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Chapter 2

The airport is stacked with people, some leaving for a holiday with their family and some visiting NY. I make my way to the check-in point. A kind elderly woman greets me. “Morning.” I hand her all the necessary papers and start loading all my luggage.

“First time?”

“Flying no but Vegas yes.”

“Well, have fun, enjoy the flight” She smiles politely.

Sweaty palms, sweaty palms. My nerves are killing me. With my heart beating out of my chest and my sweat running down my forehead I take my seat in the waiting area. A group of big bodybuilder guys with black-on-black suits and black shades pass by surrounding someone.

It must be him, who else has so many bodyguards? I try to peek through them when they come to a standstill but nothing. I stand on my chair to try and see over the monster of a guy. That's when he dropped something and one of the guys bent to pick it up. For an old guy, he's not gross, he is handsome if you are into sugar daddies. Grey hair, tall and well not chubby. More like a George Clooney type. Yeah, Clooney looks alike. A bunch of papers are laying on the floor. Mucho man starts gathering all the documents in his monster's hands.

I snap a pic of Gustav and try to zoom in on the papers snapping a pic or two of them as well, his eyes darted in my direction, and with a killer glare and a deadly smirk on his face, Gustav shut the briefcase and makes his way to his jet. Crap maybe I just imagined that warning look, must be my nerves that make me hallucinate.

Our gate opens and the people start making their way to the plane. I hate flying, normally I would take a pill to calm my nerves but in the rush of the moment, I forgot to take them or to bring them. I can feel my heart pounding as I start walking toward my seat.

The plane is stacked and to top it all off there is a crying baby behind me and a huge man next to me, taking both seats for himself. Squeezing into my seat I start to inhale sharply.

“Good morning and welcome to Delta Airlines. Thank you for choosing us. Today we had a pleasant surprise for one of our passengers. All the single-seat bookings have been placed in a bowl so one lucky winner gets upgraded to first class.” A kind clear voice announced.

Awesome, crossing my finger I hope they call out my seat number. The flight attendant comes strolling out with a bowl in hand. So many single people on the plane. She pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to the other woman at the intercom.

"The winner is seat number B 23." She announces. I almost jump out of my seat in excitement. "That's me!" I shout a bit too overjoyed. The people start giving me a round of applause as I walk down the aisle. Thank God, I would have died next to that man. I grab my luggage from the overhead compartment and make my way to the flight attendant.

"Please come with me." The young blond friendly flight attendant says as she leads the way to my new seat. I have never flown first class before, but flying is still flying. We enter the first class, it is the epitome of luxury and comfort.

"Here this is your seat." She points as a blush color her cheeks and a bright smile paints her face. I shot my eyebrow up confused at that reaction.

"Uh, thanks," I say walking past her to take my new awesome, first-class seat. The soft, supple leather envelops me as I sink into it. Each seat is equipped with its own personal entertainment system. “Awesome,” I mumble under my breath. This is how you are supposed to fly, this is the good life.

A big bright smile paints my face as I make myself comfortable on my awesome new best bud. I look at the person opposite of me and my eyes fall upon a God of a man. My jaws almost drop to the floor as I gulp down the drool forming in my mouth. Now I know why she is standing there all flustered. He is not even paying her a little bit of attention. He sits there in all his glory reading his book with his earphones on. Unbothered by the two horny women checking him out. I love first class

She giggles as she walks away looking over her shoulder hoping to just see him gaze at her but nothing. He just shoves a bit in his seat and runs his fingers through his Jet black hair, as he straightens his off-white designer tuxedo. Minding his own business

I shook my head, that poor girl's crush on a guy that does not even know she exists. The pilot makes his announcement, and the seat belt sign goes on. I gulp and feel the cold sweat breaking on my forehead. How I wish I took my pills. I squeeze my eyes shut as the plane starts to move. Shit, shit, I repeat over and over in my head. Squeezing the armrest with all my strength, almost clawing into it as we take off. There is a small turbulence with the lift-off shaking the plane slightly.” I’ll be good, I promise.” I cry as the plane ascends, my heart is beating so fast I swear it’s going to explode. I hear a soft huff as the plane starts leveling.

