Rebecca May looked out the window of her room upstairs at the orphanage. She preferred to be called Becca instead of Rebecca. Becca was a beautiful girl with a pale complexion, blue eyes and medium length blonde hair which she often wears in a variety of different styles; straight, curly, or naturally waved. She has a slim, yet toned and athletic figure.
Becca lost in her own thoughts until she heard someone called her name. "Becca! Becs! Big news!" Becca heard a high-pitched voice called her.
She turned around just to see Michelle Larsen, her roommate. Sometimes Michelle couldn't hold her excitement and it annoyed Becca so much.
Becca rolled her eyes, "What is it this time?"
"I heard Mrs. Atkins said on the phone that a marriage couple will visit here today. They're looking for a kid to adopt. And I've heard they're like rich and popular in their city they live in, Mystic Falls," Michelle informed her roommate.
"That's your big news?" Becca asked and didn't show any interest at all.
Becca was the only 15-year-old girl in the orphanage. She was the oldest of the other girls there, yet a very rebellious one. She never got adopted because people came and they always wanted to adopt toddlers or younger ones. She gave up her hope of being adopted about years ago and became very defiant ever since.
"You don't seem excited. You could be the lucky one, you know," Michelle said and took a seat beside Becca.
"Wait... When are they coming?" Becca asked suddenly.
"Around lunch time," Michelle answered.
Becca put her trouble smile on and got up from her seat. "Who says I'm not excited? I am," she said and walked to the kitchen.
She was excited because a brilliant idea just flitted to her mind. She was on lunch duty that day and she was going to do a prank on the couple.
Later that day, at around lunch time, Damon and Elena finally arrived at the orphanage after a long ride there. They knocked at the mahogany wood door of the orphanage and a mid-age woman answered the door.
"You must be Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore," she said.
"It's good to meet you Mrs. Atkins," Damon said and shook her hand.
"Please call me Elena," Elena said next and shook her hand as well. Mrs. Atkins nodded her head and smiled.
"Come on in," she invited them. She held the door open and stepped aside so that they could come in. Both of them stepped inside and Mrs. Atkins led them to the room which seemed like a living room. Some girls around 5 years old running around the room and smiled demurely at Damon and Elena.
Damon and Elena sat down on the brown couch as Mrs. Atkins called all the girls down. They met all the girls, most of them were around 5-7 years old. They were all cute and adorable, but none of them really enchant Elena's heart.
Becca went out from the kitchen and brought two plates of sandwiches for Damon and Elena.
"Here, I made this for you," Becca said as she put the plates in front of them. She gave them the sweetest smile she could muster. Damon and Elena melted by her smile. 'She is so adorable and sweet,' they thought.
"Aww thank you sweetie," Elena thanked her, "What's your name?"
"Becca," Becca answered her, without putting her fake smile off her face.
"Well thank you, Becca," Elena said again.
"No probs. Try it. I worked really hard to make them," she said.
Elena smiled to Becca as she took the sandwich. She took a bite and swallowed. She choked on it and her eyes went wide immediately. "Oh my God! It's hot!" she hollered as she jumped up and wagged her hands in front of her mouth, "It's really, really hot!"
"Honey, are you okay? What's wrong?" Damon asked, concerned. He got up and handed her a glass of water.
Elena took it from his hand and drank every drop of the water in that glass, but she was still wagged her hands in front of her mouth.
"My mouth is burning Damon," she said and he handed her another glass of water.
Becca couldn't help but let out a laugh. She giggled and a grin plastered on her face. After a few minutes, Elena finally stopped and she gasped for air. Damon rubbed her back for a comfort.
"Rebecca May!" a voice boomed from another side of the room. Mrs. Atkins glared at her as she put her hands on her hips. "What did you put on the sandwich?"
Becca looked at Mrs. Atkins and gave her a defiant look. "None of your business," Becca answered.
"Just answer the question Becca," Mrs. Atkins told her.
"Lots of hot papers, hot sauce, and all kinds of spices," Becca answered. A smirk appeared on her lips.
"Go to your room right now! I'll deal with you later," Mrs. Atkins ordered her.
"No," she retorted and crossed her arms over her chest.
Mrs. Atkins dedicated her with a cold look, but didn't say anything to her. Instead, she turned around to face Damon and Elena.
"Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore I apologize for this inconvenience," she said, "why don't we continue our conversation in my office." She led them to her office, next to the living room. Mrs. Atkins closed the door behind her after Damon and Elena came in. They took a seat in front of what they thought Mrs. Atkins' desk.
"Once again, I'm so sorry for what Rebecca did. She's always been a troublemaker," Mrs. Atkins said as she took a seat behind her desk.
"It's okay Mrs. Atkins. Don't worry about it," Elena said and smiled at her, "although... I'm curious. What's up with Rebecca? Why is she being like that?"
Mrs. Atkins sighed, "Rebecca May. Her parents left her here when she was 5. It turned out they didn't want her. She was devastated when she found out about it. Becca was a sweet and innocent little girl, too bad no one have ever adopted her. She acted up and started pulling pranks."
Elena looked at his husband. "Can we adopt her?" She asked.
Damon furrowed his eyebrows. "Elena..."
"Damon, she needs attention and love. Both of us could give her that. I think if she's well raised, she could actually turn to be a good, sweet girl again," Elena said those last part in barely audible voice, but she knew with his vampire hearing, Damon heard her clearly.
"We can change her life, Damon," Elena said again.
Damon thought about it for a moment. He had to admit he felt something different the first time he laid eyes on Becca. He thought she was a nice girl and she was very beautiful. He fell in love with her and had a thought of adopting her before she pranked his wife.
"If that's what you want, then it's okay with me," Damon said to Elena. She held his hand and they smiled to each other.
"We would like to adopt Rebecca May," Damon said to Mrs. Atkins.
Mrs. Atkins was taken aback by their decision, but she smiled. She told a girl to send Rebecca to her office. Damon and Elena signed the adoption papers while they were waiting for Becca. Several minutes later, Becca barged into the room.
"What do you want?" She asked, still with her defiant look. She crossed her arms over her chest, "If you want me to apologize to them, it’s not going to happen."
"We would like to adopt you Rebecca," Elena told her.
Becca stopped dead in her tracks with her mouth slightly open. "What?" She asked hesitantly.