Kylies p.o.v
I open my eyes and all I see is darkness and all I hear is the beeping sound of something echoing around me. I blink so many times, turning my head around to find any trace of light but nothing.
Where am I? My heart's starts pounding against my chest. I hope this is just darkness and not me turning blind. My panic mood sets in. I stretch out my hand and it hits a hard but smooth surface. I reach upwards and it's it's another hard surface. My breathing increases as my heart is still racing.
"Help me" I yell but my voice comes out muffled.
It's then I realized something is blocking my nose and mouth. The minute I remove it, am struggling to breathe, I start gradually choking and coughing, not a single air around me. I put it back on my nose inhaling deeply.
What is this? Where am I? I try to remember how I got here but my head is completely blank.
Unexpected tears slip down my cheeks. I hear the beeping sound again, I quickly scramble around with my both hands until I manage to grab something. The light of the small garget shines too brightly in my eyes.
It says 12:05pm
I try to unlock the phone but a password screen appears leaving me stranded. I point the screen brightness around me to take in my sorrundings.
Am trapped between four corners, my legs touching the buttom surface.
Oh my God!
I follow my first instinct and start screaming.
"Help me" I removed the mask on my nose to scream before putting it back then pounding my fists on the surface over me. I repeat it over and over again and in less than 5 minutes, I start hearing light sounds above me. I go on screaming like my life depends on it. Actually my life depends on it.
After some minutes of screaming and pounding, I'm out of breath, my fists are sore, my eyes opening and closing like am going to pass out any moment. And then the brightness hit me so hard and my eyelids involuntarily close shut.
"Oh my God" a thick voice exclaimed. My eyes are still shut.
"Wow" the voice says again. I try to open my eyes again but to no avail.
"Please help me" my voice comes out muffled and shaky.
"How can this be possible" I feel his hand grab me as he carries me up like am nothing, he pulls me up totally and I feel my body softly land on a grassy surface. I open my eyes little by little until they fully adjust to the light. He removed the mask from my nose and stare at it for a while with a surprised and confused expression. I feel the wind hit my skin and whip my hair behind my head.
"Oxygen" right now I can't differentiate if that is a question or just a statement.
The first thing I see is the person in front of me, a man, should be in his fourties or fifties. I look past him at my sorrundings and my stomach turns.
"This . is . a . Cemetery?"
He nodded. I turned around to look down where I came out and my jaw drops. Confusion sets in.
A coffin
"I was...."
"Buried" he answered my unfinished question. Again tears slipped down my cheeks, I don't know exactly why but I can't control them either.
I don't get it, how did I end up in a coffin? Did I die? Or was I buried alive? How am I alive now? How long have I been in there? God so many questions I wanna throw at this man in front of me but where do I start? I look back at the coffin trying to remember something but nothing. My head aches badly.
"Who are you?" The man's voice breaks my clouded thoughts. I look at him like he has just asked the hardest question in the world.
Who am i? I bring my right hand to my temple rubbing it with my fingers. The question repeats in my head but still I don't have an answer, I stay silent staring at him.
Now that I think of it, it's actually the hardest question ever.
"How long have I been there" I ask ignoring his initial question
"Like three days I guess" he stands up and walk a little away from me, I remain seated watching his movements. "The last funneral was held here three days ago, plus these flowers look so fresh" I follow his eyes to see a bunch of flowers pushed to one side. He must have pushed them when he was digging me out.
My head hurts so much and what hurts the most is I can't remember a freaking thing relating to what happened. The more I try to think, the more it hurts. I grunt loudly, holding my head tightly with my hands from the wave of pain that swings inside my head.
"Calm down" he rushes up to me and rest his hands on my shoulder making my head snap up to look at him. "Just relax, it will come to you"
"Thanks for saving me" is all I can think of to say "if you didn't come, I'd have probably Really die in there" I tell him honestly, at the same time try to push the thought of me struggling and suffocating to death in a coffin.