Okay, you’re okay, I start to calm down, the worst is over I hope, I peer my eyes open, just to make sure it’s not a nightmare. That is when I notice my hand on his leg. His forest green eyes lock onto mine and a grin paints his glorious face. Slowly I retrieve my hand from his leg, embarrassed about my actions, he must think I faked it. "Sorry," I murmured, ripping my gaze from his, wishing I could just jump from the plane and plunder to my death. Great work Lilly-Ann you sure got his attention now, my subconscious scowled at me.

"Normally we do interdictions first, but this works as well." His lips curve up ever-so-slightly, sending shivers down my spine, there is a hint of mischievousness in his eyes only adding to his alluring look. He flashes his pearly whites as he exposes those sweet cheek dimples, giving him that charming appearance. Oh, this is a deadly combo and a super red flag.

"I'm sorry," I whisper moving my gazing to the window, trying to avoid eye contact or more like slamming the breaks on, staring at the poor man like his something yummy to devour

"You can stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong, baby girl.” His low pitch voice is a symphony to my ears.

"Just glad you didn't pass out. Are you feeling better now? It looked like you were not doing so well. Nerves flyer?" He asks, tilting his head slightly, to examine me.

"You couldn't tell. I hate flying."

"My name is Lorenzo." He holds out his hand smiling sweetly. With a great boost in my convenience which I leak at the moment. I take the outstretched hand. "Lilly-Ann." I greet him professionally. Hiding the fact that my whole body is on fire.

"Nice to meet you, Lilly-Ann." He says politely gently shaking my hand. My name sounds so sexy rolling off his tongue

"So, Vegas?" He falls back into his chair placing his book on the table and folding his long strong legs.

"Yup." popping the p. I turn my eyes away from him.

"Business or pleasure?" He almost whispers the last word.

"Uhm, both." I frown looking for a way out. Man, where is that flight attendant when you need her?

"First time visiting Vegas?" he asks, finding my discomfort amusing.


"Are you nerves?" He whispers, narrowing his eyes, forcing me to look. I notice the sexy grin on his face as our eyes meet.

"Nope. Just jumpy, because of the.... fly thing." I gulp.

He frowns and lets out a soft chuckle. "Lilly-Ann, tell me, do you like sunsets?" A devilish grin pulls on the corner of his mouth. Warning me there is more to the story. I inhale sharply as I feel my heart rate speed up.

"Can I get you something to drink?" The flight attendant asks politely.

"A glass of champagne for me." He asks not breaking eye contact with me.

"And for you miss?" She asks placing the glass of champagne in front of him

"Huh?" I break from the trance; with my red-hot cheeks, I look at her. "Oh, I'm, fine thanks." She gives me an infuriating smile, glaring at me as she strolls away.

"I need to use the bathroom, excuse me." I struggle to get my footing but manage to rise from my seat, swinging like a drunk through the aisles, I made it to the bathroom, without collapsing.

Shutting the door behind me, I rush to the tap, splashing some water onto my hot face, which I'm in dire need of. Shit, shit, shit. What is that man doing to me? Maybe I should hide in here till we land.

"Miss?" A knock on the door makes me jump. "Please take your seat we are heading into a storm and might experience some turbulence." Great just fucking great, I’m already a big freakin’ mess, and now this. That big guy sounds great about now even with the crying baby. He is really intimidating and normally I’m the one people find fearful and a freakin’ storm. I am already terrified and now this.

Walking back to my seat, the plane jolted violently throwing me to the floor. A young woman shrieks as panic sets in, lightning illuminates the cabin in a bright eerie glow. My knees are trembling and I can’t seem to stand. “Please forgive me I will atone for my sins.” murmuring to myself.

A strong hand reaches out for me pulling me to my feet. “Let’s get you strapped in.” Lorenzo pulls me to his chest holding me steady in his arms as we make our way back to our seat. Screams fill the air as turbulence intensifies, tossing the plane like it is a leaf in the wind.

