to it.
"She's my nanny"
"Babysitter" I say it in a way that best suits my personality. I mean Nanny sounds good on old people. He looks down at Lizzy then back up at me.
"Mom didn't say anything about getting a nanny" he repeats the word making me blood boil.
"That's because you were too busy with school" Lizzy says.
"Sorry princess" she squeaks as he lifts her up and holds her to his broad chest "but am here now" he finishes
"Yay" she rejoices "will you take me to the park like you use to" she asks in the most cute voice.
"Yes of course" he answers poking her nose. I just stand there staring like a creep. I notice his brown hair that is sticking to his forehead. I wonder how old he is. I mean he looks so big, muscled chest, big hands, long legs. He's obviously in college.
"How long has she been here" he looks in my direction again. I remain quiet because that question was definitely not for me.
"Just one day" Lizzy answers. "Do you have more cartoons for me?" She asks
"Yes, alot" she giggles. He picks his bag that was sitting on the floor and walk past me to his room, leaving his scent behind. Surprisingly, it's a really nice scent. I stand there for a couple of minutes before heading to my room. I lay on the bed as soon as I enter and start doing my favorite thing, staring at the ceiling.
I can hear Lizzy's laughter from my bed and his masculine voice. Now am all alone and I feel the boredom seeping in. Now what do I do before Kate comes back, I can't just sit here and listen to both of them having fun while am left alone staring at the ceiling, am practically going to die if I do that. I grab my phone from the drawer and check the time. It's 5:20. I groan out loud dropping the phone back down on the bed.
I know Kate never asked me to prepare dinner but I can do that since I literally have nothing to do. I grab my phone and my ear phones so I can listen to music while I cook. I don't know how but I do know that I love music and I remember perfectly that I love rap music. I also know I love Nicki Minaj and cardi B so much so I downloaded some a while ago while Lizzy played games on her tablet.
I plug in my ear phones and head to the kitchen. I scramble round the kitchen thinking of something easy to prepare, then I decide on spaghetti. I hope Kate will like it. I start preparing the spaghetti in the way I remember it while the music blast my ears through the tiny speakers of my ear phones. Am almost done cooking when a hand suddenly pulls my shoulder turning me around. Am now standing face to face with Daniel, well I'll say face to neck because he's taller than me. I quickly remove the earphones from my ears.
"I've been calling you but of course you didn't hear me" he looks down at the ear phones in my hand. I stand still just staring. Wait, how was he calling me if he doesn't know my name.
"I was just..." I start but he interrupts me
"Cooking, I can see that but why?"
Why? Why does anyone cook.
"Did Kate ask you to cook?" He cuts he off again.
"No but..."
"If she didn't then why did you" he cuts me off again. Sweet Jesus. Why can't I come up with any come backs right now.
"I just thought..."
"In this house you don't think, you do what you're told and not otherwise" wow! The nerve of this guy. Who does he think he is to yell at me. I fold my arms in front of my chest ready to spark at him. I'm really trying my best to be nice and polite but now I see he doesn't deserve that.
"Say something!" I almost jump from his harsh voice but I stay still not moving or saying a word. What's the use of talking if he's just going to cut me off. His eyes are burning into mine and I can literally feel the heat from him. He sees am not going to speak so he turns around and start walking away after muttering something under his breath that I heard so clearly. 'Bitch'.
I feel fresh adrenaline running through my body. This is the second time he's calling me bitch and I won't take it. "You think you can just go on and call everyone you come across bitch" I say and he stops turning around immediately, surprised that I responded to that. He stood there searching my face, I have no idea what he is searching for but if he says one more insultive word, I swear..
"It's you" he finally says, my heart stops for a second, so he remembers. "you're the bitch that almost ran into my car" at this point, I totally lost it. I drop my hands to my sides, fisting them and trying to hold them down so they don't collide with his beautiful face.
"Why you yelling at Kylie?" My eyes dart to Lizzy standing by the door of the kitchen. Her cute face has a frown on it.
"No am not, am just telling kylie a few things about the house" he walks up to her and leans down to her height. I cringe, he's lying to a little child. The way he even called my name irritates me.
"Are you sure?" She asks further and I almost smile. She cares about me.
"Am sure" he holds her tiny hand "come on, let's go back and finish your cartoon" he pulls her out giving me one last glare before leaving. I turn around to the kitchen island and slam my fist to the empty surface. Damn! he ruined my mood. I remember that I was cooking and rush back to the cooker to turn it off. Thankfully it wasn't burnt.
When I think of my life now, I imagine, is this how am going to live in this tiny house with that jerk of a guy. For pits sake, he's not the one that employed me here. I need to get some air.
I cover the pots tightly, cleaning the kitchen thoroughly before walking out the door. Am surprised to see a railing just in outside the door. I lean on it and plug my ear phones back in. I watch the roads from where am standing, people doing their thing, cars going to and fro.
My legs start to hurt soon and I walk back inside when I noticed it's already darkening outside. It's 7:30 already, I didn't realize how long I stood there. I still don't have anything to do to keep me from falling asleep, the music seems to be turning into lullabies. I consider watching TV but am not sure if Kate will like that. So i just sit on the dinning table. I turn off the music and start watching you tube videos.
Soon I hear the door open and my heart flies to my throat. I get up Immediately to the door only to find Kate.
"You scared me" I cover my mouth after saying it. "Good evening" I say softly.
"I have a key" she says but doesn't show any expression on her face.
"How was your day ma'am" she gives me a weird look before answering
"As usual" as if I know what 'as usaul' is. I smile at her, studying her face at the same time. She looks like she's in her late thirties but she looks older than that facially, I can see the little crinkles on her face. It seems like she stresses herself too much. I mean what kind of work starts as early as eight and closes as late as nine.
"I prepared dinner" I say and gulp. She turns to me suddenly and I almost flinch. Maybe Daniel was right, I should only do what I was told to. Wait for it. I mentally close my eyes and wait for the yelling to unfold.
"You did!" She asks
"Yes, and am really sorry, I know you didn't ask me to but I felt like if you came back you'll be so tired and won't be able to cook or do anything and me on the other hand, I had nothing to do so I prepared spaghetti" I finish ranting. Surprisingly for me, a small smile appears on her face.
"Thank you" she says and am stunned. So happy she didn't yell though but still surprised. "You're right, I wouldn't have been able to cook or do anything, I'd have ended up drinking tea or just a drink" she says tiredly walking into the kitchen, me following behind. Her words touched me deep inside. I feel this woman has alot inside of her she isn't letting out and she is working too much. I wish i can tell her that but am just a nanny, no ew, a babysitter.
After Kate was done eating, I washed the dishes and head to to my room. Lizzy obviously slept with Daniel because I didn't find her in her room. I turn off the lights, set my alarm for six o'clock and lay on my bed. My last thoughts before sleeping off were about my family and how I'm going to find them.
My mom and dad are sitting on the long sofa together watching TV and I walk in to meet them, counting my steps. They don't seem to notice me because am coming from the side.
"Mom, dad" I call out and they turned to my direction but somehow I can't see their faces at all.
"I have something to tell you" I say, my hands sweating so much as I fiddle with them behind my back.
"We're listening" mom said, her voice almost fading with the wind. she doesn't seem too interested in what I have to say.
"I'm pregnant" I spit out the big secret from my mouth. They turned to me Immediately, making my heart jump to my throat.
The next thing I know, they're throwing me out of the house telling me not to come back with a bastard child. Am crying and begging at their feet but they don't listen to me at all. Their faces remain blank and colourless, scaring me even more.
"You are a disgrace" my mom's voice echoes in my ear repeatedly.
And then I woke up.