Blae's Pov
"Mmmm, " he responds sleepily.
" I...i..i home Today."
His eyes pop open at that question. He rolls me over on my back with his hand wrapped around my throat.
"No Thayer please!," I am so terrified right now, but I have to plead my case.
"What the fuck I tell you..huh," he expressed every word with a tighten around my throat. But I couldn't give up.
"Thayer if you really analyze this closer you'll see that you are taking a big risk, when you leave for work I could make so much noise that the neighbors will call the building manager and the manager might call the police, and they will come up here to see what's causing all the noise."
He gave me a look that dared me to do that, I gave him a look that said I would.
"You have a point," he said.
“I'll let you leave on one condition."
"Great whatever it is I'll do it."
"Move in with me."
The devil is a lie was the first thought that came to mind, but of course, I was too scared to let that fly out. I try to think of something, anything so I won't ruin this for myself.
"Thayer, we barely know each other, and my parents will flip if I move in with you."
"Blae you're a grown-ass woman and wait how old are you?"
"21, what about you?"
"32. Well you either move in, or you're not leaving, I'll take my chances with the police and office manager, plus I could tie you to a chair and lock you in the next room over, it is soundproof. If all else fails, I'll just tell the cops you wanted it, and your story is made up.
"Damn!! he had me there. There is no way the police will believe my story over a white man, it's his word against mine at best.
"Ok," I said, but once I'm out that door I won't come back, fuck him. I giggle to myself at that brilliant thought. "Blae?"
"Mmmm," I said, lost in thought, thinking of my next move.
"Don't make me come and find you. You won't like what happens when I do."
Damn, he said that with so much conviction that it sounds like he had a backup voice that rumbles and growls for him with a microphone.
The next morning, I have on a pair of his sweats and a shirt, and I'm ready to haul ass. He handed me my phone, and I see that I have 25 missed calls.
I started to open it up but changed my mind. I did right when I looked up and saw his eyes narrowed in on my phone.
"Who's been blowing you up."
"I don't know Thayer."
"Why is your phone silent."
"Um...Uuh, because..uh..because."
He starts walking towards me, eyes flashing. I hold my hand up to plead with him, "Thayer, please don't."
He snatched my phone from me. He started going through it and handed it back to me. I let out a relieved breath.
"Get your shit packed, and the rest will be put into storage."
He put his hand on the scanner. I hold my composure until I get into the elevator. When the door closed, I let out a relieved breath. Free at last, free at last. After the elevator took me down, I ran out of the building and into my car and got the hell away from there. The first thing I do is call my parents; they have been calling me all weekend.
My dad picks up on the first ring and goes off on me in Spanish.
"Dónde demonios has estado? hemos estado preocupados pensamos que alguien te había secuestrado y asesinado."
( Translation) "Where the hell have you been? We have been worried. We thought someone had kidnapped and murdered you."
I don't speak the language as well as he does, but I got the gist of it, he was pissed.
"Por favor papá lo siento. Déjame explicar."
( Translation) " Please, dad I'm sorry but, let me explain."
"Puedo Habla inglés Contigo."
(Translation) "Can I speak English."
I just realized I don't have a cover story, so I stick to the truth as much as possible. My dad hit the nail on the head with his rant, except I did not get murdered. But I did get kidnapped.
"My new boss at work has a thing about phones, so I put mine on silent. My boss called me over to his house on Friday, and I spent the weekend with him. My phone was in my purse the whole weekend, and I'm just now checking it."
"Papa, I'm terribly sorry for making you worry, I really am."
My father got quiet, I bet if I were anywhere near him right now, I would have sustained some kind of injury by now. My dad doesn’t play. My mom is worse than him, If I roll my eyes in the slightest, she will snatch me up real quick like the matrix. My mom is a strong black woman, but my dad is stronger, he is the only one my mom bows down to.
"Papa, please don't be mad. I can't take it, "I said on a sob.
He sighed, "I want to see you at dinner this weekend, Te Amo Hermosa."
"I love you too, dad, bye."
Now I'm angry, I should call the police on him and take my chances that the law will prevail. I think I like him though, I'm so confused. I make it home and shower and get changed for work.
When I make it to work, I go to HR so they can switch my sign ons back over. Thayer's PA is back, so I go back to my old position today. Alex from HR changed everything back over and walked me out. He seems like he has more to say, so I stop and turn around.
"Hey Blae, would you like to go out with me this Friday night." I wonder why he's just now asking me out, I've been here for over a year.
"Uuh...Uuh..mmm," I don't know what to say, I look over Alex's shoulder, and Thayer is standing there looking like death. He starts to walk over, and I run away mumbling, "I'll think about it, "over my shoulder to Alex.
When I get to the elevators, they are taking too long, so I take the stairs. I return to my floor, looking disheveled. My face is sweaty, and my hair is falling from the bun, and my clothes are in disarray. I can't be around Thayer right now. Whenever I'm around him; I'm a stuttering mess. Damn that it's time to fight back.