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5. Why does it look like that?

Rose woke up feeling like a ball of sunshine, no sarcasm. She stretched hearing the bed creak as well as her bones. A thud hit the floor. Rose tilted her head to see the journal laying on the floor. She gingerly picked it up and once more turned back to where she was. The symbol of Hypnos, huh? She remembered just that little fact before passing out. Just for interest, Rose's fingers once again followed the grooves of the symbol but this time nothing happened.

Rose flipped the page:

The symbol of Hypnos will induce a temporary coma, keeping you asleep and giving your body full strength. Trust me you will need it. The Hypnos has tainted you so it won't induce you again unless your body really needs it. Be careful, the fact that you can already see this book means your connected to the islands magic.

Welcome to Olvido.

Rose was just about to flip to the first chapter when her mother walked into her room.

'Good, your awake.' Her mothers hazel eyes scanned her over. Her eyes lingered on the book but if she saw the symbols Rose didn't know.

'I'll be down now.' Rose said and she noticed the effort it took for her eyes to move to Rose's face.

Then she pulled a bright smile,' Well get done quick because Josef will drive you to school.'

With that she moved out of her room. Rose stood her hands firmly on her journal. She decided it was her journal because she was the only who could see what it truly held.

Rose made her bed and placed the journal neatly down. She then moved through her morning routine, making it up as she went along. She decided to go with clothes first since she figured the bathroom was filled already. She wasn't worried about smelling because that wasn't really her. She just put deodorant and brushed her teeth and hair. Then she was perfect. Sometimes, don't tell anyone, but sometimes Rose didn't shower for two days minimum. Most would say it was disgusting but since her boyfriend didn't notice she was safe.

It was sunny outside so she decided to wear a black dress with white dots. It definitely made an statement. She looked out the window to see that it was a bit overcast but the sun still shone proud. That was quick.

Rose gathered her bag and headed downstairs. Her mother was already watching t.v. and Josef was on the phone talking to someone. Rose decided to sit down with her mother and wait for Josef.

Rose's mother turned to face her,' You didn't shower, did you?'

I grinned,' How'd you know?' She smiled as well.

'I do the same thing.' She whispered, 'It's a Gold thing.'

I smiled, taking relief in our secret, our inheritance. Josef walked over to us and flashed me a smile.

'Well, time to show you your new home.'

Ten minutes later we were driving towards what I assume is the town.

'So we live in the residential area.' Josef said, driving into the town. 'Most of everyone lives outside town, only a few live inside.'

'How's the internet here?' Rose remembered her conversation with Becky.

'It's as good as it's any where, I guess. Now more about the town.' Josef said while actually pulling into the town. 'Everything that a normal city has so does Olvido. A cinema, mall, our very own Starbucks and here's our first destination: the book store.'

Josef parked in front of the book store and then got out. He walked over to Rose's side and opened to help her out. Rose stepped out to survey Olvido. It would seem small but everything was actually big. Maybe the mall wasn't two floors but they were long. Everything seemed to be longer.

Rose turned to see Josef watching her, amusement in his eyes. He then turned and walked into the store. Rose followed suit. Rose assumed this was where she would get her books. She soon found out that she was right.

Rose soon jumped back into the car. Josef took her through the town even though she worried about being late for school. She asked Josef about this but he said they were anyways going to be late so what was the point.

Rose learned that the small island had a police station. Obviously it wasn't huge but it was appropriate for the town. Rose also learnt that this was in fact the only town on the island. The rest was just wilderness.

They finally turned down a road that led to the school. It was one road that led to the school so they would eventually drive home. The landscape was green and from her left Rose could see the ocean. But something on the right caught Rose's attention, a grey medieval castle.

'Who lives there?' ,Rose pointed to the castle. Josef turned and looked at the castle, his eyes darkening.

'A relic of the past.' He answered simply.

'Who governs the island, by the way?' ,Rose changed the subject.

'There's a mayor.' Josef answered.

Rose was about to answer, when the school came into few. They entered the gates and saw that the entire parking lot was filled with suvs, sport cars and classical cars, fifty or so.

'Why does the school look...well look like that?' Rose asked.

'It apparently built to capture the light but that too is not a good thing. As you can see.'

Rose noticed that the school caught the light alright but it also casted shadows all over totally taking out the good vibe in the school. Josef got out and opened her door for her. Then Rose grabbed her bag, filled with her books and they made their way into the school. She noticed the sign that read 'Eaves Kingdom'

'Eaves Kingdom?' Rose asked. As usual Josef had an answer.

'Since this is Elementary, primary, high school and college in one. A kingdom with the founders name, Eaves.'

The Book's author was the founder as well?

Before Rose could connect the dots or think about it more, they reached the admission office. There Rose met a women who gave her a timetable and a locker number. She then also gave them a note for being late. Josef took one look at her timetable a grin already spreading across his face.

'Your class I presume?' Rose asked. Josef nodded.

'Come on. I'll take you to your locker.' Josef grabbed her hand and led her to her locker.

'Okay, let's start with what you will avoid.' He said as Rose put her books into her locker. 'There's obviously the jocks: slender, strong, handsome looking guys then the nerds or us I guess: cool, awesome group of friends.'

Rose finished,' What about the bad group?'

'The bad boy,' Josef corrected ', if his even considered a bad boy. His more like a loner. Doesn't do much I'm afraid.'

Rose nodded as Josef walked to their classroom. This moment is when Rose got a bit nervous, wondering about her future friends or flings.

Josef opened the door and the entire class hushed. A man who looked about thirty five, a hoody on and a neatly cut beard. He looked at Josef and a warm smile played on his face.

'Josef and who might this be?' The teacher asked, his attention on me.

'This, Mr. Blue, is my step sister and our newest student.' Josef answered. Rose extended her hand,

'Rose Gold.' Mr. Blue's smile didn't fade.

'Mr. Blue.' Then he turned to the class,      'Make her feel welcome or I'll kick your asses in detention.'

Laughter filled the room, Rose giggled too. She surveyed the room remembering Josefs advice. The jocks, she immediately noticed as well as the girls that follow them. The one's with the attitudes and etc. Rose looked towards what she assumed was the nerds. One figure stood out. Not because the figure had a handsome face or looking into Rose's eyes or infectious smile, but because the figure was sleeping.

The figure shifted just so Rose could see a set of dark green eyes.

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