"We're going to die! " I exclaim as we fall to our seats.

"No, we won't die, just breathe, baby girl, just breathe." He says in a calm and soothing voice cradling me in his arms.

I peer my one eye open gazing into his impenetrable eyes as he looks out the window and his inscrutable countenance gives little away. He looks down catching my stare. “Let’s get you in your seat.” Gently sliding back into my seat, I start working on my seatbelt. He snaps his on with ease, my brain can’t seem to figure out this contraption.

He lets out a sigh, “Jeez, here let me.” strapping it on and checking if it is secure, a grin spreads on his face. “This is a first.” My eyes widen as he slides his hand over my abdomen. “Seems fine, don’t worry baby girl you’re nice and tight.” He said deliberately, each word dripping with suggestive innuendo.

Gasping for a breath of fresh air, “Thanks” I manage to murmur.

He gently takes my hand in his, entwined in a reassuring grip, locking eyes with me. We were strangers brought together by chance, but I find comfort in his gaze, words did not need to be spoken our eyes did all the speaking that is needed. Everything around us falls away, lost in our own little world. Reality slaps me hard through my face as my subconscious screams at me. Get a grip you will NEVER see this man again. Sad but true.

I rip my hand out of his, a frown spreads on his forehead. "Thanks, but I'm okay now." I look away afraid my expression might give me away. Spoiling the moment, cursing myself for doing so. He looks confused not sure what to say or how to react, he clears his throat, “Good to hear.”

The pilot announces that we will be landing shortly, and Lorenzo starts to gather all his things. I notice some ink peeking out from under his sleeve and a mark on his hand where a tattoo was, it still faints but I cannot make it out.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Lilly-Ann." My heart sinks to the floor knowing our moment together will come to an end in just a few short moments, the plane starts to descend.

"Yeah, same, and thanks." I smile politely, trying hard to fight back the blush.

"Hopefully we'll meet again."

"Uhm, yeah." I cannot look at this man without my cheeks heating up or my tongue getting all twisted.

The plane comes to a stop with a nice and smooth landing. The seatbelt sign goes off and we unbuckle, rising from our seats. I notice he is much taller than me, I cannot help but stare as he stretches out to get his bag in the overhead compartment. He gives me a side look and chuckles softly. Unknowingly bite down on my bottom lip as our eyes meet.

"Shit." Flustered in just a wink of an eye I spin on my heels and make my way down the aisle heading straight for the exit. Any woman in her right mind would stare at that sex god. I shook my head trying to get him out of my mind.

Sprinting towards the airport to put as must distance between us, I grab my phone from my back pocket and sent a text to Shane, just to let him know I made it in one piece. He knows about my fear. Knowing him, he paced the flat worrying about me. I gaze over my shoulder but he is nowhere to be seen. I stroll inside and make my way to the baggage reclaim area, to get my suitcases. My phone buzzes. Must be Shane, I checked my phone, but it is an unknown number. Suspiciously I open the text,

Miss Lilly-Ann Anderson, this is your first and formal warning. Please delete that picture you took of me and stop pursuing me. You will only be in harm's way and I don’t want a pretty little thing like you to get in my way.

I frown as I stare at the screen. Threatening messages like this I am used to.

"Ma'am." A deep unfamiliar voice makes me look over my shoulder. A police officer stands behind me with his hands in his pocket.


"Would you please come with me." he gestures towards the office in the far corner of the airport.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"Please, ma'am." Ignoring my question, he gently grabs my arm.

"But what about my bags?" I ask as we walk away from the baggage carousel.

"Don't worry, we can get them later." Chewing his gum, he nods at the other officer as we pass him. His grip tightens around my arms as he forcefully pulls me along with him.


“Please don’t make a scene or you will get a knock on the head.” With a warning tone in his voice, he glares at me.

We step into a small, empty, and dark room with only a flicker of light. A cold disturbing feeling runs down my spine.

"What did I do?" I ask as he shuts the door behind him.

"I need your phone." He holds out his hand, demanding my phone.

