Becca and the other girl were glaring at each other intensely. Becca grabbed a handful pile of mashed potatoes from the floor and chucked them at the girl. It landed exactly on her face. She immediately wiped the mashed potatoes off her face.
"Oh, no you didn't," the girl clenched her jaw.
"Oh yes I did," Becca countered mockingly.
The girl grabbed her Jell-O and threw them at Becca, but Becca ducked swiftly. The Jell-O went over her head and landed on Sarah who was apparently standing right behind Becca. Sarah looked at her favorite white blouse, which was now had a big red stain on it, then she lifted her gaze to the girl, who was giggling. Sarah walked toward the girl, she grabbed her coke can from her tray and poured it down on her head. The girl grabbed meatballs in her hand and chucked them, aiming for Sarah, but landed on Becca.
"What the hell?!" Becca yelled and that was how it all started. They kept throwing food at each other and then suddenly someone shouted, "FOOD FIGHT!!!"
Then little did they know, nearly the whole students in the cafeteria had joined in the food fight. They chucked food at one other and in just matter of seconds, the place had become a mess. Foods were everywhere. Exactly everywhere; on the tables, on the chairs, on the floor, on the wall, on the glass windows, even some on the ceiling. The students were covered in foods.
Becca, Sarah, and the girl were still throwing food and drinks at each other when a voice boomed. "ATTENTION STUDENTS!"
The whole cafeteria went silent as the principal emerged inside the cafeteria. He looked very unhappy. In fact, he looked old, angry, and tired as the crinkles in his forehead seemed multiplied. His eyes scanned throughout the room.
"Who's responsible for this?" He asked after a short intense silence.
The students turned all their heads and looked at Becca and the girl. Becca who was grabbing mashed potatoes in her hand dropped them to the floor almost immediately. The principal walked across the room toward them and other students stepped aside, making a way for him to walk.
"You and you," he said pointing at Becca and the girl, "Come with me."
"I didn't do anything! It's all on her," Becca said, emphasizing the word 'her' and pointing her finger at the girl who shot her a glare.
The principal ignored Becca. "Both of you. My office. Now," he ordered them in his authoritative voice.
The girl walked past the principal after wiped mashed potatoes from her dress, leaving a huge stain, but Becca stayed in her position. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a defiant look.
"Why should I do what you tell me?" She asked.
"Because I'm the principal here, Miss Salvatore, and I suggest you to go straight to my office right now if you don't want to make it worse for yourself," the principal said sternly.
"I think I'll pass," Becca said casually. She shrugged her shoulders and turned around.
"Rebecca Salvatore, do what Mr. Faye told you or I should call your father right here, right now," Becca heard. She looked over her shoulder and found Alaric was already standing beside the principal.
Becca whirled around and raised her eyebrows. "And what should I care?" Becca asked him, crossing her arms. She pretended she didn't care, but inside she shuddered by the threat.
"I'm pretty sure he will be very interested hearing about all of these," Alaric told her.
As bad as she wanted to ignore him, Becca knew Alaric was right. Damon wouldn't be happy at all to have a phone call from school. Becca groaned and trudged to the principal office.
"The rest of you, go back to your class," Mr. Faye, the principal ordered although lunch time wasn't over yet. Groans came from some students, and some obeyed silently.
Meanwhile, Becca plopped down on the chair in front of Mr. Faye's desk beside the other girl. Becca shot her a fake smile and crossed her arms, waiting for Mr. Faye to come in. The door flew open couple minutes later, revealing a very upset Mr. Faye.
"I'm very disappointed in both of you girls. What do you think this is? A movie or something? Because in the past decade, there had never been a single food fight occurred at this school," Mr. Faye started. He looked disappointed.
"Well, it's not my fault Mr. Faye. She started it," the girl said, acted all innocent.
"How is it not your fault? You tripped me and the food smeared all over my shirt," Becca snarled, trying to control her anger.
"It's not like I did it on purpose. I said I was sorry. You, on the other hand, purposely threw food at me," the girl countered.
"That's enough, girls," Mr. Faye boomed, "I don't care who did what on each other. What I do care is you girls started a food fight in the cafeteria and that's not something I can tolerate. Food fight is illegal and inexcusable."
"Miss Whitfield, you might be the daughter of the superintendent, but you can't do whatever you please as long as you're still a pupil here. Your mother gave me a clear command not to treat you any differently from any other school pupils and I'm not planning to. So, you're going to face the consequences of your action and I'm going to inform your mother about this matter. Is that understood, young lady?"
"Yes sir," the girl muttered.
"As for you, Miss Salvatore," Mr. Faye turned his head to glare at Becca, "I'm afraid I have to call your Dad."
Becca's eyes widen. "No. Please do not call my Dad. I'll do whatever. Punish me, whatever, but please don't call my Dad," Becca pleaded.
