"A full moon?! Oh no... This is not good," Damon mumbled.
"Not good?! This is a nightmare! Werewolves are loitering out there! She could get hurt, Damon!" Elena shouted and pacing back and forth while gesturing with her hands.
"Calm down, Elena!" Damon said, raising his voice above Elena, tried to calm her down.
"She doesn't know what's roaming out there! Who knows what could happen to her! She could get killed and you tell me to calm down?!" Elena freaked out even more.
"Hey… She's my daughter too," Damon said, took her hands in his and looked into her eyes, "You don't think I'm worried? I know she's in danger, but you need to calm down. I'm going to find her, Elena. You stay here, okay?"
Elena nodded her head. "Be safe, Damon," she said right before Damon used his vampire speed and ran into the woods.
Becca was a fast runner. She ran as fast as she could, followed wherever her feet led her to. She didn't know the area around there, but she kept running. She didn't want to stop. Becca was upset and a little bit taken aback by the spanking Damon had given her. She needed to take her mind off things; to calm herself down and the only thing to do that was to run it off.
She ran off until she needed to catch her breath. She looked around and she realized she was in the middle of the woods, surrounded by huge tall trees.
Still with her heavy breath, Becca put her arms around herself. It was very chill out there and Becca regretted that she didn't get her coat on her way out of the house. Speaking of which, she was pretty sure either Damon or Elena or even both were chasing after her and she would get in trouble when she was back in the house, but first, how did she got back to the house?
She didn't know how to get back to the house. She didn't even know where she was. Becca was lost and alone and she was a little bit scared because it was getting darker and darker.
A long howl from the distance interrupted her train of thoughts. It made her even more scared. Her whole body was trembling when she heard rustle from behind the trees and bushes.
She took a few steps backwards and her feet stumbled of the huge roots above the ground and fell on her bum. She winced, but tried to not make any sound.
A huge shadow came on her sights and her eyes widen when a big wolf walked toward her. The wolf was unusually big. Becca realized it wasn't just any wolf, it was like a wolf came out from a movie… A werewolf… She heard about it a lot, but she never thought it was real. She thought it was just some random myth, until she saw it with her own eyes.
The wolf was about 4 ft. tall, with dark brown fur. His golden eyes twinkled as the light from the full moon shined down on him. He showed his teeth to Becca and she couldn't even let a single breath came out her mouth. She tried to jerk away, but her whole body was petrous.
The wolf kept walking toward her and when he was about to suck his teeth into her soft skin, Becca closed her eyes tightly, didn't want to see whatever that wolf wanted to do to her; most likely to make her as his dinner.
She heard a loud crack, but nothing happened to her body. She was scared to open her eyes, but she was also curious of what happened. Becca slowly opened her eyes, just to find claws of the wolf tore into Damon's shoulder, and he hissed at the pain and shoved up with all of his strength, knocking the wolf off his back.
"Oh my God! Dad!!" Becca shouted hysterically.
"Not now, Rebecca. Stay where you are," Damon said while attacking the wolf down.
The wolf was incredibly fast, but Damon was three times faster. Becca had her jaws dropped. She couldn't believe her eyes.
Damon showed his fangs and tried to tear the wolf with his fangs, but the werewolf attacked him first. Fortunately, Damon could avoid the wolf's bite while Becca watched in horror.
Damon grabbed a sharp stick from the ground and stabbed it down in the werewolf's heart. The stick went in the werewolf's chest causing him to bleed out and died. Damon stood up and approached Becca who stared at him with her big blue eyes, wasn't able to speak.
Damon crouched low in front of Becca and asked, "Are you okay?" He was clearly concern.
"I'm fine, but how could you… Fast… Fangs… Wolf…," Becca didn't manage to form her words into a sentence.
"I will explain it when we get home. It's dangerous out here Rebecca," Damon told her.
"But… Your wounds…," Becca trailed off, remembered that the big wolf attacked Damon.
"These?" Damon asked, showing the wounds on his shoulder, "It's nothing. It will heal in no time."
Becca watched in amaze as the wounds healed rapidly. Damon carried her in his strong arms and sped to the house.
"Whoa! I felt like flying!" Becca exclaimed as Damon put her back on her feet when they reached the living room.
"Becca! Thank God you're okay!" Elena said and pulled her into a hug, "Did you get hurt? Is anything hurt?" She pulled back the hug and checked every part of her body to make sure she was okay.
"I'm fine, Mom," Becca assured her. She turned around to look at Damon.
