Thayer POV
Damn! She smells good - like a coconut. She has her hair pulled back from her face today, and I can see her beautiful round face clearly, she has big, pretty brown eyes and a small nose and big lips.
" Yes, I come in early when I have meetings all day," I said. I see her shiver.
" Are you afraid of me?" I ask.
She pops her head up quickly at that and says, " a little."
"Why?" - could she possibly see the devil that sits on my shoulder, could she probably see the shit storm coming her way?
" I don't know," she says quietly.
I reach behind me and grab the coffee and taste it. 'Mmmm, it's excellent, make sure I have a cup every morning."
Abruptly her phone beeps in her hand. I look down at it. She has a text from someone named Gary.
"Who the fuck is Gary," I roared before I could compose myself.
She jumped and stuttered out a reply.
"Hee ii..sss ee..ex-boyfriend sir, ii...I w..wa..anted know." She cut herself off as I started to advance on her, and she stepped back toward the door with a look of horror on her face.
I know what she saw, she can perceive a storm brewing on my face and in my eyes.
I said, " I don't care why he's texting, it had better be the last one. Get rid of him."
Her look of horror turned to one of confusion.
"Mr. Burks, please let me explain."
"Quiet," I said. Blae becomes silent while staring with those doe eyes making my dick hard and ready to pounce. I don't understand these feelings of possessiveness I'm having, but I'll work them out along the way.
It is not lost on me that she is the first female I want to lock in my basement and never let go. As I said, I'll work that out after I have her tied to my bed begging and pleading. I mean who knows, these feelings may only last for a little while.
"Let me explain something to you Miss Peretti. Your life is no longer yours; it belongs to me. You will not be fucking dating or have a man. Understand?!"
I feel crazy and deranged thinking about her and some other man. Makes me want to kill him and choke her up against the wall while I fuck her rough.
She nods her head and quickly puts her phone away but not before it dings again. She immediately puts it away. I need to put the rest of my plan in motion.
Step 1 is completed; she is on the same floor as me. Now onto the next phase. All I have to do is get her hot for me and wait, I will make her feel like she has a choice. For now.
I started barking out orders for her about my meetings today, and she quickly begins to type. As she types, I'm looking at her ass, hips, and chest area. Her hips are the biggest. Her tits and ass are a nice size also, enough to jiggle and bounce. Her blouse is a V neck, and I can hardly contain myself. I want to attack her. I don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm done questioning it. Blae is mine.
Blae POV
Mr. Burks and I have settled nicely into our shared space. He's so attractive. He makes me nervous and horny at the same time. I don't know what to do. He's my boss. But he is always rubbing up against me and touching me. I want to ask him what's up with that, but I'm too much of a chicken, and scared of rejection. I've been working for him a month and a half, and I'm about ready to ask him on a date, but I'm too scared. I'm too shy, and I'll be going back to my unit soon. Also, Mr. Burks is very scary, moody, and angry.
Whenever my phones go off, he gets upset, so I put it on silent. Gary only texted me back to say, "stop the madness," whatever that means. I'm just done, it's apparent that he doesn't want to talk to me. Mr. Burks mainly has meetings all day, so I just bring him coffee and schedule his appointments and graph his reports, so the work is straightforward and easy.
One day he was in a meeting that ran through lunch. I felt terrible because he might be hungry, so I went and bought everybody cold cuts subway sandwiches. I placed them on the tray and knocked on the door and proceeded to enter after I was bid to do so.
I announced that I brought food, and they looked overjoyed - everyone, but Mr. Burks. I hope he's not getting any bad news in this meeting. I started to serve quietly around the table; everyone murmured, "thanks."
I came upon a gentleman that wanted to talk and ask questions. Questions like am I happy here because he could use an experienced PA. I feel eyes on me and look up at Mr. Burks. My lord, his eyes. It's almost like looking at a lightning strike his eyes are flashing so light right now.
"Mr. Burks," I said, getting ready to calm the storm. Calmly he says,
"Nigel, are you trying to take away my PA.”
Nigel chuckled, " If she'll have me." Nigel is an idiot I decided. He can't see what the hell is going on then he is not too bright. At least I know Thayer is angry at something and try to appease him so I can keep my job.
"Come here, Blae." I walk to him going over in my mind what I could have done for him to use that tone with me. It was really sharp. It sounded like YOU'RE FIRED!!. in my mind.
I walked up to him getting ready to plead for my job. I said, "Mr. Burks, please!! I was only trying to help. You... s..see lunch had come aa..nn..d." I stopped as he stood up and walked out of the meeting room. I followed him, not knowing what else to do. I walked out to him just to have him grab me by the throat and shoved me against the wall.
I stare at him in horror. I gasped out, "Mr. Burks, please. I was only trying to help."
I think my sassy side is afraid too, I can't think of any ways to curse his ass out, not that I would, but still.
"So, you want to flaunt your ass around men huh?" I can hardly reply because his grip is getting stronger the more I struggle. He finally lets me go, and I run off. Running for my life, it seems. I don't run far, just back to my desk. I really need this job. If I were a braver person, I'll tell him to go fuck himself and walk out. But my independence means so much to me. I love being on my own, but my boss is a controlling dirt-bag and I'm sure HR wouldn't be on my side. Thankfully I go back to my old position soon. Mr. Burks meetings are over, and he watches me all day with a look that says I'm done for. What? I have no idea, but when 4:30 comes, I run out the door. On the way home, I call my parents and talk to them while I drive home. I pull up and let myself in. I'm so ready for bed.