The Unloved Series
Don't choose me – Nothing is as it seems
Don’t love me – Everything is as it should be
Don’t hate me – Everything comes back
Copyright ©2018 Natasa Ursic
This is a work of fiction.
The told names, people, places and events are a product of the author.
Any similarity to real people, alive or dead, events or real places is simply casual.
This book includes some material under copyright and it can not be copied, rented, covered by the licence or transmitted in public, or used in another way with the exception of those was specifically authorised by the author, in accordance with the terms and conditions with which it has been purchased, or in accordance with those expressly foreseen by the applicable law (Italian Law 633/1941)
Graphic processing of the cover by Draw & Dream Photographic Resources
(Pictures): Pixabay
License Model: free
License fonts: free for commercial use
Graphic effects by Draw & Dream
Translated by Krizia Maloberti