"I'm sorry, Miss Salvatore, but my hands are tied. I can't let something like this uninformed to your parents," Mr. Faye said. Becca slumped in her seat. She knew she was screwed.
"I'll call your parents to take you home. In the meantime, I want both of you girls march back to the cafeteria and clean up the mess, then you are dismissed for the rest of the day. Each of you will equally serve a week detention and cafeteria duty in the same week and I hope that's enough to keep you away from trouble. Is that clear, young ladies?" Mr. Faye said in his stern voice.
"Crystal, sir," Becca chanted, saluting him and shot him a fake smile.
Mr. Faye dismissed them and told them to clean up the mess in the cafeteria. Cleaning the mess in cafeteria was a hard job. With the help from the janitors and cafeteria workers, Becca and the girl cleaned it all up. Becca was scrapping mashed potatoes and meatballs off the wall when the girl approached her.
"I'm sorry. It was really rude of me to trip you off like that," she said while helping Becca scrapping the food off the wall. The girl didn't look too cocky as she was before.
"It's fine," Becca said, "I'm sorry too I was the one who first threw mashed potatoes to your face. It was not cool."
"Let's just forget about it and start over? What do you say?" The girl asked and smiled at Becca.
Becca tilted her head toward the girl. She smiled back at her and shrugged her shoulders, "Sure."
"I'm Katelyn Whitfield," the girl said and stretched out her hand.
"Becca Salvatore," Becca said and shook her hand. They laughed slightly and back to scrapping the wall.
"So, you're the superintendent's daughter, huh?" Becca asked.
"Yeah. I kinda hate it though," Katelyn told her.
"How so?" Becca raised her eyebrows.
Katelyn shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Apparently our classmates think it's not cool and that makes me the outcast. I never fit in and I thought doing something crazy and rude would make me cool. That's why I tripped you. I'm sorry. I saw you in history class. You were just so cool and brave and I thought maybe I could be like you if I did something like you did," Katelyn admitted.
"Wait… You thought I bumped into you this morning, I did it on purpose? Oh no, no… It was totally an accident," Becca explained, "Plus, I'm not really cool like you think I am. I just don't like rules and I intend to breaking them just to do things my way, not to be popular or anything."
"And that's why you're gonna be popular in just matter of seconds. Anyway, I didn't trip you off just to get popular. My mom was always too busy doing stuff and it was like I wasn't even here. So, I think if I break rules and get in trouble, she will finally notice me," Katelyn said.
"Try not to have parents for 15 years," Becca mumbled.
"What?" Katelyn asked, didn't hear it well.
"I said better that way. I mean… If Mr. Dick Face…"
Katelyn chuckled and cut Becca off, "Mr. Dick Face? You know his name is Mr. Rick Faye, right?"
"Hmmm…," Becca said and put her fingers under her chin like she was thinking and shook her head, "Nah. Mr. Dick Face fits him better. You're not gonna tell on me, are you?"
"No, of course not. I think it's hilarious and yeah you're right, Mr. Dick Face fits him better," Katelyn said and let out a little laugh.
"As I was saying before… If Mr. Dick Face really called my Dad, I'm doomed," Becca told her.
"Is it that bad?" Katelyn asked.
"You have no idea," Becca said and shook her head slightly.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know you would get in so much trouble," Katelyn apologized again, looking very guilty.
"It's okay. It's not your fault," Becca assured her.
"Of course it is. I'm so dumb. No wonder no one wants to be friends with me," Katelyn said quietly.
Becca put one of her hand on her shoulder. "Stop blaming yourself. You're not the one who caused me trouble. I'm the one who threw food at you first and if anyone doesn't want to be friends with you, it's their problem because you and I are friends," Becca said. She thought it was the right thing to say. Howsoever, she knew how it felt like to feel lonely.
"Really?" Katelyn looked up at Becca. Her eyes were full of hope.
"Yes, really. I love making new friends and after all, the food fight was kinda fun, don't you think?" Becca said. A grin plastered on her lips.
Katelyn shook her head slightly and chuckled, "You really are a rule breaker, aren't you?"
Becca winked and smirked at Katelyn. They continued cleaning up the mess while chitchatting with each other. It made cleaning up more fun and faster. They finished and they walked back to the principal's office.
Both of them sat on the chairs in front of Mr. Faye's office, wait for their parents; her guardian for Katelyn, to arrive and pick them up. They sat quietly. Becca bit her lower lip and played with the hem for her shirt nervously. She realized how much trouble she got into. Damon would be very pissed. Becca loved breaking rules and doing things her way, but she hated when she had to face the consequences, especially how Damon handled her misbehavior.
"It's gonna be okay," Katelyn assured her and shot an encouraging smile. Becca just smiled weakly.
"Rebecca May Salvatore!" Becca heard someone growled and her stomach dropped immediately.