A SMILE was present on Rhianne's lips while pedaling around the subdivision here in Makati where she lives. She has become accustomed to biking around their subdivision every afternoon or when she has time. It was her way of relaxing especially now that her college graduation day is approaching.
She will graduate from the course Bachelor of Science in Architecture few weeks from now. She was younger compared to her classmates because she was accelerated several times when she was still in Elementary. She’s only eighteen years old and she will be nineteen on the day of her graduation. That was one of the reasons she wanted to relax now. Until now, she still did not know how she was going to go through with life once she graduated.
It was as if she was looking for something else that she could not determine what.
Cycling around their subdivision is also her way of relieving even the momentary sadness and bitterness that dwells in her heart. Bitterness and pain that no matter what she does will not disappear from her heart and mind.
She sighed and tried to dismiss that thought in her mind and heart. There was a reason why despite the comfort she was feeling, she still could not be completely happy right now.
"You don't have to be sad, Rhianne!" she said to herself as she continued to pedal around the subdivision.
She can say that she has everything a person needs to live comfortably forever. She has money that even if she does not work for the rest of her life she can live comfortably, even if the lifestyle she chooses is luxurious. She is smart and beautiful, that is what her Nanny Mina always tells her. She should be happy, right? She already has almost everything. But in spite of that, she could not find the happiness in her heart.
Instead, emptiness and pain dwell in her heart.
“Stop thinking sad thoughts, Rhianne. Nothing will happen in your life if you continue to dwell on your pity party! ” she said to herself again.
She let out a heavy and deep sigh. The cold touch of the air on her face immediately eased her feeling. It was as if the strong, cold wind was blowing away all the sadness in her body. If only it were possible for the wind to blow away all the negative vibes in her body, it would have been better for her.
“Hey, kid! Look out! ”
Due to her thinking so deeply and was not looking at where she was going, she did not notice that she had deviated from the right road. She immediately turned the handle when she noticed the car that was parked next to a house. She was about to bump into it if not for her reflexes. But due to the immediate follow up, she lost control of her bike and it fell—along with her. And since she was riding it, of course, she fell with it with her bike on top of her.