Becca pushed her chair back and got up. She walked toward Sarah and gave her the tightest hug ever.
"I can't believe you're here! I thought I would never see you again," Sarah stated.
"I live here now, S," Becca said.
"Shut up!!" Sarah squealed.
Damon cleared his throat, breaking the little reunion. He already stood beside Becca.
"Mind to introduce me to your friend, Rebecca?" Damon asked.
"Oh, yeah. Umm… Sarah, this is my Dad, Damon. Dad, this is Sarah," Becca introduced them.
"Hi," Sarah said to Damon and smiled.
"Dad, Sarah is like a sister to me. We were in the orphanage together since we were 5. She got adopted about a year ago," Becca informed Damon.
"It's good to meet you, Sarah," Damon said and shook her hand.
"You two look alike, except for your hair," Damon commented.
"When we were little kids, everybody told us that we were like twins," Becca said and both of them giggled remembering the time.
"I miss you so much B," Sarah said, never took her smile off her face.
"You have no idea," Becca said, shook her head slightly.
"Wait… You said you live here now? That means we're going to go to the same school?" Sarah asked excitedly.
"If you mean Mystic Falls High School, then yes," Becca answered, nodded her head.
"Rebecca, we need to go home now," Damon said.
"Okay, Dad," Becca answered.
"See you later S," she said and gave her a hug.
"Your Dad is handsome," Sarah whispered in Becca's ear.
"I know," Becca whispered back.
Damon heard them, of course, and tried to hide his smirk. Becca pulled the hug and looked up at Damon.
"It's nice to meet you, Becca's dad," Sarah said awkwardly.
Damon chuckled. "You can call me Damon, Sarah," he told her and she nodded her head.
"Have a nice day, Sarah," Damon said and took Becca's hand in his.
"Ready to go home, sweetie?" He asked.
"Yeah," Becca answered.
They turned around and Becca waved her hand at Sarah before they got into Damon's car.
"Why can she call you Damon and I can't?" Becca asked.
"Because you're my daughter and I'm your father, so you're supposed to call me Dad," Damon told her. Becca huffed.
They arrived at home and Becca walked up to her room. She pushed the door open, but she was surprised when she saw a brand new iPhone on a purple case sat on the desk, along with a brand new iMac beside it. She approached her desk and traced her fingers over the iMac.
"Do you like it?" Becca turned her head around and saw Elena standing a few feet away from her and Damon was leaning on the doorway.
"Are these for me?" Becca asked.
"Yes, of course. If those weren't for you, why would we place it in your room?" Elena chuckled.
"Thank you," Becca said.
"We want you to use it wisely, Rebecca. We trust you," Damon said whilst walking toward Elena.
"I will," Becca said.
"Why don't you check your closet sweetie," Elena said.
Becca gave her a confused look, but she walked across the room to her walk-in closet. She wrapped her hand around the knob and pulled open the door to reveal a big square room was already filled with new clothes, dozens of new pair of shoes, and lots of jewelry such as necklaces and bracelets all organized in the shelves. Beautiful dresses were hanging on the wooden hangers. She reached out and touched the soft fabrics.
Becca whirled around and looked at both Damon and Elena. "You bought all of these for me?" Becca asked.
"We hope you like it," Elena said, smiling at her. She leaned her head on Damon's shoulder and Damon put his arm around her.
"I do," Becca said, smiling widely.
"We want to make this house as your home," Elena said.
"All of these," Becca said motioning to the new things in the closet, "are amazing. Thank you."
Both Damon and Elena smiled. They could see happiness in Becca's eyes and that made them happy too.
"Come on, give us a hug," Damon said, spread his arm. Becca walked closer and pulled into a 3-ways hug. Becca couldn't hide her smile, she was finally felt what it's like to have a family and finally to have a home.
Becca walked downstairs the next morning. She had a rough night. The dog barks kept her awake all night long. She plopped down on a chair in the kitchen with a long face.
"Morning, sweetie," Elena said and pecked a kiss on her forehead. Becca answered her with a groan.
"Someone's in a cranky mood," Elena said again and Becca rolled her eyes.
"Rebecca," Damon said warningly.
"A dog kept barking all night long and kept me awake," Becca said and pouted.
"I'm sorry to hear that, sweetie, but that doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful," Damon said.
"Here. Eat your breakfast," Elena said and set a plate of bacon and sunny side eggs in front of her.
She pushed the plate away and crossed her arms. "I don't want to eat," she said.
"Come on sweetie. You're going to be sick if you don't eat," Elena tried to persuade her.
"I said I don't want to eat!" Becca said through her gritted teeth.
"Watch it, Rebecca," Damon warned sternly.
"Whatever," Becca said in response and rolled her eyes.
"Last warning, Rebecca. You know what will happen if you push it too far," Damon told her and gave her a look.
"I don't give a sh*t, Daddy," Becca said with a lot of sass.
Damon didn't say anything. He just stood up from his seat and walked around the desk and approached her. He grabbed her ear and dragged her upstairs to her room.
"Ow Dad! It hurts," she yelped and tried to jerk Damon's hand away from her ear. He didn't even budge. Instead, his grip on her ear tightened and he landed few hard swats on her bum, giving her a heads up of what she will get as soon as they get into her room.
