"Fuck!" Your Dad exclaims as he kicks the brick wall of the court house.
"Cursing isn't gonna fix anything, KJ." Camila says as the four of you wait ourself the building for your mother, as you were instructed to.
"Camila, I'm really not in the mood." Your dad huffs in anger.
He was just as upset about the situation as you were, maybe even more.
Your mother was still going to be apart of your life. What did this mean for your future? Was she going to hurt you again? You only feared what would happen if the two of you were alone in a room.
"Hey," You hear your grandfather greet as he jogs over to the four of you. "I came as soon as I heard. How did it go?" He asks, wrapping his arms around your small figure.
"Horribly. That bitch got joined custody. We're stuck with the crazy cunt." Your dad spits, looking towards the court entrance with fire in his eyes.
"Calm down." Your grandfather says as he wraps his arm around you protectively. "She can stay with me until you sort things out."
"There's nothing to sort out dad! It's done! This was the sorting out and that asshole lied right to their face! She's gonna end up taking my daughter away from me!"
Seeing your father this angry both made you smile and step away from him. He was furious but only because there was a slight possibility that he could lose you.
"I know son," Your grandfather says in a soft tone. "but for now, we have to go along with the terms if we want to get through this."
Your dad nods in agreement before Lili finally makes her way outside with her Lawyer.
"Mr Apa," Lili's lawyer says as he approaches him. "I'm Cole, Lili's Lawyer. I know you're upset with the new circumstances but I promise you that my client will behave. Your daughter will be in good hands."
"Our daughter." Lili corrects as she smiles at you.
"Listen pretty boy," Your dad growls, stepping in front of the dark haired man. "If she lands a finger on my kid, I'll be coming after Lili and you."
"I completely understand." Cole replies in a mature manner. "We shall discuss what happens with Y/n tomorrow at 6pm. Or is that a problem for you?"
Clenching his fists, you watch as your dad was almost ready to punch Cole in the face. "Dad." You mumble, placing your hand on your dad's shoulder. This action made him relax almost immediately. "It's not a problem. We'll be there."
Cole gives you a thankful nod before escorting Lili away. When she was out of sight, you let out a sigh in relief.
"Let's go home, yeah?"
It was around 9pm when you were sat on the living room couch with Camila's head in your lap.
"That hotel is right in the heart of the city. If I had known how close it was, I would have encouraged you to take that course." Camila mumbles as she plays with your fingers.
"I can still do it." You say, considering the benefits of doing the course.
You'll get to stay longer and be there for Camila. It didn't seem like the worst idea. You actually wanted to do it originally but the way Camila reacted yesterday, made you debate against it.
"You have to go to college, Y/n." Camila says seriously.
"I can go in four weeks. I can make up my classes when I get there." You reason, hoping Camila would encourage you.
"I know but your dad doesn't want you to stay in New Zealand. I don't even think I want you to stay here while your mom has joined custody."
"Hey," You mumble, slipping underneath Camila so that the both of you were straight up at the ceiling. "can you be selfless for one second and tell me that I should stay here and take that course. Please? You're the only one that can convince me."
"What if it messes things up if you stay?" Camila says as she sits up before facing you. "I want you to stay but if it's better for you over in Australia....then I should let you go."
"But I want to stay. I actually want to do this course, really bad. It sounds legit and if it's in the heart of the city then it has to one of the best."
Camila frowns as she shakes her head before moving away from you. "No. You have to go, Y/n. I want you to be safe and you're not safe if you stay here. You have to go."
"I don't want to argue. Your flight is tomorrow, you should get packing." Was all Camila said before racing up to her's and Alejandro's room.
You were then left in the living room alone with your thoughts.
You knew Camila just wanted what was best for you but you couldn't help but want her to be selfish and tell you to stay.
If you were to leave tomorrow, your relationship with Camila would be over. Well, whatever relationship you had with her.
Maybe part of the reason why Camila was letting you go so easy was because of the Lauren situation.