"For what reason?"

"Just give me your damn phone woman! I really don't want to hurt you." He yells as an irritated expression manifests on his face.

"Did that jerk face of a Lenkov put you up to this?"

"Be very careful what you say next." He warns me as he steps closer, pulling out his baton and pushing me to the wall.

My body starts to tremble, my eyes wide with fear "Just let me go" I begged as my breathing rapidly shallow.

"I can't do that; I need your phone." He pins me against the wall as his minty breath blows in my face.

"I left it in my suitcase." I cringed underneath him. Clasping my hands tightly.

"God, damnit Woman!! Do you value your life this little?!" He spats at me hitting the wall with his fist.

"No," I whisper fighting back the tears of fear.

"Then just stop the shit and give me your phone or else...... (He leans in closer to my ear and whisper) I'll take it by force." His breathing is heavy and quick, his face is flustered with anger. “So please cupcake, please give me a reason to use force.”

Clearly understanding his attention, I reached into my back pocket and pull out my phone, with shaking hands I give it to him.

"Good girl," He whispers as he takes it and pushes away from the wall.

"Password?" He asks swiping my screen to unlock.

"Honey" I mumble

"Speak up!" He gives me an alarming glare.

I clear my throat. "Honey" I repeat.

"Seriously," he says chuckling as he types it in. "Your favorite sweetener or something?"

"No," I mumbled wishing this to be over.

"Here." He tosses the phone back to me as he exits the room leaving me all alone in the dark.

I take a deep breath, calming myself. Sliding to the floor and checking my phone. I notice he deleted the photos of Lenkov. Why did he go through some much trouble to delete them? I should have taken a closer look at that pictures when I had the chance, but instead, I stared at Lorenzo. I let out a long sigh of relief. Just glad it is over a little traumatized, but am a strong woman.

My phone starts ringing.


"You see how far I can reach? Miss Lilly-Ann?" A deep voice speaks on the other side of the phone.

"Mister Lenkov?" I whisper as the call ends; Lesley told me that he is a powerful man but how powerful can one guy be? Dusting off my butt and straightening my clothes, I head back to the baggage carousel hopefully my bags are still there.

"Ann," Rayon's voice calls from behind me.

"Hey." He grins as he makes his way to me.

"Stalking me now?"

He starts to laugh. "No, following a lead just like you I assume." He shoots his brow up.

"No, I'm here on holiday," I smirk, like nothing happened, grabbing my bags.

"Yeah, right and I'm Santa." He says sarcastically.

"Well, Santa, I'd like a Ferrari for Christmas." playing along with his sarcastic joke, I start to put some distance between us. I cannot believe I wasted five years of my life with a jackass like that.

"Enjoy your holiday!" He yells.

“Pff” I wave him off, hopefully, I won't have to deal with him again.


Shane booked me a room at the Four Queens Hotel and Casino for four nights, he even paid for it. I am a bit low on cash. He just double-checked that the owner is not Lenkov. I cannot stay in a place he owns while I investigate him.

Vegas is breathtaking and lively. Just like in the movies. Staring at all the colorful buildings as we pass by them. The cab driver is friendly and can tell it is my first time here. He starts telling me where to find nice and cheap food to eat and what casino to visit and which to stay clear off. The reporter in me starts to pry into business I don’t belong. Questioning about all the back door ally and sketchy stuff going on. The poor driver doesn't know how to answer me and keeps saying I don’t know are you a cop?

"Lenkov?" I finally ask. A concerned frown spreads on his forehead.

"Honey, you don't want to get dragged into that man's business." He looks at me in the review mirror with a warning look.

"Stay far away from that man, he is the devil in human disguise." The corner of his mouth lifts in a faint smile. "Besides, you're a pretty girl and by the looks of it, smart too. He would just destroy you," he says as he pulls up to the hotel

"Can I ask you one more thing?" I leaned closer to give him his cash.

"Is he mafia?" I whisper.

"He is worse than the mafia."

"Thanks," A polite smile paints my face as I slide out and grab my bags from the tailgate

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