"It's always a pleasure saving a life" he smiles "come on, get up" he holds my hand and pulls me up. I stare at myself for a split second. I'm wearing jeans and a shirt, my feet bare.
"You can stay in the cabin for the night then go home tomorrow" I look at him confused
"Yea there's a small cabin just right there" he points
"What's a cabin" I ask again
He gives me this strange look "it's a place you can stay for tonight" he must have noticed my still confused expression so he speaks further "like a house, a roof over your head"
"Oh" is what comes out of my lips
"How old are you" he asks as we approach the so called cabin. I stop again and look at him, blank expression. This is the second question he's asking that I have no answer to. He sees my state of distraught and he let it slide
"I'll get you something to eat, you just sit and get some rest" he leaves me once we get inside. The cabin is surprisingly big and comfy, looks nothing like home but it can serve as an alternative. A bed lays at the middle of the room with two plastic chairs close to a desk filled with books. I sit on the bed while still staring at the surrounding. Does he live here.
Few minutes pass, he comes out from a door still inside the cabin with a tray in his hand, my eyes widen a little. I did not expect that. So there's food here too, nice. My stomach starts growling immediately I see the food in the tray and again realisation hits me that I've not eaten for three days.
"I just got it before you, you know what" he hands me the tray and smiles.
"What about you" I asked concerned
"Don't worry about me, I'll go get mine, you eat that because you've practically not eaten anything in days" I study his face as she keeps smiling. Without another word, I grab a handful of the chips and shove it in my mouth, finding it a little difficult to chew. I look up and surprisingly he's still standing there staring at me in a really weird way. I want to talk but I can't so I chew my food and swallow before speaking.
"It's just kind of strange you know, you were in that coffin a few minutes ago and now you're out, sitting on my bed, eating like nothing happened and" he trails off "if not for the fact that I am a man, I would have freaked out by now, I mean you practically resurrected" he laughs and I just sit there staring. I want to laugh but I don't really find that funny.
He suddenly stops laughing "I'll just go" he turns around and walks out. I blink then shrugged and continue eating.
I finish eating and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling till I feel sleep take over my body.
I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the ceiling. I sit up rubbing my eyes then I see a blanket over my body, I look to my side an almost jump when I see the man that saved my life sitting and staring at me. How creepy is that.
"Didn't mean to scare you but you've been sleeping for quite a long time, I almost thought" he pauses "well nevermind"
"What time is it?" I ask regaining full consciousness
"Wow that's really a long time" I mutter to myself and he replies "yep" again and I almost smile. He looks old but he kind of behaves like a really young person.
"There's a bathroom over there" he points "freshen up, I'll go buy some food"
"I don't have any clothes" I reply
"Well you don't need to worry about that right, because you'd be going home and you can change to as many clean clothes as you want" from all the things he said, only home repeated in my head. I don't know where my home is, where I come from or who I can go to. I stay silent and stare at him.
"Well, I'll be back" he says and leaves the door of the small wooden cabin.
I ignore the troubling thoughts in my head and go to the bathroom, that is so tiny. Well i don't expect much from this cabin. The bath was warm and soothing and I feel so relaxed than yesterday. I wear the same clothes I was in a moment ago and try to ignore the fact that am smelling right now.
I enter back in the small room and pass by the table, I see the small phone that was with me earlier in the coffin. I take it and glance at it for a while, I take it with me to the bed and sit. Immediately I feel something poking my butt from the jeans, I get up and dip my hand in my back pocket feeling something hard.
My brows furrow together as my eyes come in contact with a small card and a folded paper. I stare harder and recognize it immediately, it's a credit card with a name at the buttom of it "Maxwell"
My brain goes more blank that it was. How did it get in my pocket. I unfold the paper and read it.
14th Street,
Manhattan, New York.
Call Peterson 557 243 28
Incase you forget the pin,
Don't forget the plan.