It was just so nice to talk to Rhianne.
During their brief conversation while traveling, he learned a lot about her. He learned that she would graduate from college a few weeks from now. He also found out that she was only eighteen years old. But aside from those basic facts, she has said nothing more like that about her family. And he respected her privacy. They haven't know each other that full yet so he knew talking about private things would not happen as early as this.
Eventually he felt Rhianne's seemingly anxious. It became naughty inside his arm. At the same time, it was moving as if it wanted to escape from his grasp.
He looked at the girl and saw that she was still closed. Which means that she was just dreaming, or maybe having a nightmare based on the expression on her face. It’s as if she was in so much pain.
“No! Don’t! No! No, no! ” he heard its language.
A hand seemed to grab her heart when she heard the pleading in its voice. Her voice was full of sadness as she uttered the words ‘Stop and No’. It didn't take him long to see it in this situation — which was difficult — so without a word he tapped it on the shoulder.
“Rhianne, wake up. It’s just a dream, wake up baby. ” he said in a gentle voice while lightly tapping his shoulder and caressing his cheek. He could clearly see the sweat forming on his forehead perhaps because of his dream. “It’s okay. I’m here. ”
"No!" Rhianne shouted in conjunction with the violent opening of her eyes.
She could clearly see the tears forming in his eyes so without hesitation he hugged her tightly, for the help of his hug he could let her know that he was not alone. That he was just there next to it even though they had only known each other for a while.
“You’re safe. I’m here. ” and he meant what he said. He’s willing to protect her from her nightmares. At all cost.
Rhianne VIOLENTLY opened her eyes at the same time as Reiley tapped or shook her again. She focused her teary eyes on the man and without hesitation and hugged the man with all her strength. He no longer doubted and there he poured out all the emotions he had stored in his heart since his parent died.
It was in Reiley's arms that he released his most hidden emotions that he had not released before because he was trying to stabilize. He didn’t hesitate to show Reiley his weakness. She does not hesitate to show the man herself in her vulnerable stage.
She felt the tightening of his embrace on her and the slight kiss of it on her forehead. “It’s fine. I’m here. Everything is fine. Hush now. ” she whispered as a light kiss continued to caress her hair.
“I killed them! I killed them! I hate myself for killing them! I’m a murderer! I should be punished! ” he said as he continued to cry in Reiley's arm.