The hotel is a glittering palace of opulence, its towering height is visible from miles away.
Stepping through its grand crystal-like doors, I’m greeted by a lobby of shimmering marble, a sparkling chandelier, and plush velvet furnishings.
“Holy cow.” Gasping for air as excitement flares up.
"Good evening and welcome at the Four Queens, how may I be of assistance?" A friendly redhead woman greets me.
“Hi,” I huff still a bit starstruck, "Miss Anderson, Lilly-Ann Anderson." I gaze around taking it all in.
She starts typing. Not before long, she hands me my keys, smiles, and bids me farewell.
I found my room in just a few minutes, fishing the key out I unlock the door, “WOW” A luxurious suite awaits me, with a huge bed that draws me in covered with fine linens and comfortable pillows. I rushed to bed and fall face-first. Fishing my phone out. I hit the call button.
"Hey, girl, how's Vegas," Shane asks
"Breathtaking." Overflowing with excitement, I kick off my shoes
"You like your room?"
"Yes, it has a huge bed and a beautiful view. Thanks a lot, I promise I'll pay you back."
"Girl don't worry about it."
"Thanks, how's Honey?"
"She's feisty, just like her mom."
I start to giggle. "Well, Thanks again I need to go now."
"Don't just work, enjoy yourself just a little."
"I will, bye."
I end the call and head for the bathroom. I will just visit his casino, maybe I can uncover something.
A short red dress and high open-toe heels will do the trick. Applying blood-red lipstick, highlighting my honey-brown eyes, and letting my jet-black curls hang loose. I grabbed my bag and my phone and exited the room.
Hunting down a story gives me a thrill. I cannot quite explain it, but it lights a fire in me like nothing else.
"Annie!!" A high-pitched voice calls behind me as I wait for a cab.
Glancing over my shoulder, a red hair woman jumps me from behind. "Rosemary." Her long fiery red hair complements her fair skin. Her icy blue eyes only add to her beauty. She has a youthful vibrant energy about her, a confident infectious smile. With her captivating appearance and warm, charming personality, she radiates beauty from the inside out.
"Annie, Shane told me you'll be visiting Vegas and I was like, no way, our Annie in Vegas. I need to see that to believe it." she grins flipping her red hair back over her shoulder.
"Look at you!!" She gestured towards me, scrutinizing me. "Girl, you look drop-dead gorgeous. Where are you going?" She smiles.
"I'm going to the Eldorado casino." Rosemary is a mutual friend. She is more Shane's friend than mine, but she is cool and sweet. Just keep her away from alcohol. She cannot handle her liquor
"Sweet, mind if I tag along?" she hooks her arm into mine.
"Uh." I want to say no, but then she will just bug me with millions of questions. "Okay."
The cab pulls up next to us. “Eldorado casino please.” I slide in, Rosemary follows smiling brightly at our poor driver, mesmerizing him with her charms. “Rose, please behave.” A soft chuckle escapes her.
“I’m just having fun.” She pouts giving me the puppy dog eyes.
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
"Anyway, how's Rayon?" She asks trying to make small talk.
"Fine, I think, we broke up," I say, in a matter-of-fact kind of way.
"What!?" She looks at me shocked.
"Yeah." I shrug my shoulder.
"But why? You dated for what like ten years?" She frowns
"Five years and I really don't want to talk about it." I stare out the window. It’s hard dragging that kind of laundry with you, especially if you're trying to forget about it.
"I understand. Well, let's make you forget all about him tonight." She swings her arm around my neck. "Selfie" She smiles as she snaps a pic.
"Shane's going to be so jealous." She giggled hitting the send button.
Slot machines and poker tables spread wide and far across the hall; cigar smoke fills the air. Women dressed in short black lace dresses delivered the drinks to the people. Getting a slap on the ass from horny elderly men occasionally.
"Wow, why here?" Rosemary asks.
"Uh, Let's just look around maybe, it's a cool place." I smile and I start my investigation.
"If you say so." She crinkles her nose in disgust, as an old man winks at her. Rushing to my side she hooks in. "How long must we look?" She whispers in my ear.
"Not long."
"Good, 'cause grandpa over there is making a move on me." She makes a gag motion sticking her finger down her throat.
Chuckling softly at her. I walk to the bar. If I learned anything, it is that bartenders hear all and see all. "Whisky neat." I point two fingers in the air, she nods, pulls out a glass, and slides my drink my way.
"Can I get you anything else?" A brunette woman asks
"Yeah, is this an old man club or something?" I ask politely, cause this place is stacked with elderly men as far as the eye can see.
"Nah, it's still early, when the old people go to bed the young ones take over. You'll see just give it time." She smiles as she takes my money.
"Gross," Rosemary slides onto the chair next to me. "Remind me, why are we still here?" she asks, dusting off the table.
"Well, our friendly bartender over there, said this place gets hot when the grandpas go to bed," I smirk, knowing I have her now.
"Really!?" Little too excited. She shrieks and flips her hair.
"Yup," I gulp down my whisky.
A few seconds later the brunette strolls our way, “Another one?” I nod “And for you?”
Rosemary checks the bar searching for her poison. “Mmm, give me a Cosmopolitan” She nods and starts mixing Rosemary’s drink. “So where is the boss man?” I ask jumping right in.
"No clue." A frown forms on her face as she hands Rose her drink.
"And these girls? Why is no one doing anything about the sexual assault?"
Her eyes widen, her lips press together as her whole body tense a sense of fear shows in her posture. She scans the room before answering me, leaning in closer. "Are you a reporter or a detective?"
"No, just weird that nobody is doing anything." I laugh it off shaking my head.
She smirks. "Good, to be honest, I don't know why nobody steps up for this poor girl. Last week we had an incident with one of our girls. An old man got too handy with her, and later that night the manager calls her in. She is not working here anymore. No one knows what happened to her. A few weeks back the same story, but as one leaves, she gets replaced immediately." she swings her cloth over her shoulder. "You didn't hear it from me." She spun around and walks down the bar to the other customers.
Well, this is interesting, my eyes scan the room and land on the police officer from the airport sitting at one of the tables. Shit, I grab my bag and pull Rosemary out of the chair. "We're leaving," I command
"Why?" She asks confused
"Because I'm bored, let's go dancing rather."
"Yeah!" She yelps as she sprints to the door.
This is not the only place owned by Lenkov, he has a nightclub or two also. Wonder what the stories are there if it is the same. The staff is being treated poorly and as I can tell from what I have seen and heard that he is not doing anything about it. If you dare speak up you get fired.