After you told her what happen between you and Lauren, Camila didn't waste time to at least try and claim you as hers.
You wanted to commit to the Latina but you couldn't. Not after what you went through.
Sighing tiredly, you make your way upstairs before packing half of your belonging you'd be taking with you. You then call it a night while thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow.
Tomorrow would determine your future with Camila.
The whole night, you hadn't gotten any sleep. You were too busy overthinking everything.
Although you wanted to take the hotel management course, you had to go. You had to stay away from your mother and if moving across the ocean was the consequence, then you had to do it. No questions, no arguments. You had to.
"Y/n!" A high pitched voice says before you feel a small body jump on top of yours. "You're leaving today? You're taking me with you right?"
Chuckling, you sit up and lean against your headboard. "I'm sorry, buddy. You have to say here with your mum."
"But why?" He pouts, placing his hand on your shoulders.
"That's just how it works. You'll be alright. Maybe you can even come visit." You suggest, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"No, I hear mama talking at the night time and she said we are not coming back here. I do not want to leave, Y/nickname." Frowning, you swing your legs off of the bed before placing the small boy down on the floor.
"I'll talk to your mum, okay? For now, go convince Keneti to feed you ice cream for breakfast, yeah?"
Camila's toddler nods vigorously as he pecks your cheek before running downstairs.
After getting ready for your flight, you decide to stand outside of Camila's room. You then let out a sigh before knocking on the door.
"Camila." You mumble. "Are you gonna say goodbye before I go or are you gonna be salty?" You ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
When you hear no response, you roll your eyes before giving up on the brunette.
Making your way downstairs, you walk into the kitchen to see your dad making a bowl of Coco Pops and Banana.
"No ice cream for breakfast?" You giggle, sitting next to Alejandro on one of the bar stools.
"Nope but he made me chocolate cereal with bananas. I am okay with it." The small boy replies as he shrugs his shoulders.
"Your mum's upstairs but I," You say, squishing Ale's cheeks together before pecking his nose. "have to go to the airport."
"You are going now?" He pouts.
"Yeah, buddy." You reply before feeling his small arms wrap around your neck.
"You are coming back, yes?"
Chuckling, you pull away before saying, "Yes."
"I never thought the day would come where my only child would be off to uni." Your dad says as the both of you stand at the door.
"Yeah well, can stay in high school-"
"Forever." Your dad interrupts in which you roll your eyes at him. "Yeah you say it all the time. You sick of me already?"
"Haha." You chuckle sarcastically. "Come here you oaf." You mumble, pulling your father into your arms. "What are you gonna tell Lili when I don't turn up at that thing tonight?" You ask, pulling away.
"Up yours." Was all your dad said before wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Should we go now?" He asks, opening the door.
"Wait." You hear Camila say as she finally comes downstairs. "KJ, do you mind if I take her. Alone?" She asks, not bothering to spare you a glance.
"Ah.....Sure." Your dad replies before pecking your cheek. "Have a good time over there, aye?"
Nodding, you glance towards Camila before making your way out to the car.
After putting your belongings in, you get into the passenger seat and wait for the Latina to get in.
When she was finally in the car, she puts on her seatbelt before driving in silence.
Not even five minutes had passed and you couldn't stand the silence. "Are you mad? Because you haven't talked to me since last night and it's killing me."
Camila sighs as she eases on the brakes at the upcoming red light. "No. I'm not mad. I just don't want to believe you're leaving."
"Hey," You whisper, taking her left hand in yours. "this isn't a permanent goodbye. I'll be back in a few months and-"
"The minute you leave, I'm booking flights back to Cuba. You're the only reason we stayed here and if you go, then there's no reason to." Camila says, taking you by surprise.
You then realise that if you leave, you'd be coming back to nothing. You didn't want that. You couldn't lose Camila too. You needed time to come up with a plan.
"Turn the car around."
"What?" Camila mumbles in surprise.
"I'm not getting on that plane."