Just a short back story of Lilly-Ann and Rayon. They say you never forget your first. In Lilly-Ann's case, she wishes she could forget about him.
They met in college. She fell head over heels for the charming eye candy. He promised her the moon, just to get another mark on his wall of sex. He was kind and caring about everything a girl wants, but on the same night he proposed, he also hopped into the bed with Clara. Saying it was the stress of work and the wedding. Breaking her heart into thousands of pieces Lilly-Ann broke the engagement. Unfortunately, he won't just disappear seeing him hurts like hell, she still has feelings for him. He ignites a fire in her like no other man can, they have a history, that won't just go away.
With only two days left, and only one lead. I grab my phone and hit the call button. I need some inspiration or just some advice.
"Hey, Shane."
"Lilly-Ann, enjoying Vegas?"
"Yeah," I said a bit down.
"Okay, what's wrong?"
"I'm lost, I can't seem to get anywhere with this story, and I teamed up with Rayon, he has..."
"Hold it! You just said Rayon, like the cheating man whore Rayon," he asked, annoyed.
"Oh, Fuck no!! You're coming home." He demands
"Well, I kind of already told him I'll meet him later," I said cautiously
"You did not!! For crying out loud Ann, He slept with your sister! Your little sister! I knew I shouldn’t have let you go alone." I can hear the frustration in his voice.
"I'll be fine, besides I'm over him." I try to sound as convincing as possible.
"Yeah, and I'm sleeping with women," he said sarcastically, snapping his fingers.
"Wow, congrats." I start to giggle
"No, seriously, Ann, you need to be careful, a manipulative bastard like him will make you fall for his charms again."
"I'll be okay, I promise."
"You, better or I'll come and kick his ass."
A knock on the door cuts our conversation short. "I have to go, bye." I stand up from the chair and open my door.
"Hey." Rayon smiles brightly as I open it.
"Hey." I frown not sure what he is doing here.
"Can I come in?" He asks leaning against the door frame, looking all sexy
"Uh, yeah, sure." I swung the door wide open and stepped aside for him to enter.
"So, what are you doing here?" I ask, shutting the door, I turn to face him, noticing the bags in his hand.
"Just checking on you." He smiles sweetly tilting his head slightly as he sits at the foot of the bed.
"Well, I'm fine."
"I can see that." He scans the messy room filled with chips and chocolate papers, and small pieces of the article on Lenkov I could find.
"You can also see I'm busy." I narrowed my eyes to him.
He let out a soft chuckle. "Okay, claws down. I'm here to tell you something I uncovered."
I left up one brow. "What color is this lipstick?" I ask, annoyed. Revering to the letter of last night.
He burst into laughter. "If I didn't know better, I'll say you're jealous." He winks. "Anyway, about tonight. I can get into the gentleman's club without any problem, but you." He scans me up and down. "You need to get a disguise."
A frown forms on my forehead. "Why?" I ask. “Is this club sexist?” I hate disguises, they are always itchy, and men's clothes are so baggy on me.
"Well, it's a gentleman's club, Hermosa ." He smirks leaning closer to me. "And I've got the right disguise for you." His tone is low and sexy, hitting my core as he gently brushes my hair behind my ear. "And you'll look, fucking hot in it." He whispers in my ear. I bit my bottom lip, taking in his scent.
I take in a long breath, shutting my eyes as his warm breath runs down my neck. Control yourself Lilly-Ann, I scowl myself. I gently pushed him away. "No way." Narrowing my eyes at him. I need to get a handle on this situation, it is getting way too sexy to my liking.
"Feisty, like always." He smirks while leaning back on the bed. "Here." He hands me a black bag. "Wear that, trust me, they will let you in without thinking twice." He smirks devilishly "And wear your hair down." He winks as he stands. "I'll pick you up at seven."
"Oh, and Ann, wear black pantyhose." I widened my eyes at that request. "See Ya." He shuts the door behind him.
Pulling out the outfit he gave me, my stomach twists and turns. It is a truly short one-piece leather corset dress, strapless with lace as the skirt. It looks like one of those dresses you would find in a sex store to do roll play with.
“No fucking way!” scrutinizing this small piece of material, I start to question my decisions. Immediately my mind starts to wander to a woman with a wipe and police hat. "What the...." I shake my head, there is no way in hell I am wearing this. If he thought I’m gone wear this he must be mad.
What was he thinking?