"Thanks for saving my life, Dad," she thanked him and gave him a hug. Damon smiled and hugged her back.
"I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, sweetie," Damon said.
Elena stood beside Damon and asked him, "Did you get hurt?"
"No Elena. It was just a little wound."
"Don't tell me it's a werewolf bite," Elena said worriedly.
"Oh my God, Damon! You couldn't be serious!"
A smirk played on his face, "I'm just kidding Elena. Don't be too serious."
Elena looked at him in disbelief. "You're a d*ck," Elena whispered in his ear so that Becca couldn't hear her.
"But you still love me," Damon said and landed a kiss on her lips.
"Eww guys, you can do that later," Becca said, "I need an explanation with all the speed, healing stuff, and the fangs, the wolf…"
Elena looked up at her husband, didn't know where to start. Damon looked hesitant as well.
"Well? Is anyone going to answer me? Or you guys just going to stand there staring?" Becca asked.
"Okay, but promise us you won't freak out," Damon said.
Becca rolled her eyes. "Please, Dad… What could possibly freak me out more than a bad big wolf out there who tried to eat me alive," she said.
Damon gave her a solid swat on her already sore bum and Becca winced in pain. "Ow!" Becca pouted.
"No rolling eyes," Damon warned her.
"Fine, Dad," Becca said, still with a lot of sass.
"Want to drop the attitude or want to get back over my knees so soon?" Damon simply asked.
"Sorry, Dad," Becca dropped her gaze to the ground, didn't want to test her father's patience.
Damon took a deep breath before saying, "We're vampires."
Becca stared at them blankly. The only thing that escaped from her mouth was a 'huh'.
"You're kidding right? This isn't April fool. It's not funny," Becca said.
Elena shook her head. "No, this is not a joke, Becca. Your dad and I are vampires," Elena told her slowly.
Becca took a few seconds to sink in the information to her brain, trying to make sense of everything. "We wanted to tell you this earlier, but you decided to have an attitude and we have to postpone," Damon chirped in, "We are vampires and the wolf who attacked you was a werewolf. They turned into hyper-aggressive wolves on the night of the full moon."
"This doesn't make any sense… Vampires and werewolves are just myths," Becca said, more like to herself.
"Rebecca… Vampires and werewolves are real, so are witches and other supernatural creatures. You've seen the wolf, you've seen my speed, and you've seen how fast the wound healed on me."
Becca looked at Damon then at Elena then back to Damon again. "Okay, I believe you," she said.
"That's it? No argument, no throwing stakes at me, no tantrums, no tons of questions? Wow, you take it a lot better than your mom when she was human," Damon commented and he got a playful punch on the arm from Elena.
"What? I'm just telling the truth," Damon looked at Elena and smirked.
"I've seen it all and it was pretty cool," Becca said simply.
"You think you can live with that? Extraordinary things that we do around here?" Elena asked her.
"Sure. Why not," Becca stated and shrugged her shoulders.
"Rebecca, no one can know about this, okay? We keep our existence a secret. People around here know us as humans, not vampires," Damon said, tried to give her explanation.
"Are you telling me to tell lies, Dad?" Becca cooed and a smirk played on her lips.
"Yes, but only for this matter. You realize if this information spread to the world, your mom and I are in danger and so does every supernatural creature," Damon told her.
"Rebecca you don't know what's out there. Vampire hunters are everywhere and they keep looking for vampires to kill," Elena added.
"Okay. Just asking," Becca said, put her hands up in surrender.
"I won't tolerate any other lies, got it?" Damon said, raising his eyebrows.
Becca nodded her head and turned around about to walk up the stairs.
"Where do you think you're going?" Damon asked her.
"To my room," Becca said innocently, turning her head around to see Damon.
"I think you owe us an apology," Damon said.
Becca whirled around and asked innocently, "What did I do?" Damon gave her a warning look.
"Ugh… Fine…," Becca mumbled, "I'm sorry for running away and make you worried."
"It's okay sweetheart," Elena said, walked toward her and gave her a hug.
"Am I in trouble?" Becca asked, looking up at Damon when Elena pulled back the hug.
"Good thing you ask. No, you're not, but I don't want a repeat of this. It's dangerous out there. Do you understand, young lady?" Damon said sternly.
"Yes, Dad," Becca answered.
"Okay. You can go to your room," Damon told her. With that, Becca turned around and dashed upstairs.
Becca closed the door behind her after she stepped into her room and took a deep breath. This is a terrifying yet exciting beginning, she thought to herself. She just laid down on the bed, thinking about everything until she fell asleep.