Blae POV
I awake in severe pain. I'm naked and my face feels swollen, again. I get up and make my way to the bathroom, I gasp at what I see. Purple and black bruises are all over my face and body and my vagina hurt. "What the hell," I murmured.
"Morning," Thayer said walking into the room.
I walk out the bathroom and I gasp at him.
"Thayer what happened to your face!. What happened to my face for that matter and my vagina is hurting.”
"Uuh, we fell."
"What! we both fell at the same time? where did we fall? The last I remember was getting a splitting headache and then nothing."
His eyes brighten like he just got a bright idea. "Yes, well I didn't know what to do with you after you fainted, so I picked you up and ran down the back of the stairs and I fell with you and we both tumbled down the stairs."
"Oh ok, where is ash."
“I took him to my mother’s for the week.”
"Without my permission Thayer, why." Then a thought came to me. "Thayer you cheated on me and I was going to leave.”
"You tried but that's not happening."
"Nawl Blae, fuck that. You're not leaving. Look, she came onto me and caught me off guard, but bottom line, I don't care what happened, you are not going anywhere."
"So, you can just cheat, and I can't do anything about it, what sense does that make."
"You hit me in my damn eye, you did plenty."
"Now, I apologize, do you forgive me."
"Do I have a choice."
He became quiet, giving me my answer.
"Yes, I forgive you."
"Good, now let’s move on, our trip to my mom has been postponed because we look fucked up, so let’s chill until your renaissance fair this weekend."
I get excited, "Thayer will you please dress up."
"Yes, for you I will," he said shaking his head and said, "the shit I do for you. Go get your laptop."
Four days later
"Thayer, you look amazing,"
He's dressed like a Viking, he has his hair down and has a band tied around his forehead, a long tunic that has a belt wrapped around it, brown leather pants and boots. Damn he looks sexy.
"Thank you,” he grumbles.
He takes a long look at me and says, "you look beautiful." He's staring at my breast that is pushed up because of the corset I'm wearing.
"Are you ready," he said.
"Yes, let’s go."
I text the book club members to let them know I'm on the way.
"I want to fuck you in that costume," he said.
I blush, he's such a freak, but he does make my body sing and has turned me into a bit of a freak as well.
We pull up and find a park, I see Allison first then the rest of the bookers. I walk up and hug them, "hey guys you look great." Before I could hug Scott, I'm snatched away.
I put my hand on his chest, "Thayer I'm sorry, I didn't think." Thayer doesn't like it when I touch other guys, it makes him crazy and I don't want to fight today.
He nods.
"Hey guys this is Thayer."
"Thayer this is Allison, Cindy, Jennifer and Scott."
They all wave, speak and nod except for Allison and Scott. I clear my throat.
We all walk in. I turn and say, "hey guys I'm going to show Thayer around and school him a little bit on everything, I'll see you guys at the jousting." They all nod and wave bye to Thayer.
I look around and admire all the work that was put into this, it really looks like a village come to life. They even have people at booths selling wares.
We passed by different booths, just killing time until the jousting. We even passed by a blacksmith, but he was only bending metal wires to make your name. I'm suddenly yanked into an empty booth.
"Thayer! why are we back here." He started kissing me, "what are you doing."
"I need you. I've been giving you time to heal, but that's over now."
He pushes me against the wall and goes down on his knees and lifts my dress and pulls my panties to the side and starts eating my pussy.
"Oh god." He grabs one of my legs and throws it over his shoulder so he can get It good. He's circling my clit and then grabs it with his mouth and pulls on it, then he starts back flicking it. His mouth is warm as he encloses it over and over. "Oh yes." He's so good at this. I start grabbing his hair and pulling, not knowing what else to do. He shoves a finger in me and starts pushing it in and out and I'm done for, I cum with a loud cry that shook the booth.
He stands up, bends me over and shoves his dick in, "aahh," the intrusion is always uncomfortable at first. Especially when he shoves all the way in. He grabs the back of my neck to hold me still as he starts to pound into me.
"Aaah this some good pussy, good, good pussy."
"Thayer please slow down a little," I said trying to push him back with my hand on his thighs.
He moves my hand and reaches around and rubs my clit, after a second or two, I cum again. My pussy starts to pulse and clench on his dick, pulling it in deeper.
"Aaaah," he cums with a shout and empty his hot seed into me. Great, now I'm going to be uncomfortable all day.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handkerchief and hands it to me. I smile and take it and clean myself. He grabs my hand with a "let’s go" and we’re off.
The next booth we stopped by was of old ledgers. The guy came from the back and asked if we needed any help, I told him not now. That is until my eyes landed on the next ledger. "Is this the real deal!" The guy nods. I turn to Thayer, "oh can I get this please oh please. "
He looked at the ledger uninterested and asked, "what is it."
"Thayer, it's King Henry the eights journal."
"Blae where is your credit card I order for you to use when you need money."
"At home in my purse."
"Why the fuck is it at home. It's meant to be with you at all times, I don't care where you go or who you're with."
"Ok Thayer, please calm down," I said rubbing his arm.
"Ok," Thayer said, pulling out his card.
I'm bouncing with excitement and clapping.
Payment completed; he hands me the journal with some instructions on how to store it.
"Blae I'm ready to go," Thayer said.
"Thayer, can we see one jousting competition please," I said holding my hands like a prayer.
"Blae the more I stand out here in this hot ass sun the more irritated I become."
I roll my eyes and lead him to the jousting competition. One of the competitors is Eric. He's one of the best. He gets on his horse and starts circling the ring waving. He spots me and waves, I smile and wave back.
"Why the fuck you're always smiling and flirting with these motherfuckers," growls out Thayer.
My smile and hands drop. I turn around and see Thayer clenching his fist and his eyes are alight. "Thayer I'm not flirting. I was just saying hi, I know him from previous fairs."
"Uh huh. He's going to get you fucked up." I become quiet and avoid Eric's eyes. The competition starts and Eric wins and I stand up and clap. "Let’s go," I hear Thayer say.
I huff and stomp away from him and out of the fair.
"What's your problem?" he said.
"Thayer, you just ruined a very important pastime for me with your jealousy and possessiveness. I've said it many times, I don't want anyone but you. Why do you feel this way? Is it because of how you treat me, you think I will leave or cheat? I even told you I love you and you haven't said it back," I gasp that last part out, I don't want to rush him or even ask him because I'm scared of the answer. Thayer is an abusive ass but he's also very attentive and when he's around he does everything. I feel that his feelings are getting stronger for me, but I don't think he knows how to deal with them.
"Blae I don't know how I feel ok. I'm still sorting my feelings out. You’re my first real relationship and to be honest I feel a lot of lust, but don't take that wrong. Usually my lust doesn’t last past the first fuck. I also feel a lot of possessiveness and rage and jealousy when I see you talking to another guy. So get in the fucking truck and lose the attitude before I get one and neither of us will be happy."
I stomp a little more, not really appeased. I get in the truck and fold my arm and sit back.
"What did I just say."
"I'm sorry Thayer, but I'm still a little irritated."
He says nothing and pulls off. We arrive at his apartment and two big men are sitting on his couch.