Haseenah's pov
I finally helped Abba to unpack and believe me if I tell you it was like he went there to shop just for me, I got a lot of new abayas and kinomos plus my signature brand of shoes which of course is Zara and Louis Vuitton bags.
I was really excited but you know I'm his baby so I should not expect anything less, even though he's not interested in all this things, I’m sure he only ordered his PA to get them for me.........Notwithstanding I’m beyond happy.
I got to my room and arranged everything into my closet because I don't want the maids doing these type of chores for me.
I finished all arrangement and started the search for my phones, I saw my Samsung S7 edge but I couldn't find my iPhone 7. I finally found it in one of my drawers, I started going through my social media accounts when someone barged into my room, I looked up to see who it was only for two human figures to squash me in between them.
"Wayyo!!!" I screamed.
"You this children were you planning on suffocating me?" I said pushing them away because I know who would do this.
"Good morning to you too baby girl" leesha threw at me with pure sarcasm.
"Watsup See see" Zarah the only good girl said.
I stood up from my bed and jumped on her "Babyyyyyy I missed you so much” I said pinching her fat cheeks.
Leesha just hissed at me and climbed further on my bed and continued whatever she was doing on her phone.
Both Zarah and I just ignored her and started gisting about random stuffs, one of the maids came in and greeted us leaving after serving us refreshments. Leesha put away her phone and joined us, we continued gisting about school and people generally before leesha asked the question that has being hanging in air since they came, infact it’s the only reason she’s here this early morning.
"Seey kince ya Aslam ya dawo koh, toh gist us mana howfar, What happened when you guys met, was he nice to you?” She uttered all in one breathe, I wonder how she does this.
"Eh seenah you haven't said anything about him" Zarah seconded.
"Well babes one question at a time mana, there's literally nothing to talk about because since he came back he barely uttered two words to me, maybe he's avoiding me because of last time" I replied them sighing at the end of my statement.
"I believe it nothing hard Seey, because i think he likes you now if he doesn't before" Leesha offered.
"Tabb" I said my eyes bulging out. She doesn’t even know what she’s saying.
"Gaskia Seey I agree with Lee because if that isn't the case then why is he avoiding you? If he doesn't like you he would have acted as if you never said anything, he'll just be big brother again" Zarah chipped in.
I continued staring at my best friends as if they've grown two heads, so they want me to believe Ya freaking Aslam likes me. I can't seem to digest the news, maybe it’s true and maybe it's not who knows? Big brother my foot when has that ever happened before.
"OK girls let's put that aside who wants to go out for ice cream" I said dismissively.
"Me one" Leesha said jumping up from the bed.
"Me two" Zarah said adjusting her veil and picking up her bag.
"Let's go then" I said picking up my bag after wearing my shoes, I looked in the drawer for the key to my other car because I'm driving today.
Aslam's POV
I went back to sleep after coming back from the mosque for subhi prayer, I can't tell for how many hours I slept because I didn't get enough sleep the night before. After freshening up and praying I did some work on my tablet and then prayed all the other prayers and still continued working.
My dinner was brought in by one of the maids, I finished at about 2 and then decided to stay up for Nahfils till it was time for subhi prayer.
After waking up around 10, I went to the bathroom to do my routine then went down for breakfast.
Everyone was already seated when I got there including Haseenah who was looking very beautiful in a free gown. When she was about to turn her face towards my direction, I looked away and squatted beside one of the chairs to greet Mamii and Abba, they both replied and asked me how I slept to which I told them with fine.
I settled into one of the seats besides Abba and started discussing about my school and business, I noticed from my side view that Haseenah was hurriedly shoving down her and I know one thing for sure, she was trying to escape because I'm here.
Mamii reprimanded her as to why she's doing this and she answered that it was because she's helping Abba unpack.
I looked at her and couldn't help smiling because she looked funny.
Hello guys thank for reading my story but I also need to comment.