My name is Lilly-Ann, I'm a reporter for The New York Times or more like a detective. I uncover the stories no one else is willing to unravel. And this time a have one hell of a fish in the frying pan.
We recently heard about this big hotel tycoon named Gustav Lenkov the Third. He just opened a hotel here in NYC called the Starlux Deluxe. He looks so innocent at first glance but the more you get to know him the darker it gets. Rumors have it that there is some bad shit happening behind the curtain, like gangster stuff. Human trafficking type of thing or so I was told. I never believe anything until I can see the proof. Several reporters tried their luck at getting the true story, but non succeed, they all were bribed to drop it, but not me. No sir, no fancy Gucci bag or Versace dress, will get me to back off. Now I am sitting here sipping his fancy champagne, waiting patiently for him to drop his guard.
Starlux Deluxe is 180-story high. With an astonishing view of the city. It seems normal on the outside but on the inside, it is something else, something between French style and modern time. It is a true masterpiece from luxury décor to fancy art pieces of artists I cannot even pronounce the names and the crystal chandelier hanging overhead, sets a warm tone to the room. Sleek, black marble floor add a hint of sophistication. I must add he has great taste and the people here tonight hold him in high regard, no one is willing to utter a bad word about him or just a hint of hatred towards him, which is making my job a lot harder. The thing that really caught my eye is that there are only women working in the hotel and all of them have dark hair, strange? Maybe or just a coincidence.
I cannot get into the hall where the ceremony for the new manager is being held. Only the VIPs may enter. It is heavily guarded and the ass hats are everywhere, with their big black shades and tuxedos looking all macho. I never get the easy stories, not that I mind the challenge.
"Hey, Ann."
Oh please no. It can't be him. I spin around and gaze into those mahogany brown familiar eyes of my ex-Rayon. Tall, dark, and handsome, with a knee-numbing smile, making all the girls blush, except for me. After five years he decides to cheat on me with my younger sister, you just do not do that.
"Hi, Rayon. What are you doing here?" I ask as politely as possible, trying hard to fight back the annoyance in my voice.
"I could ask the same about you. Man, I almost didn't recognize you. You look good." He examines me, making me feel very uncomfortable under his gaze.
"Are you chasing a story?" Leaning closer to me, his voice barely audible.
"Yeah, why?"
His mouth curved into a smirk. "So am I." He winks.
"Oh, and what story might that be?" Suspicion stirs up inside of me, hungry for more details.
"Oh, no you don't get to do that. I'm telling you nothing." He places his hand in his pocket as he takes a sip of wine, smirking as he looks away.
"I'm not doing anything." I smile innocently as I rise from my chair.
"I know you Lilly-Ann, I know all your stunts." He gives me his drop-dead gorgeous smile, "May the best reporter win." He whispers as he walks away.
Now my ex is also on this story, I need to get to Gustav first and I need to figure out how am supposed to expose him for who he really is. I need to do it fast before Rayon gets it. This night has been a bust so far and all I have to go on is that he'll be flying back to Las Vegas tomorrow. Maybe I can intercept him at the airport.
What am I saying, a multi-millionaire won't be flying commercial. He'll have a private jet or plane. I let out a long sigh. For a sixty-something-old guy, he sure is hard to talk to. I gulp down the last of my wine and make my way out of the hotel. Just as I spot him outside on the phone smoking a cigar in a very heated conversation. Of course, I can't make out a word this man is saying. Snapping a pic of him, I notice the tattoo on his hand, it looks like a dragon head.
As I try to stalk closer, he spots me, his dark eyes bore into me pinning me to the spot. I feel the wind getting knocked out of me as the blood drains my face. “Who are you, what do you what?” He exclaims in a deep terrifying tone.
I’m gasping for air unable to speak, I know I just interrupted something imported. “Speak child!”
Child? What the hell? I’m no child. “I’m ….”
“Stop wasting my time with formalities I don’t give a shit who you are. Now what do you want?” This time his question is more demanding, he flicks his cigar and stomp on it to put it out. “Kids these days, no respect.”
“Excuses me?” A little annoyed, there it is again downgrading me.
“Well, at least you have manners, you are excuses Lil Miss. Have a pleasant evening.” he spins around and makes his way back to his party. Such a rude old man, he would most likely not even give me the time of the day, even if I manage to ask.
My curiosity gets the best of me or maybe it is my reporter instinct that kicked in, but something told me to check the cigar he left. I listen to my inner reporter and quickly make my way to what's left of it and pick it up. There it is the same symbol he has tattooed on his hand is on the cigar. A creepy yet relieved smile pulls on the corner of my face, I won’t be leaving here empty-handed.
Yelling for a cable, I went back to my cozy little with more than what I thought I would.