Damon pushed the door to Becca's room open and stepped in. He let go of Becca's ear and she immediately rubbed the pain away.
"Rebecca, what did I tell you about being disrespectful?" Damon asked her. Damon swatted her thigh when she didn't answer.
"Ow," Becca pouted.
"You said being disrespectful is unacceptable," she mumbled.
"Exactly and I thought I made it clear to you before, but clearly the light spanking I gave you just 2 days ago was nothing," Damon stated.
Becca scoffed. "Why do you even care? I don't like being respectful and I'm not planning to change. This is me, so deal with it," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Where does this attitude come from?" Damon asked, glaring at her.
"I hate your f*cking rules! They are all bullsh*t!"
"You must really want a spanking, because you really pushed my button Rebecca," Damon said calmly. With that he took a seat on the edge of Becca's bed and patted his lap. "Come here," he said sternly.
Becca just stood there with her arms over her chest, didn't move an inch. She glared at Damon.
"Want to make it worse for yourself? Fine by me," Damon said and got up. He grabbed her upper arm and brought her to her bed. He sat down again and helped her bend over his knee.
He raised his hand and brought it down hard to Becca's backside which was covered by her pajama pants. "Ow!!" She hollered.
"I can't believe I have to deal with your disrespect manner again. I told you being disrespectful is unacceptable and I won't tolerate it," Damon said, emphasizing every word with a hefty swat on Becca's backside. He landed hard solid smacks until Becca begged him to stop. "Please stop, Dad. I'm sorry," Becca pleaded.
"You will be even more sorry when I'm done and I'm nowhere nearly done with you," Damon said calmly and with that he yanked down her pajama pants along with her underwear.
"This is inappropriate!" Becca yelled at Damon, which earned her a hard solid smack on her bare thigh.
"Ow! Holy crap! That hurts dad!" She said, trying to rub her thigh that just got smacked.
"Looks like I need to deal with your potty mouth too," Damon said without even giving her a break from his swats.
Becca reached back, trying to cover her bare backside. Her face went red from embarrassment. It couldn't be more embarrassing for Becca than to have her bottom exposed to get a bare bottom spanking like a little brat.
"Move your hands, Rebecca. I'm not going to tell you twice," he said in his low scary voice.
Becca shook her head no as tears ran down her face. Damon took a deep breath and held her hand on her lower back. He continued landing hard smacks, didn't give Becca's bum a rest even for one second. Becca kicked her feet furiously and sobbing uncontrollably.
"Stop, Dad. Please… I'm sorry," Becca said in between her sobs.
"Do I make my point across, Rebecca?" Damon asked, finally giving her a rest.
"Yes, Dad," Becca answered while trying to control her sobs.
"So, I assume I don't have to deal with your disrespect manner again. Am I right?"
"Yes, Daddy, I'm sorry," Becca said. Damon made her realized she had crossed the line and she was a very sorry girl by then.
Hearing the sincerity in her voice, Damon landed his final hard swat and put Becca back on her feet. She pulled her pants back up, wiped the tears away with the back of her hand, and dropped her gaze down.
"Listen to me," Damon said, put his fingers under her chin to make Becca looked at him, "I'm sorry I had to do that, Rebecca, but I did it because I love you. Being disrespectful is really rude, especially to your elders. In the future, when you get a job and you're being disrespectful toward your bosses, I won't be there to spank you, to correct you. They will just fire you from the job and you won't get the second chance. Being respectful is important, sweetie. When you grow up, you'll understand." Damon's voice softened.
Becca nodded her head. "I'm sorry, Daddy," she said sincerely.
"And you're forgiven, sweetie. Come here," he said and spread his arms and pulled Becca into a hug. For a minute or two, they stayed like that while Damon cooed sweet things to her ear and rubbed her back.
"I love you sweetie, but we need to sort out another thing," Damon said after he pulled back his hug.
Becca pouted as she knew what Damon meant. "No. Please, Dad. I learned my lesson," Becca said, almost pleaded.
"Sorry, Becca. You brought this upon yourself," he said, stood up, and took Becca's hand, led her to her bathroom.
He took a new bar of soap from the cabinet, turned the faucet on, and ran it under the water. Becca shot him a pleaded look when he put the soap in front of her mouth.
"Open your mouth, Rebecca," Damon ordered.
Slowly, Becca opened her mouth and Damon shoved the bar of soap into her mouth. She immediately scrunched her face.
"Keep it in for 4 minutes," Damon said and leaned against the sink.
Becca tried so hard not to gag. She stood there, obviously not comfortable. After the long 4 minutes of torture, Damon took out the soap from her mouth and let her rinse.
"Watch your language, Rebecca. I don't want to do that again," Damon said and held her hands in his. That's when he saw scars and cuts all over her arm.
"What are those?" Damon asked, to his horror. Becca quickly pulled her hands away from Damon and hid it behind her back. She gulped.
"I-i-it's nothing," Becca mumbled under her breath. She avoided eye contact with Damon and dropped her gaze to the ground.
"Rebecca…," Damon said and crouched down so he's on eye level with her, "Look at me." Becca slowly lifted her gaze. When her eyes met Damon's, Becca could see worry and disappointment in his eyes and she hated it. Before she knew it, her body went limp and everything went black.