"Honey, I'm home," I call as I open the door. Honey, my ginger cat rubs up against my legs purring. "Always so happy to see me." Gently picking her up from the floor I make my way to my laptop dumping my keys on the desk.
"Now, let's get a ticket to Vegas." I start searching for a plane ticket. I will follow this man to the end of the earth if it means getting the story I need. My phone buzzes, it’s a text from Clara.
Hi sis, Rayon told me he saw you at that fancy hotel opening. Why didn't you come to say hi?
I roll my eyes at her. Geez sometimes I wonder if we are really related. It's almost been a year since I caught them in bed, I avoided both of them, but her especially, and now this text acting like nothing happened. Shutting the phone off, I turn my attention back to my laptop.
Luckily, I got a ticket a very expensive one but at least I got one. I grab my phone and immediately start texting
Hi Regina, sorry to bother you so late, I just want to update you on the Lenkov story. Well, I couldn't get anything tonight except that he's going back tomorrow. I will be following him and I will get you that story. Just need a few more days.
I hit sent. "Mommy's going to Vegas." I smile placing a soft kiss on Honey's head, smiling at the thought.
The next morning, I got up earlier than usual, I have a few more things I need to take care of before leaving. Like Honey needs a sitter and my plants need watering, I need to pack. Shit, I didn't even pack my suitcase yet.
Yanking my drawers open I grab the first bunch of clothing I can reach and shove it into my suitcase. Sprinting to the bathroom, I toss most of my toiletries in a bag. Hopefully, I've got everything I need. I grab my phone from my nightstand and hit the call button.
"Morning." His yawning voice picks up in two rings.
"Morning, Shane, sorry to bother you this early."
"You're never a bother girl, you know that."
"I need a favor. Can you please look after Honey for me? I can't leave her with old lady Gretal. She's having her grandkids over this weekend."
"Sure, thing babe, I've got you. Where are you going?"
"Vegas? Hell girl, I know your heart is broken but Vegas?"
"No, it's not like that. I'm chasing a lead."
"Oh, okay. I'll let Lesley pick you up. How late is your flight?"
"Thanks, At 10."
"Okay, I'll send him over, Love Ya."
"Love Ya too, Bye."
Shane is my oldest friend, a photographer. We've been friends since high school. Lesley his partner, is a detective, he sometimes helps me out with my stories. They are such sweet guys, both increasable handsome and both fun to hang with.
Packing the last of my thing, I take a quick browse on the web. Googling the man I'm chasing, not that there is much to work with, his very secretive. There are also not a lot of photos of him. So instead, I start working on the cigar bud I picked up, researching the symbol on it. “Well, this is interesting.” It would seem this symbol belongs to a drug cartel, they mark their goods, for what reason I don’t know, yet. “What are you, Gustav?”
A knock on my door makes me shut my laptop. "Morning, Ann, your Uber has arrived." Lesley's voice calls from the other side of the door. "Coming!" I jump out of my chair and open the door for him.
"Hey, come in, just need to pack up my laptop and then we can leave."
"Okay." He strolls in and falls on the couch waiting patiently for me to finish.
I grab the hair tie around my wrist and pulled my hair in a ponytail. Packing up my laptop, I grab all of Honey's things and meet up with Lesley.
"Ready?" He asks as he scans all my luggage.
"I think so." I smile, what can I say a girl needs her goods.
He rises takes all the bags and hands me Honey as we leave and heads down to where he parked the car.
"What story are you chasing?" He asks as he loads my stuff.
"The Lenkov story." I slide into the car.
"Like Gustav Lenkov, the Hotel tycoon?"
"The one and only." I smile, knowing full well he has a speech prepped for me.
"You need to be careful, with this one." His mouth presses in a hard line as his grip tighter around the steering wheel. "His bad news Ann." He says seriously.
"Why? What do you know?"
He gives me a once-off look, "Not much, just that he is wanted for several crimes but non that we can prove, his very careful and very powerful, we are watching him like a hawk. I suspect he has some of the cops on his payroll as well. Promise me Ann, promise me you won’t go looking for trouble."
I didn't know that his on the police's radar. He sounds more and more like a mafia boss and not the innocent millionaire he sets out to be.
We arrived at the airport just in time. "Okay, I'm just dropping you off, need to get to work, was just called in," Lesly says as he pulls into the drop-off zone.
"Okay, thanks." I kiss Honey goodbye gently patting her head as she purrs under my touch, catching the worried look in Lesley’s eyes as I jump out of the car.
"Be careful, promise me you won't do something stupid, remember I have no derestriction in Russian or Mexican so if you get caught, I'm taking Honey." He smiles and winked.
"I promise, see you in five days." I grab my bags and wave them off as they speed down the road.